Originally Posted by Rachel
I think that satan's attempt to destroy women is less in the so-called 'persecution' of women in or by the church (which is the exception and not the rule) but more in the movement of secular feminism into the church. THAT is ungodly.
Allright, I decided to step back in. You guys are just now exploring the meaning of the thread. This type of dialogue is meaningful and productive.
To answer you Rachel, the reason the church has less persecution against women is because they have been redeemed and the Spirit of Christ works against destruction.
Satan comes to kill, still and destroy, but Christ came to give life.
Any persecution is unfortunate, but yet a reality. In or out of the church. Historically speaking I believe history does reveal the importance of a Godly or Ungodly woman in the home.
Some of the greatest preachers throughout history give credit to their Godly mothers.
I know I would not be the man I am today without my Godly mother who is 81
years old. My father was the pastor growing up and imparted many wonderful truths, but it was my mother that nurtured me and gave me examples of endurance, constraint and unconditional love.
This paradigm may be because the mother spends more time with the children? This may be due in part simply to the male attachement to the opposite gender?
Sounds like another good thread.
Let's consider an excerpt from Hitler's biography:
Adolf Hitler was born on 20th April, 1889, in the small Austrian town of Braunau near the German border. His father Alois Hitler, the illegitimate son of a housemaid, ...Klara Hitler was Alois' third wife. Alois had two children from his previous marriages. They had 5 children but only Adolf and Paula survived. Alois was a strict father and beat his son if he did not do as he was told.
Hitler's mother, Klara, was Alois's third wife: She was also the young girl who took care of Alois' children while his second wife lay dying.
Hitler was devoted to his mother and developed a hatred for his father, whom he later portrayed as a sadistic tyrant,...Adolf lacked nothing, especially maternal affection from Klara Hitler who was a very sweet person. Klara who lost three of her kids before Adolf's birth will always feed him with a devouring affection and great care and will try to make up for her husband's severity.
Without attempting to dissect Hitler's dysfunctional family and the complexities that drove him to his madness, we see that Hitler's mother did show him devotion and affection to counter balance his father's meanness and abuse. However, his father had three wives and if he abused the children, he also abused the mother of those children. Just the simple fact of seeing your children abused at the hand of a man 23 years older is abuse enough.
My point is this; persecution has many faces. Some cleary seen and others not so clearly seen. My grandmother was a Godly, but mean woman. Why? She had an abusive father. Even though she was redeemed, the remnants of that abuse and persecution remained in her spirit. Her father was so mean, he tried to drown her.
She died in her 90's and until her mind left with dimentia, she remembered her childhood as if it was yesterday. Haunting images of abuse remained with her all her life.
I recently met a woman who is 74 years old, raised in the church by an abusive father/pastor who is still haunted by her fathers aggression against her, he beat her relentlessly.
This thread is not about male bashing it's about whether or not Satan has plotted specifically and targeted women for destruction more than others; simply because all life comes from her and through her.
Eply said it and I believe it, I've seen it. The woman travails in natural childbirth and also spiritual childbirth.
I love to hear the Mommas in my church pray, because I know something is getting ready to happen...