Digging, I was having a lot of fun with your comment, hope you don't mind.
But then I got to thinking the about the truth of your statement in comparison with Noah's ark. God had him get 2 of every kind of creature. Friend and foe must have been there. They had to co-exist for what must have seemed like an eternity for an animal...... the aggression and aweful stink there must have been... et cetera.
The point you make is very true. There will always be those who are much different than each us, some we will not like; but it is by God's design, and I believe it is one of His desires that we can somehow learn to co-exist. Dare I mention, encourage one another, prefer another over ourselves, brotherly love and the like?
Who is perfect? None, save Christ.
Please excuse my ramblings on personal growth. Back to a lighter note....
Wilson, you are brave coming over here where the pigs and snakes mingle.
No problem at all.
And... Timmy... no... not you either. But that is the last time I am going to say that because I might end up in trouble if I don't stop that now.
I love it....I live a high tension life, full of responsibilities, go into often very dangerous areas...this is a place where I have friends and I can run here and relax...and my friends here pray for me...what a joy...Sometimes I go weeks without posting other tmes my modem will pick up and I get to post from some of the most awesome places on earth: THE MISSION FIELD.
Yes we do! In fact, I am about to head out to drive to Toledo to meet with a friend from long-ago. It's a 1/2 hour drive. That gives me lots of time to pray for many of my friends here on AFF - including you, my sweet sister!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
Digging, I was having a lot of fun with your comment, hope you don't mind.
But then I got to thinking the about the truth of your statement in comparison with Noah's ark. God had him get 2 of every kind of creature. Friend and foe must have been there. They had to co-exist for what must have seemed like an eternity for an animal...... the aggression and aweful stink there must have been... et cetera.
The point you make is very true. There will always be those who are much different than each us, some we will not like; but it is by God's design, and I believe it is one of His desires that we can somehow learn to co-exist. Dare I mention, encourage one another, prefer another over ourselves, brotherly love and the like?
Who is perfect? None, save Christ.
Please excuse my ramblings on personal growth. Back to a lighter note....
Wilson, you are brave coming over here where the pigs and snakes mingle.
Yep! That sounds like AFF sometimes!
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine
This week I am in an awesome place...a little unique city by the Amazon jungle...both native people from this city and indians roam the streets...tonight we will be having a service at an indian's home....
Sis. A, you need to do one of those AT&T internet commericals you can say
"I was in the deepest darkest jungles of Brazil, and guess what I found?"
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards
"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship
"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill