Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Steve Munsey is the son of Frank Munsey. Brother Frank Munsey was the one who baptized my husbands familiy in Jesus name many years ago. At that time Brother Munsey was UPCI...I haven´t heard from the Munsey´s for years but in times past visited in our home. Sister Munsey had several "records" ...my that was moons ago...His parents were wonderful people. I don´t know if they are alive maybe someone more informed could tell us.
The part about Steve I will leave to those who watch him on Television. I know very little about Steve other than hearsay...so I cannot say.
Steve was only 6 months old when they went to Hammond, Indiana, to start the church. Mom and I practically raised him, Joe and Philip.
Last time we were in Hammond, Frank was still there and Steve was trying to get on the payroll and get his dad to retire. I guess he finally succeeded.
Sis. Munsey just celebrated her 75th birthday recently. They still have a school in Belarus or Belize - or somewhere. They go back and forth between there and Munster - at least they still were a few months ago.
I still have some of Sis. Munsey's records, along with a host of others from ancient times. A lot of memories from the old Evangelistic Temple.