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Old 08-24-2018, 11:36 AM
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What logic and Bible is used against beards?

I know we have several threads on this subject...I know more or less the pro stands...what is used against beards?
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Old 08-24-2018, 11:50 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
I know we have several threads on this subject...I know more or less the pro stands...what is used against beards?
Well, the only reference I can find that speaks of Christ's beard is in a prophetic text that is believed by many to be a prophetic statement regarding Christ's scourging:
Isaiah 50:6 English Standard Version (ESV)
6 I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting.
I guess one could say that if they pulled out Christ's beard... we should pull out ours???

Last edited by Aquila; 08-24-2018 at 11:53 AM.
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Old 08-24-2018, 01:35 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Could some just make a summery why beards and why not beards?


1. There is no command or approved example or necessary inference in or from Scripture that requires the shaving off of the beard of a man.

2. There is a positive command against "marring the corners of one's beard" - Lev 19:27

3. There are approved examples of men favoured by God who had beards (too numerous to mention).

4. There are Biblical examples of beard shaving which indicate it was considered shameful.

5. Logic indicates that beards, being distinctively masculine, are to be preferred to being clean shaven , which is more suitable to women.

6. Logic indicates that beards, being a natural indication of male adulthood, are preferable to being clean shaven, which is indicative of childhood. (Beard = man, no beard = boy.)


1. Some people prefer the professional businessman look.

2. Crumbs from food sometimes get in the beard.

3. Many women are more likely to be sexually attracted to clean shaven men than to men with beards (although most women instinctively identify bearded men as more likely to be financially stable and able to provide for a family, according to recent studies).

4. ?
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Last edited by Esaias; 08-24-2018 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 08-24-2018, 02:34 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post

1. There is no command or approved example or necessary inference in or from Scripture that requires the shaving off of the beard of a man.

2. There is a positive command against "marring the corners of one's beard" - Lev 19:27

3. There are approved examples of men favoured by God who had beards (too numerous to mention).

4. There are Biblical examples of beard shaving which indicate it was considered shameful.

5. Logic indicates that beards, being distinctively masculine, are to be preferred to being clean shaven , which is more suitable to women.

6. Logic indicates that beards, being a natural indication of male adulthood, are preferable to being clean shaven, which is indicative of childhood. (Beard = man, no beard = boy.)


1. Some people prefer the professional businessman look.

2. Crumbs from food sometimes get in the beard.

3. Many women are more likely to be sexually attracted to clean shaven men than to men with beards (although most women instinctively identify bearded men as more likely to be financially stable and able to provide for a family, according to recent studies).

4. ?
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Old 08-24-2018, 02:41 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

In his book "Facial Hair" approved by the United Pentecostal, Church L. Chancy Gore stands against beards in part because:

Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Catholics were clean shaven.

Beards were considered by some as the mark of the beast.

Beards are as a mask.

Gays and drug addicts wear beards.

Beards feed self pride.

Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 08-24-2018 at 04:29 PM.
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Old 08-24-2018, 02:46 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
In his book "Facial Hair" approved by the United Pentecostal, Church L. Chancy Gore stands against beards in part because:

Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Catholics were clean shaven.

Beards were considered by some as the mark of the beast.

Beards are as a mask.

Gays and drug addicts wear beards.

Beards feed self pride.
wonder who is Chancy Gore?
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Old 08-24-2018, 03:09 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
wonder who is Chancy Gore?
I didn't know either, so I looked it up for you/us.

He is the author of the book:


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Old 08-24-2018, 03:17 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
I didn't know either, so I looked it up for you/us.

He is the author of the book:


Maybe someone should knock the guy's lights out. I'll stay out of it though. Because, evidently he hasn't grown his beard...

… and I don't punch women or children. LOL
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Old 08-24-2018, 03:44 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Maybe someone should knock the guy's lights out.
Here you go, tough guy. Why don't you go knock Pastor Gore's lights out...


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Old 08-24-2018, 07:06 PM
Wilsonwas Wilsonwas is offline
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Here is the Con argument from a well known name in the UPCI


I find it seems to follow a presumptive argument form in which points are made to support a conclusion, when the statement supporting the arguement is not universally true, or not the only ecplination for the result.

Another writer I found in the Con column states:

"MOTIVE – a lot of young men that I have come into contact with who are wearing facial hair in our holiness movement are doing so out of rebellion, not all – but many. They feel like they have something to prove.

ATTITUDE - There is a trend to cast off the former “traditions” of the holiness church, and to embrace a more relaxed, casual, sloppy attitude in God’s presence.
If the motive of a young man for wearing facial hair stems from an attitude problem, or rebellion – then facial hair is just a little bit of the fruit that is growing on the tree? The root of the problem is a definitely a heart issue!

TRADITION – The bible makes reference to the positives and negatives of tradition. There were men in Jesus’ day who had exalted their traditions above the doctrines clearly defined in God’s Word, and for this they were condemned. But on the other hand, the Apostle Paul was inspired to command us to uphold tradition given to us through God’s written word, and also, through the wisdom and teaching of those in authority:"

I could not find someone with tge name recognition above in the pro column, perhaps because of effects like the long back thread involving people taliking about Bro. Bernard. None the less- I'd say this sort of capfures some of the pro argument without just being my word alone;
"Most all men of the Bible had beards, even Jesus. Though beards are not required for salvation, it’s interesting to note that nearly all men in the Bible had beards.
God’s word reveals that beards are a blessing to men, which is sadly forgotten in today’s age. While not required, growing a beard can, in a sense, give honor and glory to a God who created man with that ability. Not out of requirement, not out of salvation, but out of appreciation for God giving man that distinction. Just like women are generally blessed with long/thick hair, and the ability to bear children–so are men blessed with the ability to grow thick facial hair.

I really truly think most of the divisive "standards" issues come from the articles of faith etc. That were written including the authors view relative to the norms of the period of writing- this includes
Dresses on ladies
Uncut/hmh hair doctrine

If specific articles of clothing are not mentioned, but long hair for ladies, modesty, and simplicity are still communicated as desireable and biblical, much of the rebellion that does occur would not. And hmh doctrine would not exist- because those trying to keep the standard relevent to a world in whuch we see lesbian trasgender men on magazine covers would not find themselves so far afeild trying to make scripture fit narrative.

But that is my humble opinion, and I have been labeled libertine, by some here.
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