Originally Posted by votivesoul
Has anyone seen the sudden uptick in UFO articles and announcements?
It seems like the next stage of the plan is about to go into motion.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
What if he did under the guise of a far off civilization contacting Earth? The world would be in shock and awe. It may not be so but if the Government is now giving us daily doses of UFO stories something NOT GOOD is up their sleeve.
The plan? The whole UFO hullaballoo is for the Michael Gibsons of the world. Which sadly make up a great majority of the world. Not all the Romans went for the bread at the gladiatorial circus. But a great majority ran to the game while the society crumbles. Fables, mythologies, passed down stories from everything from Big Foot to Little Green men are spread far and wide to distract. Even real issues like gang violence in Chicago, Antifa in Portland Oregon, and vaccinations for COVID, are hyped in a theatrical way to cause the huddled masses to be confused, spilt apart, arguing who is right, and who is wrong. All while the politicians inside stock trade, buy expensive ice cream, and do as they very well please. Hey, wasn't Trump supposed to be president right now?