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Old 09-02-2016, 07:48 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by Jito463 View Post

I said it before, you've drank the
Some believe that an abortion is justified if it is to save the life of the mother. I'm only giving an accommodation to those who might believe that abortion is permissible in special circumstances.

However, my personal take on it is.... I greatly admire women who have faced all odds, including the possibility of death itself to have a child. Morally speaking, I'm not convinced that there are circumstances wherein abortion is warranted.

Last edited by Aquila; 09-02-2016 at 07:55 AM.
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Old 09-02-2016, 07:53 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
God will sort them out. Repentance and grace is free to all. Abortion is murder.
Abortion might be a sin equal to murder morally. I've always had a question.

Why is it that if a man and woman are found guilty of adultery, they are both to be executed? What troubles me is that certainly in many cases an adulterous woman was pregnant with the seed of her lover. No period of waiting is prescribed to ensure that she isn't pregnant. Why wouldn't God require a period in which to determine if a woman was pregnant or not before executing her?

Oh good grief.
I said, "...if any...", because on a moral level, I'm not sure if any circumstance warrants an abortion. Just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right.
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:14 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I guarantee you there are two sides to the story on all of that. You are the one making assumptions and choosing rather to support a murderer who would be under indictment right now in a fair and just society.
Conspiracy theories and tinfoil hats.

It's sad when a son of America renounces his very birthright and believes the lies of socialism. You prove yourself unworthy of what our Founders created for you.
I served 8 years Army. My first MOS was 19K (M1 Tank Crewman) and my second was 91B10 (Combat Medical Specialist). If anyone is loyal to the United States, I assure you, it's me. I'm more loyal than the Trumpster with his cozy relationship with the Russians. Trump never braved fire or killed a man for this country. Frankly, I think Trump would pi$$ his pants and plead to buy his way out of dying.

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. Public Education - You, your children, you family, or someone you know has participated in this socialist institution.

2.Police, Fire, and Emergency Services - Next time you get robbed, your house is on fire, or you need other emergency services, be sure to turn them away because you hate socialism.

3.The US Postal Service - It’s pretty nice to be able to send and receive mail every day (except Sunday) wherever you are in the country. “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

4.Medicare, Medicaid - My absolute favorite of the right-wing protesters are the ones who don’t want socialized medicine, but insist that the government not interfere with their Medicare and/or Medicaid.

5.Public Subways, Metro Systems, Buses, and Light Rails - Millions of people in our nations cities use these socialist methods of transportation to get to work, go shopping, or just get around town.

6.Sidewalks, Roads, & Highways - Sure, not every street in the country is in the best condition, but they wouldn’t even be paved at all if the government didn’t provide them as a service to all of its people.

7.Public Parks, Beaches, and Zoos - Who doesn’t enjoy a stroll in the park, relaxing on the beach, or seeing monkeys fling poo at the zoo? No one, that’s who. If it weren’t a national park protected and funded by the government, the Grand Canyon would probably already be the Grand Landfill.

8.Public Museums, Public Libraries - These fun and educational institutions are a vital part to any decent city. Their enjoyment can be shared by everyone because of their “socialist” government funding.

9.SCHIP and other state-run insurance programs - I’m not sure how, but the Glen Becks and Rush Limbaughs of the world have managed to convince their listeners that health insurance for children is a bad thing.

10.Social Security - This New Deal program was a vital part of recovery from the great depression. Most will tell you that while it doesn't solve every problem, it helps.
I don't care who you are, rich or poor, Teaparty Republican or Liberal Socialist. The odds are that you benefit from at least one or more of these 10 American Government-Run, Taxpayer funded "Socialist" programs, agencies, and laws.

My overall argument is not for a completely socialist nation. This would not work. A completely capitalist nation would not work either.

I'm just simply saying that I, as a Democratic Socialist, feel that the two can co-exist. I know this because they always have. Socialism and capitalism have always co-existed in America.

I also believe in freedom. I believe options are a form of freedom.

Oh, for cryin' out loud. Even, The Pledge of Allegiance, was written by an American Christian Socialist.

Schip program? Give me a break!

As I said, my step-daughter received care she desperately needed because she was covered by SCHIP.

Last edited by Aquila; 09-02-2016 at 08:17 AM.
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:18 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
Evangelize them. Give them the good news of forgiveness, because theres a guilt and a regret they will ever live with save the most callous and selfish, and they too need the gospel.
If abortion is truly "murder" doesn't that cheapen the value of human life if all we do is preach to them???
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:25 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
I've been pretty clear on this board what I think of Trump, so quit playing.
Honestly, I don't remember reading anything you've said about how you feel regarding Trump.

Secondly, i'd rather not vote, than give my hearty approval in the name of Christ to someone who approves of the slaughter of the innocent, to say nothing of her support of every sexual perversion in our country.
That's inconsistent. You view Hillary Clinton as one who "approves" of the "slaughter of the innocent" and as a result, you can't vote for her. Yet.... you'd only share the Gospel with the actual women who actually chose to "slaughter the innocent"???

Wouldn't that be like me saying that I wouldn't vote for someone who believes in gun rights because they "approve of gun violence". Yet... I'd be willing to just evangelize and pray with those who actually gunned people down in cold blood???

But if you feel good voting for her, then by all means, do it. I couldn't sleep at night myself.
I'm actually not a big Hillary fan. While I do recognize a significant amount of good that she's done, she wasn't my first choice. I supported the Bernster.

Last edited by Aquila; 09-02-2016 at 10:24 AM.
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:49 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
True, but certainly the law can and does enable them. What exactly is the purpose of civil law except to restrain sin in the unregernerate, else all would be total chaos. (Rom 13)
Why doesn't the Law of Moses specifically condemn abortifacients as other ancient law codes do?

Making something illegal will never keep all people from doing it, but having laws against something serves as a deterrent.

When we say abortion is ok, gay marriage is ok, marijuana is ok, gambling, porn, adultery, alcohol, etc are all ok, we simply take the restraints off the unregenerate and reap the pain in our society.
Actually, the nations with the lowest abortion rates are progressive nations that are pro-choice, pro-birth control, pro-sex education, and provide universal healthcare. Those nations with the highest abortion rates (based on maternal morbidity alone) are typically nations wherein abortion is prohibited and other progressive policies are not in place.

Broken families, teen pregnancies (typically resulting in more broken families, children raised in poverty, and poor education, substance abuse, sexual abuse, prison time, etc), suicides, venereal diseases, overdoses, alcohol related deaths, etc, etc. We are destroying ourselves in the name of liberty and freedom and choice. And how any Christian can't see this, baffles me.
America leads the world in nearly all of these terrible social issues. We one of the Westernized nations who has the most incarcerated citizens (I think we're like 2nd only to China). However, most other Westernized countries wherein they've adopted progressive policies towards healthcare, abortion, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, etc. have not only lower incarceration rates, lower crime, and lower poverty, but they rank higher in education, health, and overall happiness of their citizens. In December, Forbes magazine reported that Denmark was currently the preferred nation for corporations to do business in. Out of the time five nations I believe four were European. So, many of our corporations are doing business in, or are moving to, to Denmark. A number of corporations report that with health insurance premiums so high in the U.S., it's cheaper to entirely wash their hands of negotiating and providing employ health insurance and just pay into the shared taxation that supports the national healthcare system of Denmark.

My fiancé lived in Europe for several years. She lived in Ely (UK), Brussels (Belgium), and Amsterdam (Netherlands). She said that Brussels was very nice, as was Amsterdam. When coming back to the United Stats, she said it was like traveling backwards in time or into a dystopian society overrun with trash, pollution, noise, advertising, and crumbling roads and bridges. She said it shocked her how dirty, run-down, and out of date things are here in the United States.

Bro.... we need to catch up with the rest of Western Civilization. We don't need to lag behind and become a banana republic like Brazil. We need a progressive agenda.

Last edited by Aquila; 09-02-2016 at 08:53 AM.
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Old 09-02-2016, 01:11 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Honestly, I don't remember reading anything you've said about how you feel regarding Trump.
Originally Posted by Jason B View Post

Christian folks voting for Trump because the alternative is Hillary and expecting Trump to be some religious freedom zealot, particularly friendly to Christians would be as naive as voting for Nero (who had a decent 10 year stretch before Rome caught fire) and he needed a scapegoat.

Trump isn't going to stop the decline of the nation. I'm not saying he'd turn on Christians and bring on persecution BUT I'll say this, he's no friend of biblical Christianity. He's playing ya'll. He won't stick up for our values if the majority want the opposite. He won't step in to stop cases of injustice, lawsuits, etc against Christians. The man is a proven liar, a narcisstic egotist, a pseudo Christian, an admitted adulterer (with no regrets, saying even that he has never asked God for forgiveness because he has nothing that he needs to be forgiven for). He's corrupt as can be (why he wont release tax returns, because they'll expose his lies), he insults everyone, it's never a bad time for him to make a personal insult or a sexual innuedo. He's a casino tycoon, making money off of one of the dirtiest industries in America (in my opinion third only to porn and alcohol, and his wife has ties to porn, probably Donald somewhere to).

The picture of Jerry Falawell Jr is symbolic of how Trump is playing Christians, and how STUPID some are for buying it. (The picture I'm talking about is where Falawell, his wife and Trump pose for a picture in Trumps office, and directly in the background amongst several framed magazines on the wall is an issue of Playboy).....oh but Trump cares. Trump's gonna save our nation. Trump's gonna preserve our freedom. Trump's going to be our hero and preserve our freedom of speech, so we can preach against homosexuality without the threat of a hate speech arrest...yeah right. The same guy who waffled on men using womens restrooms and eventually came down on the same side as the liberals. The guy whose talked about the possibility of nuking Europe. The guy who built his whole campaign on a wall and deportation and has already backed far away from that.

This guy is a ding dong. Cheistians following him ate equally foolish. Still my brethren, nut man ya'll aten't even thinking straight.

I know the response "Oh, oh, YOU must want Hillary. Just tell your grandkids you stayed home."

To which I say: pfft whatever. I'll gladly tell my grandkids I stayed home. 2016 is not any more critical than 2008 or 2012, and 2020 will be equally critical for many of the same reasons plus some new ones, and probably 2024 and so on. Especially as we move towards the return of the Lord, things will likely get worse before they get better. *But* that doesn't mean I'm not optimistic. See Hillary can't do anything in our nation in 4 years that God can't undo. Obama and the Supreme Court can't do anything God can't undo.

I say to you who fret over Clinton as though Trump is infinitely more desirable, God is still sovereign. If we have wicked rulers (and this election is 6 of one a half dozen of the other) its our fault. We as a nation love wickedness and now we reap what we sow. We as the church (in general) compromised with the world, watered down the gospel, quit preaching sin and repentance, and strengthened the hand of evil doers because of personal gain and social acceptance. We're now filled with seeker sensitive, worldly, homosexual affirming churches. Our nation languishes in darkness because we have failed to give them light. Not just now, but in the 80s, the 60s, the 20s. We have grown progressively worse as a people.

But even still, many great revivals in church history (especially in the West) follow a deep decline in cultural morality, a deadness in the church, and a people brought face to face with their need for God. It may yet get much worse before it gets better. It may not get better until Christ comes. Either way eventually its going to get better, even if God chooses to use our generations blood (or our grandkids) to advance His cause and purpose in the earth.

So vote for Trump if you want, but save your fearmongering sky is falling if you stay home and Hillary wins rhetoric for Sean Hannity. God's got this, if we concentrate our efforts, and teach our children and grand children to serve Him, its all going to turn out good in the end anyway, whatever road we take to get there.

So don't judge me if I can't vote for a man who embodies the works of the flesh. I can't vote for a woman who worships Molech either. But I'm not concerned about it because in 4 years we'll hear the same things again.

PS-not just for Barbara, but Originalist, Deacon Blues, Tin Foil Esaias, EB, and anyone else who pushed the non vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary (even if you're "smarter than thou") and refuse to vote at all.
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Old 09-03-2016, 02:49 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
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Old 09-05-2016, 02:11 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: What about the trumpster?

"The Donald Trump for President 2016 campaign will pull out of the scheduled September 26th debate between Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Trump, unless third-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are also allowed to participate."

gotta love it, even if he has ulterior motives.
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Old 09-05-2016, 02:33 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: What about the trumpster?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
"The Donald Trump for President 2016 campaign will pull out of the scheduled September 26th debate between Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Trump, unless third-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are also allowed to participate."

gotta love it, even if he has ulterior motives.
Of course. The GOP nominee is too scared to debate anyone one on one, just as he was too afraid to debate Cruz one on one. He wants to have others there so he can deflect and hide.

Weakest. GOP. Nominee. Ever.

Last edited by n david; 09-05-2016 at 02:41 PM.
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