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Old 09-23-2014, 03:34 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
You need to stop robbing God.

you twist the scriptures to promote a non-giving attitude.
God gave the very best for you and you are so miserly that you simply refuse to give him even a 10% back of the blessings that he has given you.

Everything that you have is because God gave it to you, go ahead and rob God and excuse yourself by twisting the scriptures.

It is because of attitudes like yours that I have seen poor pastors barely able to feed their families, they struggle and even have to get a job, and then when they neglect their ministerial duties because they have to work, then it is the people like you who attack him for not always being present to attend to the church members.

I have seen to many poor preachers who have been kind to their members who do not pay tithes, but he catches heck from those members if he is not at their beck and call.

Paul say not to muzzle the ox that threated out the corn, but you have gone beyond muzzling that ox, but have actually have tied down his feet and have poked him and demanded that he get up and run.

how hypocritical of you, and your anti-tithe crowd fellows.
Well, since we have resorted to anecdotal diatribes to try to hide the glaring lack of scriptural support for tithing under the New Covenant, I have a lot that I can tell. Here are just a few:

The precious widowed saint in the church, living on a fixed income, faithfully tithes, lives very simply, is involved in everything she can be to help support the church: she has the 'privilege' of attending district Family Camp in her late seventies only because she stays in a dorm room and works hard in the kitchen to pay her way, while the pastor and family of the church she supports stays in the nicest accommodations and they are served the best food before anybody else is served.

In another church, the assistant pastor (also the pastor's son-in-law) does not see a good reason to temporarily house a family from the church that has fallen on hard times due to the downturns of the economy; rather, the perfectly functional and vacant house on the church property is kept empty because the assistant pastor's recently widowed mother (who is living across the country near her other preacher son) 'might come back' and he would have her live in that vacant house (former parsonage but the 'poor pastor' moved into a much nicer home years ago). That family with children had to live in their car.
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Old 09-23-2014, 09:14 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
When you need to be baptized, married or buried I hope your preacher does not have to excuse himself by saying sorry, but since I have to go work at McDonalds to support my family, I will simply throw a glass of water upon you, I will tweet you the wedding ceremony, or I will text you a few words to your funeral.

Jesus could have turned stones into bread, yet there were plenty of people who gave him and the Apostles of their substance.

Go and enjoy your meal at McDonalds where a poor preacher is probably flipping the burgers you will eat since, he has to supplement his income because the miserly, stingy, God robbing anti-tithe crowd do not want to pay him for all his efforts.

Go ahead and muzzle your ox till he starves.
What a baseless argument. Leaders are called to serve the bride of Christ, not demand money out of her for services rendered. And I never said anything about not giving or blessing the ministry with offerings. What I'm refuting is the unbiblical argument that there is some tithing system ordained by God to support ministers. A minister is called to minister to the body whether or not he gets paid.
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Old 09-23-2014, 10:04 AM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by Originalist View Post

What a baseless argument. Leaders are called to serve the bride of Christ, not demand money out of her for services rendered.
Amen to that.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

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Old 09-23-2014, 10:54 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by obriencp View Post
Just because some of us are anti-tithe, does not mean we are anti-giving. This is the same emotional response all strong tithe believers resort to. We are not trying to keep people from giving, we are trying to eliminate a mandated "10% given to the church or else" doctrine started by the Catholic church.
Correction it was started by God himself.
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Old 09-23-2014, 11:03 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
I know one thing. I'd never want to sit under a pastor with an attitude like yours.
Well one thing I do know is that I would not want a church member with an attitude like yours.

God does not need your money at all, you can keep it all.
Go on your merry way and enjoy the money you have robbed from God.

Go to McDonalds and buy yourself the latest mega super duper burger with fries and a drink and enjoy it.
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Old 09-23-2014, 11:04 AM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post

Correction it was started by God himself.
That's possible but you can't prove that. Heathens were tithing before the Law. It was common in ancient cultures. But really was a "tax" of sorts.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 09-23-2014, 11:13 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
I'm a bi vocational pastor. And it is hard. Ministry is hard. But I do it because I minister to meet peoples needs not for them to meet mine. Are there times I wish I was a f/t salaried pastor? I'm not going to lie, yes there are. But overall I am glad that I have never been a financial burden to any church. I have always preached free, and I believe God has blessed me abundantly. I have very nice temporal things and live well. And I'm not offended that I have to work.

I dont preach or pastor because I need a job. I do it because I want to see people saved.
Don't get yourself so high and pure.
I am a too a working minister. I have never taken a single penny from the ministry, I have always preached free for over 30 years, can you say the same?

For over 30 years I have preached the tithe, yet I have taken nothing from the collection plate, but instead have contributed thousands of dollars and countless hours to the ministry without receiving a single cent.
So please spare me.
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Old 09-23-2014, 11:32 AM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Roxanne Murphy View Post
Well, since we have resorted to anecdotal diatribes to try to hide the glaring lack of scriptural support for tithing under the New Covenant, I have a lot that I can tell. Here are just a few:

The precious widowed saint in the church, living on a fixed income, faithfully tithes, lives very simply, is involved in everything she can be to help support the church: she has the 'privilege' of attending district Family Camp in her late seventies only because she stays in a dorm room and works hard in the kitchen to pay her way, while the pastor and family of the church she supports stays in the nicest accommodations and they are served the best food before anybody else is served.

In another church, the assistant pastor (also the pastor's son-in-law) does not see a good reason to temporarily house a family from the church that has fallen on hard times due to the downturns of the economy; rather, the perfectly functional and vacant house on the church property is kept empty because the assistant pastor's recently widowed mother (who is living across the country near her other preacher son) 'might come back' and he would have her live in that vacant house (former parsonage but the 'poor pastor' moved into a much nicer home years ago). That family with children had to live in their car.
I have a 9'x9' tent they could have set up on church property. Next to the vacant house if that is ok?


Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 09-23-2014, 12:45 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post

Don't get yourself so high and pure.
I am a too a working minister. I have never taken a single penny from the ministry, I have always preached free for over 30 years, can you say the same?

For over 30 years I have preached the tithe, yet I have taken nothing from the collection plate, but instead have contributed thousands of dollars and countless hours to the ministry without receiving a single cent.
So please spare me.
Excuse me brother

( Backs away slowly while bowing down)
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 09-23-2014, 01:03 PM
obriencp obriencp is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
Well one thing I do know is that I would not want a church member with an attitude like yours.

God does not need your money at all, you can keep it all.
Go on your merry way and enjoy the money you have robbed from God.

Go to McDonalds and buy yourself the latest mega super duper burger with fries and a drink and enjoy it.
You seem so angry and bitter at us because we don't believe the Law of Tithing is still in effect under the new covenant.

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
That's possible but you can't prove that. Heathens were tithing before the Law. It was common in ancient cultures. But really was a "tax" of sorts.
I've also read this to be true.

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
Don't get yourself so high and pure.
I am a too a working minister. I have never taken a single penny from the ministry, I have always preached free for over 30 years, can you say the same?

For over 30 years I have preached the tithe, yet I have taken nothing from the collection plate, but instead have contributed thousands of dollars and countless hours to the ministry without receiving a single cent.
So please spare me.
ahhh... the source of the anger and bitterness?
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