But... but... what about those <1% that were converted by one of those four things? Even if they yielded only one conversion, and even if it cost trillions of dollars, who can put a price on a soul?
I knew someone would say that...just didn't expect it to be you!!
Just think of what those billions of dollars could have meant to the local church!! (and a way better car for me!)
Yet, BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR go into this garbage, with Christian TV taking the bulk. It always HAS BEEN and always WILL be the LOCAL CHURCH that Jesus set up to reach the world, through real authentic relationships!! That number that TBN puts up (ten million souls or whatever) is hogwash.
One of the greatest things that could ever happen to the modern-day church is for the government to find some way to shut down these thieves. For the "thief as come to kill, steal, and destroy" and that verse was NOT talking about the devil, but about religion!! TBN kills, steals, and destroys.
See there, Ferd, we're not all that far apart after all. So when I say to people, "If you can only block one channel on your cable tv system and you're trying to choose between MTV and TBN, block TBN, hands down", are you saying you'd agree with me?
Originally Posted by Lacey
I'd rather keep TBN and vamoose MTV!
At least there is GOOD singing on TBN!
Originally Posted by Sam
How could you even compare TBN and MTV.
In my opinion MTV is a sewer pipe from hell.
I may not agree with everything on TBN but I think they are trying to minister to people.
NOW started the comparison!! LOL
And I quite agree with you Sam.......on the description of mtv!
Here are the REAL statistics (Barna and others produce these numbers). Less than one percent of all confessing Christians were converted as a result of four things COMBINED...1) Christian concerts; 2) Special Drama productions; 3) Mass evangelism (Graham-type crusades); and 4) Christian TV.
Yet, BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR go into this garbage, with Christian TV taking the bulk. It always HAS BEEN and always WILL be the LOCAL CHURCH that Jesus set up to reach the world, through real authentic relationships!! That number that TBN puts up (ten million souls or whatever) is hogwash.
One of the greatest things that could ever happen to the modern-day church is for the government to find some way to shut down these thieves. For the "thief as come to kill, steal, and destroy" and that verse was NOT talking about the devil, but about religion!! TBN kills, steals, and destroys.
The constitutionality question relates to illegal search and seizure and probable cause.
There is a second question that liberals are going to exploit when they challenge the law. That will be that the constitution explicitly states that the federal government has control over immigration issues. Liberals intend to allow as many people from south of the border into the USA as they can expand their voter base. Dems see this as a wedge issue and fully intend to exploit it before the fall elections.
and it should be noted that your views on TBN are more "liberal" than mine!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!