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Old 01-18-2009, 09:24 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
With obesity considered the #1 health epidemic in America, causing irrepairable damage to the human body (our temple), how should we as Christians approach this subject? I was told as a new convert, take care of your temple (body). Be moderate. Have temperance (have self-control).

Repent of things that destroy and be a good example.

Obesity is proven to cause diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer; and the list goes on.

We tell folks to quit smoking because of the dangerous side affects caused by this unhealthy habit. Are we able to take this stand if we accept the "overweight" issue by looking the other way?

I've seen many preachers "joke" away at this subject to calm the air of thier obvious lack of self-control in this area. In reality, being fat is not funny, it's unhealthy. I've watched them preach strong and hard to live holy; Live holy? I guess I'm a little confused here, as holiness covers our physical and spiritual being.

Don't mean to offend here, just stating the facts of how the lost may (are) looking at our ability to justify gluttony. In past churches I've attended, visitors were very suprised at the amount of overweight people on the pews. I'm not just talking about a few pounds either; 100 or more.

I have many good friends who are big. One of them is 400 pounds and he is only 40. He laughs now, but in the next few years laughter will turn to tears.

I do believe mercy plays a role in this somewhere. But, where do we draw the line? How far do we go? Will the church simply end up "full" of the sick because we can't push the plate away or get off the couch?

The prayer line would shrink and we would feel better if we would learn the blessing of proper diet and exercise.

If you are overweight and are reading this, please, I have compassion on your dilema. We have great abundance in this Country and many convienences that now take away the "task" where calories were once burned. There is hope, though. Find people who enjoy getting out, who have the same desire as you to shed the pounds and get in shape.

People can revolutionize thier existence by good old fashioned discipline and motivation. Not only will you feel better, people will notice you care about yourself and your Light will shine with new vigor. The doctor will be stunned when you show up to your next appointment with normal blood pressure and no more need for "PILLS".

I was just wondering where you got your facts on obesity being the cause of such things. I don't recall obesity being the cause of anything except maybe being 'obese'.
As for it being a sin, there is a difference between being obese and being glutton. Quite a large difference actually.
Obesity isn't only about stuffing your face. I know plenty of people that are 'big boned' because of their family history or because they have to take a certain type of medicine that makes them retain water and gain weight.
Gluttony is when you eat excessively, I do believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.
As for being or looking healthy, people's definitions vary.
Just my two cents, I suppose.
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Old 01-19-2009, 01:43 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by Eniratak View Post
I was just wondering where you got your facts on obesity being the cause of such things. I don't recall obesity being the cause of anything except maybe being 'obese'.
As for it being a sin, there is a difference between being obese and being glutton. Quite a large difference actually.
Obesity isn't only about stuffing your face. I know plenty of people that are 'big boned' because of their family history or because they have to take a certain type of medicine that makes them retain water and gain weight.
Gluttony is when you eat excessively, I do believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.
As for being or looking healthy, people's definitions vary.
Just my two cents, I suppose.
Thanks for asking to verify the facts on this National health crisis. There are plenty of medical journals, web sites, books, and other factual sources to answer your "good" question. Here is a web site that can get you started;


There are many people who gain weight because they have genetic deficiancies. But, the facts are, most people gain weight because they are undisciplined in the area of self-control regarding intake of food and excersize. My intent to bring this out is not to discourage people, but to help them. Developing discipline and a life change in this area can bring great joy to those who conquoer current, or future health problems from being obese, while discovering the blessing of being active.

The testimonies of folks who have dug themselves out of this dilema are wonderful. People will tell you, they have found life anew. They've discovered the joy of climbing a mountain, riding a bike, or walking on a summer evening with their spouse. They also realize, good food is healthy food and that the digestive system appreciates the moderated and balanced portion. Another by-product of this is many people have eliminated the need for pharmacuticals (pills) to stay alive; this is truly liberating, as pills are a crutch and have many dangeroues side affects.

Christians should be concerned about this. This brings balance, health, and our ability to moderate into to clear view. If we disregard this issue as being uneccesary, we hurt our bodies (temples), and, our quality of life will diminish. Also, whether we like it or not, people outside the church will see this as a hypocritical problem, as we condemn other health related issues as being sin.

God Bless, NFS
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Old 01-19-2009, 01:51 PM
MomOfADramaQn MomOfADramaQn is offline
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Studies have proven that not exercising every day has the same negative health effects as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day - so I guess there is no difference - if you are going to say cigarettes send you to hell I guess you need to say not exercising sends you to hell too
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Old 01-19-2009, 01:54 PM
MomOfADramaQn MomOfADramaQn is offline
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by Innocuous View Post
I don't disagree with what you're saying here. But I believe that the increase in illnesses in developing countries has been traced more to environmental degradation than diet.
Where did you come up with the idea that environmental degradation is what has caused the increase in illness? There is study after study that proves that poor diet is the cause of poor health
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Overeating is not healthy. But a sin? I think it depends.
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by MomOfADramaQn View Post
Studies have proven that not exercising every day has the same negative health effects as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day - so I guess there is no difference - if you are going to say cigarettes send you to hell I guess you need to say not exercising sends you to hell too
My husband has had cancer twice. Some say it's caused by not eating plant food diets. Do you know how hard it is to change? Surely, we can't say it's a sin to eat meat. We slowly, slowly move to trying to eat healthier, but doing it all at once is overwhelming, frankly. I watched a DVD last night that said Japanese who smoked and ate a plant based diet did not get lung cancer much at all.
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:12 PM
MomOfADramaQn MomOfADramaQn is offline
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
My husband has had cancer twice. Some say it's caused by not eating plant food diets. Do you know how hard it is to change? Surely, we can't say it's a sin to eat meat. We slowly, slowly move to trying to eat healthier, but doing it all at once is overwhelming, frankly. I watched a DVD last night that said Japanese who smoked and ate a plant based diet did not get lung cancer much at all.
When people get the holy ghost they are expected to quit at once - I have even heard it said - well they must not have gotten the holy ghost if they did not get delivered - I agree it is hard to change but the point is "apostolics" look at smoking one way and anything else that is harmful to your body and is addictive another way - kind of hypocritical in my opinion.
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by MomOfADramaQn View Post
When people get the holy ghost they are expected to quit at once - I have even heard it said - well they must not have gotten the holy ghost if they did not get delivered - I agree it is hard to change but the point is "apostolics" look at smoking one way and anything else that is harmful to your body and is addictive another way - kind of hypocritical in my opinion.
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:50 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by MomOfADramaQn View Post
When people get the holy ghost they are expected to quit at once - I have even heard it said - well they must not have gotten the holy ghost if they did not get delivered - I agree it is hard to change but the point is "apostolics" look at smoking one way and anything else that is harmful to your body and is addictive another way - kind of hypocritical in my opinion.
I'm going to start another thread that is going to bring out another great fallacy and threat to the Christian of our day; Phsycotic drug use. This is Satan's ploy to go strait for the "Heart".

This is an epidemic in the Church and people have been duped.

We had better wake up, otherwise our children will become a generation of drug-addicted adults, feeding this monster of pharmicutical mayhem. This all at the expense of losing our heart-bound integrity and sober mind.

There is not one medical procedure that can prove, ADD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression and so on. It's all guess work, and the Pill-Pushers of the World are rubbing thier hands together with glee as our pews fill with folks who are undelivered and consider suicide as an option for relief.

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Old 01-19-2009, 02:52 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
I'm going to start another thread that is going to bring out another great fallacy and threat to the Christian of our day; Phsycotic drug use. This is Satan's ploy to go strait for the "Heart".

This is an epidemic in the Church and people have been duped.

We had better wake up, otherwise our children will become a generation of drug-addicted adults, feeding this monster of pharmicutical mayhem. This all at the expense of losing our heart-bound integrity and sober mind.

There is not one medical procedure that can prove, ADD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression and so on. It's all guess work, and the Pill-Pushers of the World are rubbing thier hands together with glee as our pews fill with folks who are undelivered and consider suicide as an option for relief.

I think your thinking is fairly extreme. Although I believe that the pharmaceutical companies do have their own best interests at heart, banning pills for Christians is the other side of the extreme.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
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