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Old 02-04-2008, 11:50 PM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Bro OA I agree with your post and it does not offend us at all but is the right thing to ask!

And remember we are still praying!
Amen! Bro One Accord
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Old 02-05-2008, 12:40 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Dear Bro. Rick,

Knowing you and your family are up with your sweet Lola, made me want to

stay up and pray for a while longer. Jesus so needed someone to stay awake

and watch and pray for a little while longer.

Blessings on you all that are waiting there. I think of the song, "At the Midnight Cry".

we'll be going Home! I believe He comes for us one at a time. Just as we are born

and born again one by one. Could it be that He waits patiently by for that one to

let go of our hand and take His and they leave together. Giving them time to spend

a few more moments with us. I have reason to believe it could be something like that.

Time to see that we are going to be okay. Time for us to be willing for them to leave.

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Old 02-05-2008, 01:01 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

What a blessing you are Sis Falla39. I'm kinda standing back tonight, allowing Lolas son and daughter to be with her tonight. I had that blessed chance last night... to spend a quiet night together... just the two of us. And, yes, we talked. For just a few minutes last night, then again, for a minute or so at day light this morning. What a blessed that time was. She said to me this morning... "Its been good...but it'll be better". Then she said, "I love you, Baby". The last words she spoke.

My prayer now is that I will be awake when she goes. Don't want her to go alone. Been by her side every minute I could since August. Plan to be there when she takes that last step. And, I pray for a word- just one word to her children. That would be mean so much to them.

God is here with me in such a real way. I don' know that I have ever felt that so strong before. My first wife past away in '88. Gods Presence was there then as well. But...not like this.

And yes, I am grateful for those here who have waited quietly while I vented my emotions. I have felt guilty and selfish in doing so. There are people on this forum who have great needs, and I pray for them. I should offer them my prayers...my words of comfort more. But maybe...just maybe, by my venting...it'll help them cope with whatever they are feeling. SoCal, Chesenix (Sorry if I didn't get the names right)...take comfort in knowing that, as God has been with us, and has not failed us, neither will He fail you and He is with you. I thought of where Jesus said "...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world". The world of Rick and Lola is rapidly coming to an end. But, just as He has promised, He is here. "Amen". 13 great years. What a blessing He has given!
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 02-05-2008, 01:15 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
What a blessing you are Sis Falla39. I'm kinda standing back tonight, allowing Lolas son and daughter to be with her tonight. I had that blessed chance last night... to spend a quiet night together... just the two of us. And, yes, we talked. For just a few minutes last night, then again, for a minute or so at day light this morning. What a blessed that time was. She said to me this morning... "Its been good...but it'll be better". Then she said, "I love you, Baby". The last words she spoke.

My prayer now is that I will be awake when she goes. Don't want her to go alone. Been by her side every minute I could since August. Plan to be there when she takes that last step. And, I pray for a word- just one word to her children. That would be mean so much to them.

God is here with me in such a real way. I don' know that I have ever felt that so strong before. My first wife past away in '88. Gods Presence was there then as well. But...not like this.

And yes, I am grateful for those here who have waited quietly while I vented my emotions. I have felt guilty and selfish in doing so. There are people on this forum who have great needs, and I pray for them. I should offer them my prayers...my words of comfort more. But maybe...just maybe, by my venting...it'll help them cope with whatever they are feeling. SoCal, Chesenix (Sorry if I didn't get the names right)...take comfort in knowing that, as God has been with us, and has not failed us, neither will He fail you and He is with you. I thought of where Jesus said "...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world". The world of Rick and Lola is rapidly coming to an end. But, just as He has promised, He is here. "Amen". 13 great years. What a blessing He has given!
Brother, I am staggered at your attitude that you have shown as you & Lola,
take this journey together.

You both have been on my heart & I knew whichever way this went, you needed God there.

I am thankful that prayer has been answered many times over.

For now we watch & pray.
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Old 02-05-2008, 01:38 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Brother, I am staggered at your attitude that you have shown as you & Lola,
take this journey together.

You both have been on my heart & I knew whichever way this went, you needed God there.

I am thankful that prayer has been answered many times over.

For now we watch & pray.
Oh, yes, Bro. Ron. Your prayers, and the prayers of people all around the world, many here on Aff, have been answered through all of this. To think a brother in Canda who doesn't know me from Adam's housecat (you may have to be an Alabamian to understand that one) would feel burdened to pray for us and even ask others to have special prayer for us. To think of a sister who has dedicated her life to the mission fields of Brazil is praying for us. A sister in California who knows nothing about us sent a CD of a church service along with a beautiful book of poems and matching pen to us (Lola used that pen to write here name one day just because someone was kind enough to send it to her - I'll cherish that pen for ever). A brother from Ohio, on a busy mission trip to Korea took the time to pray and to inquire about us. And a brother who goes by the name of Raven, who doesn't know us, calls a pastor nearby who has been here several times to pray for us and even bring food. What makes people do what you have done? Love? No...more than mere love. Its the Love of God. I could go on and on. But... to say it all...I am a blessed man. As some of Lolas last words to me: "Its been good, but its gonna be better".
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:28 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

It seems that at times like this, I never know what to say. After reading the last few posts in this thread this morning, I am sitting here in tears. God is SOOOOOOOOOO good to us.

I'm praying this morning....
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:59 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Bro. Rick,

That peace that passeth all understanding is keeping your hearts and minds through

Christ Jesus because you are letting (permitting, allowing) it too!

Our God neither sleeps nor slumbers.

An old chorus is on my mind this morning:

In the morning of joy, in the morning of joy.
We'll be gathered to glory, in the morning of joy.
In the morning of joy, in the morning of joy,
We'll be gathered to glory, in the morning of joy.


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Old 02-05-2008, 06:51 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by Tina View Post
It seems that at times like this, I never know what to say. After reading the last few posts in this thread this morning, I am sitting here in tears. God is SOOOOOOOOOO good to us.

I'm praying this morning....
Me too.
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
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Old 02-05-2008, 08:30 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Bro we are still praying for God to do His will in your life and Lola's. God is good. I pray for the strength of God to be with your family and the love of God's comfort to wrap His loving arms around you.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
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Old 02-05-2008, 10:18 AM
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Re: Power In Agreement-One Accord's Situation

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
Oh, yes, Bro. Ron. Your prayers, and the prayers of people all around the world, many here on Aff, have been answered through all of this. To think a brother in Canda who doesn't know me from Adam's housecat (you may have to be an Alabamian to understand that one) would feel burdened to pray for us and even ask others to have special prayer for us. To think of a sister who has dedicated her life to the mission fields of Brazil is praying for us. A sister in California who knows nothing about us sent a CD of a church service along with a beautiful book of poems and matching pen to us (Lola used that pen to write here name one day just because someone was kind enough to send it to her - I'll cherish that pen for ever). A brother from Ohio, on a busy mission trip to Korea took the time to pray and to inquire about us. And a brother who goes by the name of Raven, who doesn't know us, calls a pastor nearby who has been here several times to pray for us and even bring food. What makes people do what you have done? Love? No...more than mere love. Its the Love of God. I could go on and on. But... to say it all...I am a blessed man. As some of Lolas last words to me: "Its been good, but its gonna be better".

Yes, dear Brother Rick,

It's because of the Love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the HOLY

GHOST which is given unto us. (Rom.5:5)

O Love of God, how rich and pure.
How measureless and strong.
It shall forever more endure,
The saints and angels song.

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