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Old 02-05-2008, 10:31 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
Oh, yes, Bro. Ron. Your prayers, and the prayers of people all around the world, many here on Aff, have been answered through all of this. To think a brother in Canda who doesn't know me from Adam's housecat (you may have to be an Alabamian to understand that one) would feel burdened to pray for us and even ask others to have special prayer for us. To think of a sister who has dedicated her life to the mission fields of Brazil is praying for us. A sister in California who knows nothing about us sent a CD of a church service along with a beautiful book of poems and matching pen to us (Lola used that pen to write here name one day just because someone was kind enough to send it to her - I'll cherish that pen for ever). A brother from Ohio, on a busy mission trip to Korea took the time to pray and to inquire about us. And a brother who goes by the name of Raven, who doesn't know us, calls a pastor nearby who has been here several times to pray for us and even bring food. What makes people do what you have done? Love? No...more than mere love. Its the Love of God. I could go on and on. But... to say it all...I am a blessed man. As some of Lolas last words to me: "Its been good, but its gonna be better".
This ties right in with Barb's thread about being a part of the body of Christ!!!
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Old 02-05-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

My mother passed in Dec. 93-She had battled Leukemia for 9 long months-I held out for her healing until the day she died. I finally told the Lord do your will, and then she died a few hours later.
When we were all gathered together we told her it was ok to go and not to hold on any longer, and thats what she did.
Sometimes they need to know its ok to go--I didn't want my mother to go, I miss her to this day, but I know that is what needed to happen (if that make sense).

I hope I am not speaking out of turn I wouldn't want to offend anyone, just sharing my own experience, if it helps.
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Old 02-05-2008, 12:24 PM
Joelel Joelel is offline

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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post

I respect you as a minister, Brother, and I mean no disrespect when I ask you this. But, would you mind terribly if I ask you not to post anything in regards to my wife? While your words may be true, I don't think the spirit behind them is. You evidently have never been where I right now. So, while you are great at pasting and posting Scriptures, you seem to have little understanding of what the Word means. If you did, Brother, you would know "the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.". While there is life in God's Word, there is nothing but emptiness in what you have to say. Your words of "love" is tinkling cymbals and sounding brass. Alot of noise, with nothing to say.
The spirit behind your posts kills anything you have to say. So again, I ask you not to post in regards to my wife. Luk 9:55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. See, Brother, I too can paste and post Scriptures. Thank you and God bless you for understanding and respecting my request.

Thank you to all for your prayers and words of comfort. And, I am sorry to all who read this. But, some things just need to be said
Hi,I would be glad to respect your request if I knew what I said and who your wife is. Thank you.
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Old 02-05-2008, 12:43 PM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by Joelel View Post
Hi,I would be glad to respect your request if I knew what I said and who your wife is. Thank you.
I'll PM you.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 02-05-2008, 02:44 PM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by Jeanie View Post
My mother passed in Dec. 93-She had battled Leukemia for 9 long months-I held out for her healing until the day she died. I finally told the Lord do your will, and then she died a few hours later.
When we were all gathered together we told her it was ok to go and not to hold on any longer, and thats what she did.
Sometimes they need to know its ok to go--I didn't want my mother to go, I miss her to this day, but I know that is what needed to happen (if that make sense).

I hope I am not speaking out of turn I wouldn't want to offend anyone, just sharing my own experience, if it helps.
No, Sis Jeanie. You'e not speaking out of turn. You're speaking what I need to hear. I still believe God is able to heal- I've just come to accept that maybe this IS God's way to heal. We talk to her often. I like to think she hears. I believe she does hear. And, yes, I told her its okay to leave. But, thats just like her. Putting OUR needs before her own. Enduring her suffering to try to ease ours. Thank you, Sister, for your words. You have been, and are, a big help, just as many here on AFF have been. "Its been good, but it will be better".
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Old 02-05-2008, 04:04 PM
Joelel Joelel is offline

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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

To One Accord,I am so very sorry,as sorry as sorry can be. I didn't read the first post and thought we were just talking about praying in one accord.I will pray for your wife very l fervently.
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Old 02-05-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Praying for you here in Tennessee. One of my best friends passed away in 2005 with cancer and we had all believed for healing--she believed stronger than any of us. But it was her time, and God gave us grace to get through it. I still miss her smile and her quirky sense of humor, but I know she is pain free and in the presence of the Lord. We (your cyber family) will be holding you up in prayer through the next several weeks and months; wish we could be there in person for you.
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Old 02-05-2008, 04:55 PM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Praying for you here in Tennessee. One of my best friends passed away in 2005 with cancer and we had all believed for healing--she believed stronger than any of us. But it was her time, and God gave us grace to get through it. I still miss her smile and her quirky sense of humor, but I know she is pain free and in the presence of the Lord. We (your cyber family) will be holding you up in prayer through the next several weeks and months; wish we could be there in person for you.
Amen, Sherri...seems like there is SO much going on right now, but the family of God is here.

Our love and prayers will go where we cannot...
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Old 02-05-2008, 04:58 PM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Thank you, Brother Joelel. And I apologize for my words since you didn't know the situation. Your prayers are very much apprecaited.
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Old 02-06-2008, 01:14 AM
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UPDATE on Mrs OneAccord- With Jesus

Feb. 6, 2008 I'm preparing this ahead of time. (10:40 pm CT) Our victory is won and prayers are answered. Mrs. One Accord, Lola Faye Crabtree, age 55, my wonderful wife of 13 years, passed away this morning at 1:07 am . Her passing was as we prayed. Peaceful, and without pain. She is with The Lord. All is well. "It has been good, but NOW its better".
Thank you all for praying. Thank you for standing with us. God has not failed us!
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

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