On Nightline - She totally wobbled on the Global Warming. She's been strongly against it in regard to the Polar Bear issue in Alaska. You could tell Charlie was exasperated with her.
Okay, I'm finally getting to watch the whole interview....
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
This may have already been covered...but the HUBRIS was on Charlie's part - not Sarah's. I think he mentioned her hubris. His whole tone was totally unprofessional as an interviewer. His mannerism - rolling his eyes and his voice tone were so revealing that he had disdain for this woman.
Does anyone agree?
I totally agree with you ..... Charlie (with all his years experience) did a very poor job of interviewing Palin. His disdain was very obvious and totally unprofessional ............ he should have been trying to bring the issues to the table so the public could see her views. Instead, he showed his liberal bias of her; as a Republican candidate. If she was defensive ....... it was because he was so offensive. Sarah doesn't lack experience and qualifications as to the job description...........she lacks experience in having to deal with the ugliness of the liberal media. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! I think she has done an excellent job under the circumstances of facing and standing up to the liberal media. She can only get better............and may God give her the grace and ability to do so...........I don't mind saying that I am praying for her. She is the BEST choice that we have!
If God is your co-pilot....change seats!
Hogwash. She absolutely did not lie. Instead on casting aspersions on this woman's name, frankly, you need to get your facts straight on this issue, because you're really barking up the wrong tree on this. If you actually look into it Charlie Gibson is the one who has misrepresented her words, along with most of the mainstream media.
If you saw the tape and heard what she said in context, she was requesting prayer for her son, and asking the saints to pray that our nations leaders who lead our sons and daughters in the military would be in God's will. By no means did she say anything about it being God's will that we invaded Iraq. That is a media lie and distortion, which apparently you have swallowed hook, line, and sinker.
Did you see the tape? I have to seriously doubt that you did. ...Because in the proper context of what she's saying, it doesn't take a tremendous mastery of the English language to see what the woman was saying.
If you care to know the facts on this issue, you can see it dealt with in detail on a blog article I've done on it HERE ... and it's also been dealt with on a separate thread HERE on AFF,
Originally Posted by MikeinAR
This is rare, but I do agree with TR on her statements about God's will being misconstrued. It's clear that she asks for prayer over her son and for the leaders of the country. She said, "our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to be praying for. That there is a plan and that it's God's plan."
It's clear that she's asking for prayer that what our national leaders are doing is in God's will. I don't hear her declaring that it is most definitely God's divine will and plan for America to be involved in Iraq. Many of us would take exception with that and it would be foolish to make such a statement.
Um fellas, if a person declares a task to be "from God" they are declaring that task "God's will."