I think about when a woman becomes with child, there is a period of nine months for
the normal or assigned process to be completed. With animals, the period is much shorter.
The second Adam, Jesus Christ, was born of a woman, fathered by the Holy Spirit. He
was born in due time, went with his parents to Egypt, came back, etc. Learned to be
a carpenter from his earthly father, Joseph. When he was about 30 yrs old, his earthly
ministry began. He was baptized by John, the Baptist, his cousin. John decreased and
Jesus increased in stature and in wisdom. It was all a process, set up by the Father.
Jesus didn't come to earth as a man. but a babe. At twelve he amazed the docters and
lawyers in the temple. But it was not time at twelve for his earthly ministry. He submitted
to his earthly parents until he became a man.(about 30 yrs old).
I believe we would do well to go by the pattern of our Savior. Paul said when he was a
child, he spake as a child, thought as a child, understood as a child, BUT when he became
a MAN (mature), he put away childish things. There's a message in that statemenet!
Why did Jesus tell Nicodemas that a MAN must be born again. Not a baby, a child. I
have wondered about children receiving the Holy Ghost at a very young age. If we, as
has been reported, losing about 75-80 percent of our young people to the world, the
question is WHY! I am speaking of a process shown by example by our Lord. He was not
ready at twelve. He was not a MAN at twelve. He was doing his Father's Will at twelve
because he submitted to his earthly parents. The Bible tells us that "though a son, yet
learned he obedience by the things he suffered".
Parents are to "train up a child in the way he/she SHOULD go". Then when they get older,
they will know which way they ought to go. Could it be that many times children
are "let go" too soon!
What does this have to do with this thread! I am speaking of a process. God set things in
A process of time. A WAITING PERIOD! GOD'S ORDER of that which HE has made or
Jesus didn't tell Nicodemas that a young child must be born again. He said a MAN (mature)
MUST be born again, Else they cannot SEE or ENTER the Kingdom of GOD. I wonder if MAN
hasn't rushed TOO many things, instead of following GOD'S ORDER, WILL and WAY!
Why look to Genesis. Why not look to the NEW Testament and follow the example GOD showed,
through the pattern of His SON.
John 1:1, "In the beginning.....