Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
Its all BLM fault. As if officers werent killing people before then. As if people werent killing cops before then.
Answer the question dodge baller. How does the actions of someone in Dallas make you lose sympathy for the victims and families of people in Baton Rouge and Minnesota?
Answer that. I know why, cause you dont care about them. Prove me wrong and explain your statement if thats not the case.
BLM has set this up.
Where did BLM start?
With a false narrative regarding the shooting in St. Louis.
Based on a lie, that was furthered by witnesses who lied.
Just like the police shooting in New York, this week.
Witnesses lied to try and indict the off duty cop who was attacked.
But the video told the true story.
Some people lie and some cops lie.
But, BLM has set up this as the cops are killing unarmed and unprovoked black men.
Per the WashPo stats 17 black men were killed by police without explanation, last year.
18 white men and 12 hispanics were also killed without explanation.
This does not mean there was no explanation, just that none was provided.
But, this does not show that cops are targeting any one race.
And no, we have never seen cops targeted like this before, at least in my lifetime.