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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-31-2008, 12:56 AM
embonpoint embonpoint is offline
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by alogi View Post
The whole thing of woman preachers in the pulpit is contrary to the word of God.Paul told Timothy not to let any woman to upsurp authuority over the flock.Yet with the feminization of the so called apostolic movement, we have Jezebel in the pulpit preaching.Next the woman preachers will want to cut their hair and wear britches also.I have heard that this is already going on in some worldly churches..
If a woman can preach and she is ordain to preach.Then allow her to preach in man's trousers.Its reidculous to claim a woman can preach like a man,yet tell her that he cant wear britches.
God put the man as the leader of the church.If this is a problem, then take your problem to Christ.Anyone who is for woman preachers is a gainsayer agianst an Apostle of Christ ''Paul''.
Old time believer
I think we want HIM to wear britches.

Btw there's some ladies garments I ain't agonna wear either. In the pulpit or out!
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Old 01-31-2008, 01:07 AM

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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
In the home we are male and female. A male cannot be a mother and give birth.

A female cannot father a child. Those roles cannot be reversed. In the natural we

are either male or female. But when we are born again (spiritual birth)there is no

difference. In Christ there is no difference. We are not

born again male or female but are one in Christ! (Gal.3:28)


The man is the head of the woman. Woman is the glory of man. Man is the glory of God. Then the bible talks about how a woman should have a sign of authority on her head or covering on her head in reference to the angels. God does see men and women different. That is why he wants us to dress different, etc.


There is an order.

A wife was never given a blessing to God to preach over or to her husband. Women were never given authority to preach or pastor over men. Just like Paul said: sure they can teach, but the elder women will teach the younger and they can teach the children as well.

Women were given gifts that men often times do not possess. God desires there to be different roles. The husband and the wife have different roles that will be blessed if you follow them.

It's a lost treasure to some, but some have found it, like a pearl of great price.
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Old 01-31-2008, 02:19 AM
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
May the Lord help you. Paul was not against women for they traveled with his preaching group. I do not think any GODLY woman would have any desire to RULE and GOVERN over a man...however she is free to obey God and HIS call.
Sis. Alvear -

Your fruit speaks for itself. You just keep on helping people get saved! I am appalled at the ignorance of some people.

I really wish EVERYONE would find their calling and work toward that end. Then they'd be much too busy to criticize another's work for God.

God Bless you and your hard work!
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Old 01-31-2008, 12:26 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Quick note: WalkingbyFaith7; it didn't say a woman should have a sign of authority/power on her head- it said she should have POWER ON her head... I think I'm going to start a discussion on that.

Anyways, Sis. Alvear, I think it's great what you're doing in Brazil, and I think I mentioned that once before in a woman's preaching debate before. However, do you believe fewer souls would be won to the LORD if you stopped preaching? What I'm saying is, if you and your group of churches in Brazil stopped having women preachers, out of obedience to the Word, you'd be as, if not more, blessed than you all are now. I am not saying your a cursed people, but you know I obviously disagree with the fact that you all believe it's fine for a woman to preach. Also, I would be careful to say the work of GOD, in the area of saving of souls, in Brazil has been done by men OR women- it's been done by HIS Spirit drawing people unto HIMSELF and saving them. Preaching is the tool by which GOD chose to save people, but I just can not wrap my mind around women preaching it just seems such a contradiction of the Word of GOD.

Also, I'm really offended by the comments about us who don't believe in women preachers as being archaic or so in our thinking. We're living out a strong conviction we have, and it is NOT easy. I had to leave an Apostolic assembly to go to another due to the fact that the pastor was regularly allowing a woman to preach. The LORD has dealt with me very strongly on this matter, and to leave my last assembly was not easy. I now have to drive about an hour and a half to get to church, whereas before I only had a 20 minute drive. I'm not trying to sound like a martyr or anything, but I do want to bear my testimony that I did recieve this conviction from the LORD and I know this is true.

Bro. Alex
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Old 01-31-2008, 12:52 PM
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
Quick note: WalkingbyFaith7; it didn't say a woman should have a sign of authority/power on her head- it said she should have POWER ON her head... I think I'm going to start a discussion on that.

Anyways, Sis. Alvear, I think it's great what you're doing in Brazil, and I think I mentioned that once before in a woman's preaching debate before. However, do you believe fewer souls would be won to the LORD if you stopped preaching? What I'm saying is, if you and your group of churches in Brazil stopped having women preachers, out of obedience to the Word, you'd be as, if not more, blessed than you all are now. I am not saying your a cursed people, but you know I obviously disagree with the fact that you all believe it's fine for a woman to preach. Also, I would be careful to say the work of GOD, in the area of saving of souls, in Brazil has been done by men OR women- it's been done by HIS Spirit drawing people unto HIMSELF and saving them. Preaching is the tool by which GOD chose to save people, but I just can not wrap my mind around women preaching it just seems such a contradiction of the Word of GOD.
Is your mind wrapped, however, around the idea that as God is sitting in heaven, He notices a Sister preaching the soul saving message of salvation- but in order to show His sovereign will he chooses several people out of the crowd to ........ to hell that would have been saved if only Brother Alvear had delivered the Gospel that day?

God will actually intevene into the free will affairs of mankind and condemn otherwise sincere people to hell just because a lady is speaking that night?

And what about on the other side of the jungle? Is Brother Alvear going to see a few extra hell bound hardened reprobates repent just because he's the one preaching that day? Will God Himself take a vessel that He Himself had "fitted for destruction" and say, "Oops! That's Brother Alvear- gotta change My mind and save a few more just so that maybe these missionaries will get a hint about the way I want things done!"
Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
Also, I'm really offended by the comments about us who don't believe in women preachers as being archaic or so in our thinking. We're living out a strong conviction we have, and it is NOT easy. I had to leave an Apostolic assembly to go to another due to the fact that the pastor was regularly allowing a woman to preach. The LORD has dealt with me very strongly on this matter, and to leave my last assembly was not easy. I now have to drive about an hour and a half to get to church, whereas before I only had a 20 minute drive. I'm not trying to sound like a martyr or anything, but I do want to bear my testimony that I did recieve this conviction from the LORD and I know this is true.
Don't be too hard on yourself, there bro. Maybe God is working in the way that you envision, but His mind is wrapped the other way around this issue. Maybe, the Lord is trying to drive you out of Apostolic fellowship because you don't support women preachers. Maybe that was God's hand in bringing that women preacher in the other place just to create a stumbling block that hardens your heart.

The Lord kept putting such stumbling blocks in the path of Pharaoh. And with each new circumstance Pharaoh's heart was hardened more as he grew farther away from God. Maybe you're a vessel formed for dishonor? Maybe that's why you couldn't get along with the first set of folks.

In all seriousness however, I am confident that nothing of this kind is the case for you. You just have a particular temperment and are accustomed to seeing things a certain way. Other folks, while they may share your beliefs on the essentials, are accustomed to looking at things from another perspective.

Consider the fact that Jesus and His disciples refused to go into the villages of Samaria and preach. But how did the Gospel first arrive in Samaria? The woman at the well in John 4. There was no other way to get the message to those folks than through this woman's testimony and excited preaching "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" Without this preaching the subsequent outpourings of the Holy Ghost in Samaria might never have occurred.
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Old 01-31-2008, 01:00 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

You misconstrued what I was saying about the Alvears in Brazil. I am also not a Calvinist. I was trying to say it's not like if Sis. Alvear DIDN'T preach that people wouldn't get saved. GOD would raise up a man, or use Bro. Alvear or something like that. Sis. Alvear could (and I believe should) never preach another message before a mixed crowd and souls would still be saved.

Also, that woman in Samaria didn't preach- neither did the women who were at the empty tomb! They just said what they saw. If I saw Yellowstone National Park and told you about it you wouldn't say I was preaching...

Bro. Alex
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Old 01-31-2008, 01:07 PM
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
You misconstrued what I was saying about the Alvears in Brazil. I am also not a Calvinist. I was trying to say it's not like if Sis. Alvear DIDN'T preach that people wouldn't get saved. GOD would raise up a man, or use Bro. Alvear or something like that. Sis. Alvear could (and I believe should) never preach another message before a mixed crowd and souls would still be saved.

Also, that woman in Samaria didn't preach- neither did the women who were at the empty tomb! They just said what they saw. If I saw Yellowstone National Park and told you about it you wouldn't say I was preaching...

Bro. Alex
Depends upon how you say it. I've seen men get into pulpits and "talk" for a while, but when they were done almost no one would have said they "preached."

And what is Sister Alvear saying when she "preaches" or "talks" or whatever? She's testifying of things that she has seen and heard. Just like the woman at the well, and just like the women at the tomb that you mentioned.
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Old 01-31-2008, 06:25 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Is your mind wrapped, however, around the idea that as God is sitting in heaven, He notices a Sister preaching the soul saving message of salvation- but in order to show His sovereign will he chooses several people out of the crowd to ........ to hell that would have been saved if only Brother Alvear had delivered the Gospel that day?

God will actually intevene into the free will affairs of mankind and condemn otherwise sincere people to hell just because a lady is speaking that night?

And what about on the other side of the jungle? Is Brother Alvear going to see a few extra hell bound hardened reprobates repent just because he's the one preaching that day? Will God Himself take a vessel that He Himself had "fitted for destruction" and say, "Oops! That's Brother Alvear- gotta change My mind and save a few more just so that maybe these missionaries will get a hint about the way I want things done!"

Don't be too hard on yourself, there bro. Maybe God is working in the way that you envision, but His mind is wrapped the other way around this issue. Maybe, the Lord is trying to drive you out of Apostolic fellowship because you don't support women preachers. Maybe that was God's hand in bringing that women preacher in the other place just to create a stumbling block that hardens your heart.

The Lord kept putting such stumbling blocks in the path of Pharaoh. And with each new circumstance Pharaoh's heart was hardened more as he grew farther away from God. Maybe you're a vessel formed for dishonor? Maybe that's why you couldn't get along with the first set of folks.

In all seriousness however, I am confident that nothing of this kind is the case for you. You just have a particular temperment and are accustomed to seeing things a certain way. Other folks, while they may share your beliefs on the essentials, are accustomed to looking at things from another perspective.

Consider the fact that Jesus and His disciples refused to go into the villages of Samaria and preach. But how did the Gospel first arrive in Samaria? The woman at the well in John 4. There was no other way to get the message to those folks than through this woman's testimony and excited preaching "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" Without this preaching the subsequent outpourings of the Holy Ghost in Samaria might never have occurred.
This has got to be one of the best posts I've ever seen on forums.

Great thoughts!! Sobering ones too!
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Is this what being 40 is all about???
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Old 01-31-2008, 06:26 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Depends upon how you say it. I've seen men get into pulpits and "talk" for a while, but when they were done almost no one would have said they "preached."

And what is Sister Alvear saying when she "preaches" or "talks" or whatever? She's testifying of things that she has seen and heard. Just like the woman at the well, and just like the women at the tomb that you mentioned.
From now on, I'm going to let you do the talking. You just have a way of putting things that is just so much better than I could ever do!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???
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Old 01-31-2008, 10:26 PM
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Re: WWPF to allow women preachers

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
Quick note: WalkingbyFaith7; it didn't say a woman should have a sign of authority/power on her head- it said she should have POWER ON her head... I think I'm going to start a discussion on that.

Anyways, Sis. Alvear, I think it's great what you're doing in Brazil, and I think I mentioned that once before in a woman's preaching debate before. However, do you believe fewer souls would be won to the LORD if you stopped preaching? What I'm saying is, if you and your group of churches in Brazil stopped having women preachers, out of obedience to the Word, you'd be as, if not more, blessed than you all are now. I am not saying your a cursed people, but you know I obviously disagree with the fact that you all believe it's fine for a woman to preach. Also, I would be careful to say the work of GOD, in the area of saving of souls, in Brazil has been done by men OR women- it's been done by HIS Spirit drawing people unto HIMSELF and saving them. Preaching is the tool by which GOD chose to save people, but I just can not wrap my mind around women preaching it just seems such a contradiction of the Word of GOD.

Also, I'm really offended by the comments about us who don't believe in women preachers as being archaic or so in our thinking. We're living out a strong conviction we have, and it is NOT easy. I had to leave an Apostolic assembly to go to another due to the fact that the pastor was regularly allowing a woman to preach. The LORD has dealt with me very strongly on this matter, and to leave my last assembly was not easy. I now have to drive about an hour and a half to get to church, whereas before I only had a 20 minute drive. I'm not trying to sound like a martyr or anything, but I do want to bear my testimony that I did recieve this conviction from the LORD and I know this is true.

Bro. Alex
We have women preachers in obedience to the word of the Lord. If HE calls who am I to stand in anyone's way?

Strange the Lord dealt with you to leave an assembly because a woman preached...and at the same time He called me to go to Brazil...I would say either you or I do not know the voice of the Lord...

Judgment day will tell who heard the voice of the Lord.
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