Originally Posted by Blubayou
Let me start this thread by saying I know I am an old fogey! I got the Holy Ghost in 1970 at the age of 19 years old. One of the first places I was used in church was the choir. I enjoyed singing in our church choir for about 25 years. I really loved singing in choir and being used in this capacity. I have not sung in choir for about 10 years or more. I dropped out when my work demands became such that I could not devote the time to it I needed to.
Anyway - The church I attend now for the past 3 years, has had a thriving choir of about 75 to 100 members. Last year our music director left to pastor a church in another state. After he left, - he was replaced by a part time music person- the choir sang less often, and our music went more and more to the "new style" of church music. We were sad not to sing the old songs occasionally, and missed "specials" being sung in church.
Our church always does a Christmas musical- in early November, I went to church and the platform was under construction for the musical. Part of that construction was to remove the choir platform and all of the chairs. I thought - its just part of the musical- ----- Well because of a family illness - I did not get to attend church but once during December- the platform was still under construction. Yesterday we attended church for the first time after the holidays- the platform is finished- there is no platform for the choir and the choir chairs are gone- I am assuming that the choir in our church has died and been given a proper burial. It makes me sad- I think the choir is a wonderful place for people to be used in the work of God. Is this typical of other churches? Is this a trend sweeping churchdom?
What I miss are those annointed services that featured the choir.
There is something authentic about a regular saint in the choir and the spirit of the Lord moves on them.
They are not like the music team or the pastor who that is their thing.
They are truely authentic and folks in the house just catch onto the move of God and the house just go crazy.
I remember some Sunday night services back in the 1980's at Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Where we had a 100 voice choir.
I remember being in the choir and feeling the presence of God so thick you could hardly sing.
THe choir was directed by my mother in law Sis Lois Jordan Tamel.
She is the sister of Nancy Jordan Scisco and Joanne Jordan Lewis.
My sister Donna Eckstadt-Trapani would sing the solo in the songs and just rock the house.
I know we sometimes talk about yesteryear.
But those were awesome times and great songs.
There was a song called "Joy".
Whenever we sang that song it was goint to be a 30 minute praise...
Thanks for reminding me of some great times...
Here she is in action circa 1988