If Ye Know These Things. Chapter 15
Elder Ross Drysdale Pentecostal Assemblies Of The World.
The idea of the Son existing "ideally" in the mind of God does explain a number of texts, especially those I have cited. However there are also a number of scriptures that speak of Christ in the Old Testament that cannot be explained on this basis. We read of God "who created all things by Jesus Christ" (
Eph. 3:9); and God who "hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son... by whom also he made the worlds " (
Heb. 1:2); and Christ Himself speaks of the glory He had with the Father "before the world was" (
John 17:5). The answer to these texts lie in the scripturally revealed fact that the Son of God did Pre-exist, but not as the Son of God, for that would be the same as having a Pre-existed male human being. No, the Son Pre-existed as "the Word of God" ("the Logos" in Greek). He who was the Word of God in the Old Testament, became the Son of God in the New Testament. The Son of God, the male person born of Mary, did not pre-exist as a Son, per se. That would mean a pre-existent human being. But that does not negate the fact the He who was the Son of God in His earthly sojourn, had existed before in a different form!
John speaks of the Word (Logos in Greek) who was "in the beginning with God" and yet "was God." What was the Logos, or the Word of God?
As we have seen, the Son of God was God's visible body, form, or Temple in the New Testament times. God dwelt in Christ His Son and used Him as His own body. Whoever saw Christ, saw the Father, for God was in Christ. The Bible also teaches that God had a visible body or form in Old Testament times as well. It was not a human body of flesh, but it was a glorified body. And just as God dwelt in the human body of the Son of God after Bethlehem, so also did he dwell in the celestial body of the Word of God before Bethlehem. Whether in the Old Testament as the Word of God or in the New Testament as the Son of God, Christ has always been the visible Temple of the invisible Spirit. A Oneness "God in Christ" exists in both Testaments.
The glorious "Word" was the body God used when he "walked" with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. Naturally He would have to use some form or body to fellowship with them. They couldn't "walk" with an omnipresent Spirit!
Gen 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
The "Voice of the Lord" is the same as "the Word of God". It was God's vehicle of visual communication with His creation.
In the time of Moses, the Elders of Israel were given a view of the Logos.
Exo 24:10 And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.
They could not have seen God in his Spirit nature, for a Spirit is necessarily invisible. Yet they saw God's feet, and described his visible form as the "body of heaven." God has only had two bodies. In the Old Testament times it was the Body of Heaven, but in the New Testament times it was the Body of Humiliation (Phil. 2:8), which the world crucified and pierced!
The Word of God was God's visible image in the Old Testament times. He was the "brightness of his glory and the express image of his person" (
Heb. 1:3). He was the "image of the invisible God and the firstborn of every creature" (
Col. 1:15). When men saw Him they saw God:
Gen 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
Did he see God as Spirit? Of course not. A Spirit doesn't have a "face". What he saw was the Word, who was God's visible image and as such did have a "face."
God had a visible form in the Old Testament times. Jesus spoke of God's "shape" as well as His "voice" (
John 5:37). Paul mentions the "form of God" in Philip. 2:6. A pagan king once saw the "form" that was "like" the Son of God (
Daniel 3:25). This "form" was the "Word of God." This "form of God" was later changed into the "form of Man" at the Incarnation for the purpose of redemption (Phil. 2:2-8).
Now we understand the meaning of John's prologue. The Word, or God's visible form, was "with God," just as our "bodies" are "with us" wherever we are. And yet the Word "was God." Because God dwelt in that "form," used it as His visible Temple, it can be said that the Word "was God." Wherever this Form appeared, It was God Himself appearing. The same situation obtains in the New Testament dispensation. Christ, the Son of God is also God's body or form. The Father is said to be "with" Christ (
John 8:29), and also to be "in" Him (
John 10:38), and Christ is thereby said to be God (
John 20:28). Whoever saw Christ, saw God (
John 14:8-10). God in Christ makes Christ God. God in the Word, made the Word God.
It was the "voice" of God, speaking out of his "shape" or visible image (
John 5:37) that said: "Let there be light, and there was light." This is how the worlds were created by the Word of God (
Heb. 11:3).
Psa 33:6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
God's glorious visible Form, the Word or Logos, spoke and creation resulted.
John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
And this Word was eventually changed into flesh and became the "Son of God". "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us" (
John 1:14).
John Paterson was one of the most insightful writers on Oneness topics. His early work, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," was used as a Godhead textbook in the infancy of the Oneness Movement. He summarized the doctrine of the Logos in very clear and logical terminology. he writes:
"How did God show Himself to Abraham, eating and drinking before him? (
Gen. 18:6-8,33); or How did Moses see his back parts? (
Ex 33:23), or how did the elders of Israel see the God of Israel, and did eat and drink? (
Ex. 24:10,11). In the answer to these questions lies the secret of the Mystery of God: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made' (
John 1:1-3). In the beginning! That refers to
Genesis 1:1, which reads, 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.'
"Now what is a 'word'? Is it not the expression of an inward abstract thought in a substantial concrete form. It means this in English, but as a matter of fact, the Greek word Logos means not only the expression of the thought, but also the inward thought itself. So we conclude that the Word was the visible expression of the invisible God; in other words, the invisible God embodied in visible form; and not only this, but the word was, essentially nothing less than the Eternal God Himself, as it is written 'The Word was God' " (
John 1:1). (John Paterson, God in Christ Jesus, p. 9-10).