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Old 12-19-2020, 10:04 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Too late to walk it back, Sunshine. Who’s the Negative Nancy, ‘cause it ain’t me.
Sure thing, whatever you say.
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Old 12-20-2020, 01:22 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Sure thing, whatever you say.
Be fair Esaias, while I appreciate your passion, and your principle, (you are one of the few that will answer a question I ask of you) many on here won't, you do sound negative at least to some of us.
Perhaps you are not in real life, I am sure I would enjoy a cup of coffee with you. That being said, I have seen a woman standing in front of me when the man of God said that she was born with one leg shorter than the other, and by Gods miraculous power it grew out and straightened it right up. Another woman in n the same service had her arthritic hand straightened out. I saw her stretch it out.
I could spend pages of postings to share the things I have seen. Therefore, I believe God can fix a broken Election. That God can rebuke evil spirits so there can be a move of God.
There is, at least at times in my view, some truth to POs post.
JMO though.
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Old 12-20-2020, 04:10 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Be fair Esaias
He was being fair.

You just don't like his fairness.

You are just looking for an echo.

Having that cup of coffee with someone giving you reality as a creamer, is not what you are looking for.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 12-20-2020, 05:22 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
He was being fair.

You just don't like his fairness.

You are just looking for an echo.

Having that cup of coffee with someone giving you reality as a creamer, is not what you are looking for.
LOL! One quote taken out of context. You should talk, I have caught you in a blatant lie and hypocrisy. If you knew how to look in the mirror you would see it is you and Esasias who are looking for the amens and aquiesenece.
I am not the only one noticing it.
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Old 12-20-2020, 05:35 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
LOL! One quote taken out of context. You should talk, I have caught you in a blatant lie and hypocrisy. If you knew how to look in the mirror you would see it is you and Esasias who are looking for the amens and aquiesenece.
I am not the only one noticing it.
You caught me in a lie?

Fight is on

Show me
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 12-20-2020, 05:51 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
You caught me in a lie?

Fight is on

Show me
Fight is on? This isn't a fight, this week s about you not saying your a Christian, but trying at least to act like one. PO said that she was glad I was here. Maw Maw amend it, you agreed with it. Yet, ever since I have been here, I have been mocked, bullied, I can see you blatantly doing it to others, PO being one of them. Disagreeing with someone is okay, even great. One cannot see another view if one only has one viewpoint.
That being said it has to be done in respect. I have been mocked by you, I said I have seen a demon manifest in front of me, you are snarky. I ask you questions like haven't you seen a demon, cast one out, or seen an Angel, and it falls on deaf ears.
Also, in regards to the NWO it is like this when I talk to people about God and they call it a fairy tale. I say that Biblical Characters have existed in history, Archeology records it, cultural records has it being recorded. Now, you can either believe that Jesus is the Messiah or no, but they were real people it is up to you
The NWO I have met them, met brother in the Lord who was tried to be recruited. Talked to a former Government leader who discussed with me the reality of it. Now you can believe in a NWO or not, up to you, but please don't mock me as saying that those people I referenced don't exist.
It is called respect, and Brother, you need a good talk with Jesus to find out where you let it drop.
I am heading to service now.
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Old 12-20-2020, 06:25 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Fight is on? This isn't a fight, this week s about you not saying your a Christian, but trying at least to act like one. PO said that she was glad I was here. Maw Maw amend it, you agreed with it. Yet, ever since I have been here, I have been mocked, bullied, I can see you blatantly doing it to others, PO being one of them. Disagreeing with someone is okay, even great. One cannot see another view if one only has one viewpoint.
That being said it has to be done in respect. I have been mocked by you, I said I have seen a demon manifest in front of me, you are snarky. I ask you questions like haven't you seen a demon, cast one out, or seen an Angel, and it falls on deaf ears.
Also, in regards to the NWO it is like this when I talk to people about God and they call it a fairy tale. I say that Biblical Characters have existed in history, Archeology records it, cultural records has it being recorded. Now, you can either believe that Jesus is the Messiah or no, but they were real people it is up to you
The NWO I have met them, met brother in the Lord who was tried to be recruited. Talked to a former Government leader who discussed with me the reality of it. Now you can believe in a NWO or not, up to you, but please don't mock me as saying that those people I referenced don't exist.
It is called respect, and Brother, you need a good talk with Jesus to find out where you let it drop.
I am heading to service now.

Sorry, if I had a dime for all the nonsense I've heard in Pentecost about the NWO. I'd be rich. You said you saw a demon, you said you saw an angel. I just asked what did they looked like? You have a problem with that? Why would I be the liar, or the hypocrite? You said you saw a demon and an angel. Obviously the reply to that, would be what did they look like? Did I inquire if the angel ask you to go move a rock out in the backyard and there you will find plates to translate into English? Brother Ron, I didn't do that. I just asked what did they look like. NWO, you met them? These guys must make it a point to reveal themselves to Pentecostals during breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Bob Evans or Cracker Barrel. Seriously, I was under the impression that they mostly only spoke about the NWO stuff to Pentecostal Evangelists.Also comparing these so called "agents" or "recruiters" being on the same level as saying Peter, Paul, and Moses actually existed? I tend to give more credence to Bible characters, then some of the NWO malarkey I have heard. You pray for me, I need the prayer, and you need the ...
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 12-20-2020, 07:38 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
... it is you and Esasias who are looking for the amens and aquiesenece.
I am not the only one noticing it.
I am not looking for amens or acquiescence. I've been here since this forum was started. If I was looking for amens I either wouldn't be here, or I'd regurgitate the standard line that gets the amens around here.

But never mind about that, and never mind about me. You have a good service tonight.
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Old 12-30-2020, 12:23 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Georgia senate Hearing today. Right now - Jovan Pulitzer came back up to the podium and said they have just within the last hour found out that in the runoff election in Fulton County, the poll pad is hooked up to the Internet. They not only have access to the device, but they are in. They are documenting in real time. Not supposed to have WiFi. It is communicating two ways. Only one device hooked up can siphon off data, modify the data and add data for all locations.

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Old 12-30-2020, 01:18 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Georgia senate Hearing today. Right now - Jovan Pulitzer came back up to the podium and said they have just within the last hour found out that in the runoff election in Fulton County, the poll pad is hooked up to the Internet. They not only have access to the device, but they are in. They are documenting in real time. Not supposed to have WiFi. It is communicating two ways. Only one device hooked up can siphon off data, modify the data and add data for all locations.

You would think, if this were true, this GA Senate Committee would be in an uproar demanding an immediate investigation of all polling locations to make sure none are connected to WiFi.
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