What does that have to do with hair and someone saying they felt something when a woman took her's down and wanted them to do it again so they could feel 'it' again?
That's sick, Thad. Real sick.
Jesus didn't claim He had healing in His clothing, nor did He encourage people to touch His clothing. He was also God in the flesh, which makes a huge difference as to her actions.
If she'd done that to your pastor, yes, I'd say she had some sort of problem of the mental flavor.
The lord did some pretty bizarre things in the bible. the natural mind would scoff but he chose the foolish things to confound the wise
Originally Posted by Steve Epley Power means symbol of authority. A woman's long hair is a symbol of her submission to Biblical Headship and Order as taught in the chapter.
This is so true. The whole chapter is about submission to authority and the power that is granted as a result of it. Part of the submission is the length of hair for women. There is the angelic covering that is most certainly tied to the power that comes through submission. Yes, I know that "submission" is considered a dirty word by some. Please understand that I am not talking about the wife becoming a doormat for the husband. That is not submission, but totalitarianism. Submission is a two-way street. We submit one to another. Further, we submit also to God. If I can submit to God, then it makes it a whole lot easier for my bride to submit to me for she sees me as part of HIS bride doing the same. It's really very simple, but unfortunately many get the idea that the man must be almost a demi-god at home. That just isn't so.