Originally Posted by Charnock
I certainly didn't mean to offend but I simply cannot believe that someone could be so petty and selfish as to stay home because one service didn't "meet his need."
There are lots of services that don't speak specifically to me but I go anyway. That's because all of life isn't about me. I sympathize and empathize with the needs of others.
Those who can't are sociopaths.
Im not talking about a service. I am talking about a PROGRAM. I don't go to women's conferences either. Does that make me selfish too?
What kind of fool demands I have to celebrate THEIR father's day by sitting through an hour long program and watch their parade? Do I have to celebrate your birthday too?
Are Christians really that arrogant and self centered? I have to celebrate YOUR father's day by driving across down watching your parade then watching you dash out the door to a BBQ or Outback?
Are you guys really that insensitive to the people who are not parents or whose parents are gone, dead or in prison?
Honestly I don't know whether to be surprised or not. You talk as if you left the Pharisee mindset behind but then you sound as mean and judgmental as as the group you often come here and blast away at.
You are proving my point about alienating. Yeah it's SUPPOSED to be a community but it's more of a "I couldn't care less community"