Uncle Ronnie (with hand over heart)
and Teddy "the big stick"
were about the only truely great presidents of the 20th century.
which is quite odd when you think about it, because America came into its greatness during the 20th century. FDR was an enigma in my estimation. some of what he did leaves a legacy as putrid as a dead skunk. some of what he did, led to American dominance in the world.
Cooledge was affected by incompetence around him... and actually his wife ran the country at the end of his life
Hoover was brilliant but flawed and in the end made the ultimate mistakes that gave us FDR.
Truman was mans man but cant be called great.
Woodrow Wilson was Jimmy Carter, only smart and compitant.
Jimmy Carter was vies with Franklin Pearce and James Buchanon for the title of worst ever.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Ferd, I don't think Wilson is comparable to Carter. I think the opposite. I think Wilson is one of the greatest we've had in American histroy.
His League of Nations was light years ahead of its time.
PP, I think Wilson was brilliant. Quite possibly one of the smartest men to ever be president. He was also a capable and compitant.
The comparison extends to common core beliefs. Wilson was in many ways what Carter wanted to be. That is not to say that Wilson was what Carter was.
Its kind of like me saying I want to be a basketball player like Shaq. All 5 foot 10 inches and 180 lbs of me….
The League of Nations was a precursor to the UN and was a failure then and the UN is a failure now.
One must also point out a major difference. Wilson was a freetrader!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
PP, I think Wilson was brilliant. Quite possibly one of the smartest men to ever be president. He was also a capable and compitant.
The comparison extends to common core beliefs. Wilson was in many ways what Carter wanted to be. That is not to say that Wilson was what Carter was.
Its kind of like me saying I want to be a basketball player like Shaq. All 5 foot 10 inches and 180 lbs of me….
The League of Nations was a precursor to the UN and was a failure then and the UN is a failure now.
One must also point out a major difference. Wilson was a freetrader!
There's a lot more to Wilson than his League of Nations ...
We entered a World War w/ him as Commander and Chief ... and made a bold statement to the world that we were on the verge of becoming a superpower ... turning the tide of the war in less than 3 years.
Had his visionary 14 points been followed and agreed upon in the Treaty of Versailles... including not making Germany pay such harsh reparations for WW1 ... the rise of Hitler, and subsequently WW2 probably would have been avoided ...
He understood the causes of WW1 ... militarism, imperalism, nationalism and the system of alliances and tried to fairly address each one in his points... but England and France were not willing to give up their empires and wanted blood from Germany.
What they got was a more devastating war.
He also sought to regulate monopolies among other achievements.
There's a lot more to Wilson than his League of Nations ...
We entered a World War under w/ him as Commander and Chief ... and made a bold statement to the world that we were on the verge of becoming a superpower ... turning the tide of the war in less than 3 years.
Had his visionary 14 points been followed and agreed upon in the Treaty of Versailles... including not making Germany pay such harsh reparations for WW1 ... the rise of Hitler, and subsequently WW2 probably would have been avoided ...
He understood the causes of WW1 ... militarism, imperalism, nationalism and the system of alliances and tried to fairly address each one in his points... but England and France were not willing to give up their empires and wanted blood from Germany.
What they got was a more devastating war.
He also sought to regulate monopolies among other achievements.
You are quite right about the 14 points and understanding what ww1 was about.
but he also wanted us to move to a parlamentary system. As i said, he was a brilliant man. maybe the smartest President in our history.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
You are quite right about the 14 points and understanding what ww1 was about.
but he also wanted us to move to a parlamentary system. As i said, he was a brilliant man. maybe the smartest President in our history.
Used to have the kids examine the 14 points and line them up w/ the causes of WWI .... it made you appreciate Wilson's mind and the errors of the Treaty of Versailles. And subsequenty ... understand the rise of totalitarianism, facism and the causes of WWII.
I loved teaching the second half of US history especially from Reconstruction to WWII ... when I taught Social Studies.
An amazing time ... going from a pre-industrial, rural, agrarian society and exploding into industrialization, ubanization, modernization ...
If you lived from 1865-1950 or so ... imagine what you would have witnessed in your lifetime.
But you know what ... I enjoyed teaching the Pre-Columbian period and Colonization just as much.
I don't know if old Ronnie was a good President or not, but I heard an interesting quote about him.
This person said that he was good at rattling the saber, but hardly used it.
He also oversaw dramatic change in Russia and the Soviet block countries, all with out invading them.
Wilson's League of Nations laid the groundwork for the group of nations we would eventually consider our "allies." You are right, the original League failed, but Wilson's ideals had caught on, and I do not think we can count the eventual "UN" a total failure.
He pushed not just the US, but the world, into collaborative peace-keeping efforts. He was a master diplomat - without rival.