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Old 08-22-2008, 06:20 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Kissing a girl!

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
No wait! I'm taking notes. (I might need to know some of this stuff one of these days! Not the bar stuff, I don't do bar stuff!)

You don't need lessons

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:44 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Kissing a girl!


Here's some pointers.... lol (These examples are actual encounters. I don't share the ones that went badly. lol)

The introduction:

When you walk into an event at a location...survey the landscape. Select the girl you're interested in. Let's say you spot her. You're not a dog. Decide then and there that she's the one you're going to pursue from that moment forward, all other women in the establishment are off limits.

Odds are she's in a group standing or seated. Survey the group. Take your time. Identify couples. Identify the "alpha male". I identify the women you're not interested in that are part of the group. (If the group is all ladies, don't bother, they'll make sport of you.) The introduction takes a bit of social finesse. Catch the topic they're discussing. If something funny is said, laugh and feel free to make a comment to the alpha male to see if he recognizes you. If he does and reciprocates establish a rapport with him. DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE GIRL YOU'RE INTERESTED IN. When you feel capable introduce yourself to the alpha male. He gets all of your attention. Don't give the girl you're interested in the time of day. Typically he'll introduce himself and his date and might introduce the group. If he does just make quick eye contact, don't linger or even say anything, just nod and return to talking with him. If people begin introducing themselves, they'll typically do so as you glance around the group making eye contact. Here's a risk...you can make quick contact and allow her to introduce herself...or you could ignore her. This is important. If she's beautiful, she's used to be pursued. Spend most of your conversation and time talking to the alpha male, the men, and the women you're not interested in. This establishes you in the group. This will bring a degree of acceptance. See if you can make the group laugh, pay attention to her reaction. If she laughs too that's a good sign. This also has a tendency to keep her eyes on you as she tries to learn about who you are. If she interrupts to get your attention kindly ignore her, when you finally acknowledge her, be "slightly playful", and ignore her again. At some point when the conversation catches her interest, ask her name again. Sure, of course you may already know it...but this gives the illusion you're not all that interested but she might be catching your eye. Now, this woman who's used to being pursued is the pursuer of your attention to some degree. As you talk look around. Spot a table with TWO CHAIRS. That's important. Continue talking with the group, just be social. Also find out what she's drinking.


Then say to the girl you're interested in something like, "Hey, do you want to see something cool?" If she says yes, excuse the two of you and lead her to the table with TWO chairs. Sit her down in one and pull the second chair over to the side of the table so you can face her but be close.

Gather information:

She's going to be looking at you like she has no idea what you're doing. Tear a piece of paper or find a business card. The rule is...it has to be small enough to fit in your wallet. Tell her that you're studying handwriting analysis. She'll most likely laugh and ask what that is. Tell her that its a way of determining personality traits of an individual based on their handwriting. Ask her to write her name on the piece of paper. (You'll have to have basic idea of handwriting analysis. It's not important if you're on the money, the goal is to get her laughing and talking about herself.) Analyze her handwriting. Maybe her letters are straight up and down, very evenly spaced, precise. Tell her that this indicates that she's reserved, orderly, neat, and attentive to detail. Be creative, tell her things like, "You're a meticulous house keeper". Or if her handwriting is slanted tell her how she's easy going, fun loving, slightly disorganized, and maybe doesn't focus on mundane routines like house work. The slanting letters that are close together shows that she enjoys being in a group, she's a social butterfly with a great sense of humor. Etc, etc. Look, she's going to laugh and agree with some of this...she's also going to laugh and protest that she's the opposite. That's all good. The goal is to learn about her. Find out as much as you can. But be playful, funny, and creative. Slowly break from the handwriting analysis and set the paper and pen to her right (if she's right handed) or to the left (if she's left handed) and ask her questions about her answers, likes, dislikes, favorite movies, all that kind of stuff. Learn about her. Don't tell her too much about yourself. Keep an air of mystery, but not spooky. Don't ask too much about her work, previous relationships, neighborhood, etc. Those things can be very personal to a woman and can begin to make her feel like you're being intrusive. Stay away from politics, and unless it's a religious function, don't discuss religion. Excuse yourself for a moment, use the rest room and order drinks. Bring drinks back to the table. Talk a little about yourself if she asks but remember, she's the focus, the more she tells you about herself the better. Be a listener. Girls have spent so much time listening to some guy's woes, frustrations, dreams, accomplishments, etc. that many just want to be heard. Talk about whatever she wants to talk about. Put your hand near hers on the table. See if she eyes it. See if she moves her hand away from yours or keeps her hand present. If she moves her hand, she's not interested in being touched. If she doesn't move her hand...she might not be sure, but she's not averse to the idea. This is also important....when you ordered drinks, order something unique and rare for yourself. Do research on this one. Tell her that your drink is very good, and offer to let her sip it. If she sips it...you're making real good progress. She's not afraid of your germs. lol (If she keeps eye contact with you while sipping the drink, that's a good sign too.)

The Kiss:

Hopefully by this time there's some "chemistry" going on. Watch her eye contact. Does she look at you? Does she look away all the time as though she's just tolerating you? Does she act shy? Do her eyes linger when you make eye contact? If you feel that her eyes linger and she's interested, talk lower and lean in. If she leans in, to hear you, that's good. If the "chemistry" is flowing, look her dead in the eye with all confidence and ask her this question....

"Would you like to kiss me?"

Be prepared for any possible answer....

If she says, "Yes.", she just might kiss you.

If she says, "Yes.", and pauses, count "one thousand one" to yourself and kiss her.

If she says something like, "I don't know.", "I might.", or something indicating uncertainty say to her, "Let's find out." And kiss her.

If she says, "No.", don't freak. Without missing a beat smile and say, "I didn't say you could, it just looked like you had something on your mind." She'll most likely laugh at you and protest that she wasn't thinking about kissing you. Playfully challenge her. Get her playfully trying to prove that she wasn't thinking about kissing you. At this point, you can just digress from the kiss. Odds are good you'll not get it, but be fun about things. If throughout her protests she's still leaned in close and smiling, tell her, "But you're thinking about it now aren't you?" You'll be surprised how many will say "Yes." at this point. Then, repeat the above. lol

Either way, be playful. Don't be too pushy or too serious. It's a game. She should understand, especially if there's chemistry.


Now, if things are going well it's time to end the encounter. Don't wait for her to say she has to be home. Don't wait for her friends to break the two of you up. You have to take total control. Look at your watch, the clock, your cell phone, or indicate in some way that it's important that you have to leave (have a prefabricated or designed reason ahead of time. Something like you have somewhere to be early in the morning or the like.) ... and be "disappointed" you have to go. If she acts like she's still wanting to talk to you say to her, "I'd like to talk to you again, how can I contact you?" Now, odds are she'll reach for the pen and paper and write her number at an angle slightly below her name. Take the paper and place it in your wallet. If she indicates that she comes to this place at a certain time, just accept that and make your move to leave.

If she gives you her number...plan out a date. Dinner, movie, that sort of thing. Also, and this is important, look for fun things you can spring on her as though it's spur of the moment. Things like, "Hey! This might sound crazy, but let's go to the laser light show down at the river scape! I hear it's really pretty." Act like it's out of the blue...but plan that sort of thing. Create the entire evening leaving little to chance. Clean yourself well, clean your car well, and yes...if relevant, clean your apartment or house well. This is a very big operation. You're trying to find "her" the woman you're going to marry. Go all out.

I know it all sounds cheesy when reading it on a computer screen...but these things have worked well for me in the past guys.

The routine you develop will have to be tailor made somewhat to your personality so it is natural and not forced or phony. But the key is...have a routine. Find a lady friend to bounce your ideas off of. Odds are she'll think it's charming that you're putting so much effort into it and gladly tell you her thoughts and what might work at a given point. The more solid your routine the more confidence you'll exude. Confidence and a sense of control in itself will do 90% of the work for you.

Now...use your powers for good and not for evil. lol
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Old 08-23-2008, 09:44 AM
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Re: Kissing a girl!

i best not try any of the techiniques....i dont think my wife would like it!!!
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Old 08-23-2008, 10:37 AM
gaaspul gaaspul is offline
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Re: Kissing a girl!

Put some fun into your marriage...play it out with your wife and pray she doesn't say "no" when you approach her at Starbucks.
We were created with two ears and one mouth...if we listened twice as much as we spoke we'd be in a lot less trouble.
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Old 08-23-2008, 11:25 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Kissing a girl!

Originally Posted by gaaspul View Post
Put some fun into your marriage...play it out with your wife and pray she doesn't say "no" when you approach her at Starbucks.
Actually bro...you're on to something. Sometimes the wife might enjoy a night that you've planned out (including planned "spontaneous" ventures).

Ladies like men who are in "smooth" and calmed control. For example, know where you're going out to eat. Don't banter back and forth with "I don't know...where do you want to go?" LOLOL
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Old 08-23-2008, 11:42 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Kissing a girl!

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Actually bro...you're on to something. Sometimes the wife might enjoy a night that you've planned out (including planned "spontaneous" ventures).

Ladies like men who are in "smooth" and calmed control. For example, know where you're going out to eat. Don't banter back and forth with "I don't know...where do you want to go?" LOLOL
Ok I have stayed out of this but yep you are right here! I absolutely hate it when the man cant decide where HE wAnts to go eat... when I say its your choice it means I am in the mood for any type of food and I really dont want the pressure that night of deciding so please make the choice for me... NOT... Oh honey I just dont know what sounds good to you?
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Old 08-23-2008, 12:04 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Kissing a girl!

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Ok I have stayed out of this but yep you are right here! I absolutely hate it when the man cant decide where HE wAnts to go eat... when I say its your choice it means I am in the mood for any type of food and I really dont want the pressure that night of deciding so please make the choice for me... NOT... Oh honey I just dont know what sounds good to you?

Well said. I'm serious, there is a serious deficit of men who can understand a woman. Paul wrote....
1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Every man should seek to "understand" women, especially their wives. Failure to do this will result in problems...trust me...I know. Sadly more men "understand" the behaviors, habits, and preferences of deer or bass than women or their own wives.

I know that it might sound bad...but men need to study women. Learn what they're like. What are their behaviors, habits, preferences, interests, etc are. What makes them happy and what turns them on. Set out to learn what dazzles them, impresses them, endears them, and upsets them. Then learn to dwell with them according to that knowledge.
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Old 08-23-2008, 01:06 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Kissing a girl!

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Every man should seek to "understand" women,
Any luck on that? LOL!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???
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Old 08-23-2008, 01:14 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Kissing a girl!

To me, a special date is one where the man has a plan...invites me at least two weeks to 10 days ahead of time. He has an agenda planned out, tells me how to dress; i.e., casual, business casual, church clothes, or black tie...then he surprises me with a gift at the door, a plan, and if he does it right...that kiss will be inevitable

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-23-2008, 01:14 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Kissing a girl!

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Any luck on that? LOL!
Sometimes... lol
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