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Old 03-04-2015, 03:32 PM
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Re: The House of Mourning

Something to inspire us as we "mourn in [our] complaint".

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Old 03-04-2015, 03:36 PM
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Re: The House of Mourning

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Old 03-09-2015, 11:30 AM
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Re: The House of Mourning

A blog I posted containing a teaching from Michael Card called "Lamenting is Worship", based on his book A Sacred Sorrow, which I also recommend.

Here is the blog:


Here is a link to the book:

For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 03-10-2015, 10:05 PM
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Re: The House of Mourning

Originally Posted by navygoat1998 View Post
Bro I am not even in Oneness Pentecost but if I lived near you I would be there in like mind and one accord.

The Lord has been impressing something like this in my own home.

Don't know if you saw it but I added you to the group I created on FB.
For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 03-10-2015, 10:07 PM
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Re: The House of Mourning

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
There is a lot of homeless, hurting, and sick people in the church. I mean a lot! Something is not right.

You either swim or perish. I'm fighting a debilitating disease and was left behind because I don't tithe. I have a friend who is ill and wants baptized but does not want to go to a church to do it.

I have no church family but you all.
The Lord's understanding is infinite (Psalm 147:5). He KNOWS what's going on everywhere and with you personally. Are you near Wisconsin?
For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 03-10-2015, 11:02 PM
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Re: The House of Mourning

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
PS: I would like to hear more about the new group. Seems like most of the good Churches must be in Wisconsin!
Here is a link to something I think you will enjoy reading:


Right now, we have bi-weekly meetings, always in the homes of the saints. The midweek meeting often features a meal for all who attend (while not exactly a traditional communion style meal, it represents the spirit of the idea).

Usually, there is small talk and chit chat as people take seats and greet each other. We usually sit in a circle facing each other. After a few moments, people begin to turn their attention to the Lord, and we begin to pray quietly to God by ourselves. We just continue to seek the Lord until the Spirit moves and inspires, often but not always with a song. The song may come from anyone. If the song is known, as many as do, join in and sing with whomever started it. Those who don't know the words worship instead and perhaps, try to pick up the lyrics. Then, but not always, someone else will feel inspired to start a song, share a testimony, read to us a passage of Scripture, and the like. All are possibilities; no meeting is exactly alike, as there is no order of service, no liturgy, no pre-planned anything.

As God moves, sometimes it feels like He is drawing out attention to a particular theme or idea, and so many of the songs or Scriptures shared will be about the same thing. Gifts of the Spirit may operate at any time. If someone requests prayer, we all just stop and take the time to pray, anoint, lay hands on, and etc. for however long the person needs or as long as the Lord wants.

In time, after about an hour and a half, things start to wind down. By the end, we may have sung six or seven songs, or not, we may have prayed for several different needs or situations. There may have been a testimony shared. Someone may have felt an unction to share a revelation or understanding from the Word, and so, preach or teach for a few minutes. Open discussions may or may not ensue, depending on what was said.

Everyone is free to follow the Spirit as It leads. We all are free to exercise our gifts. Some gifts are more easily identifiable, but they all have their place.

There is much openness and honesty. Tears of joy flow frequently. There is a bank bag if anyone wants to give a free-will offering. There are no titles or un-Biblical ministries. Jesus is the only One in charge.

To share a specific experience:

Our second meeting, which was last fall, was on a Sunday morning. We were all sitting in a circle, and we were all praising God in song, as a particularly anointed sister exhorted us to worship the Lord.

The move of God was powerful. Whether to call it a vision or not I know not, but it was if I could tell and "see" Jesus standing in the middle of the circle we had made, completely enthroned as Head of our assembly, silently absorbing our worship.

It was beautiful!

And it's like this all the time. Granted, there are some starts and stops, when someone begins a song but can't sing well or suddenly realizes they don't know all the words and we hope someone else can take over to continue the song. But these are minor and don't have any impact on anything.

I sure wish more people could come and experience what we have. Although maybe some of you already have such awesome times in the Lord.
For anyone devoted to His fear:


Last edited by votivesoul; 03-10-2015 at 11:08 PM.
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Old 03-11-2015, 01:23 PM
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Re: The House of Mourning

Sounds wonderful Votive! Much like what we experience in our group as well. I'm so thankful to hear that the Lord is moving and blessing in your midst!
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Old 03-11-2015, 02:24 PM
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Re: The House of Mourning

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Here is a link to something I think you will enjoy reading:


Right now, we have bi-weekly meetings, always in the homes of the saints. The midweek meeting often features a meal for all who attend (while not exactly a traditional communion style meal, it represents the spirit of the idea).

Usually, there is small talk and chit chat as people take seats and greet each other. We usually sit in a circle facing each other. After a few moments, people begin to turn their attention to the Lord, and we begin to pray quietly to God by ourselves. We just continue to seek the Lord until the Spirit moves and inspires, often but not always with a song. The song may come from anyone. If the song is known, as many as do, join in and sing with whomever started it. Those who don't know the words worship instead and perhaps, try to pick up the lyrics. Then, but not always, someone else will feel inspired to start a song, share a testimony, read to us a passage of Scripture, and the like. All are possibilities; no meeting is exactly alike, as there is no order of service, no liturgy, no pre-planned anything.

As God moves, sometimes it feels like He is drawing out attention to a particular theme or idea, and so many of the songs or Scriptures shared will be about the same thing. Gifts of the Spirit may operate at any time. If someone requests prayer, we all just stop and take the time to pray, anoint, lay hands on, and etc. for however long the person needs or as long as the Lord wants.

In time, after about an hour and a half, things start to wind down. By the end, we may have sung six or seven songs, or not, we may have prayed for several different needs or situations. There may have been a testimony shared. Someone may have felt an unction to share a revelation or understanding from the Word, and so, preach or teach for a few minutes. Open discussions may or may not ensue, depending on what was said.

Everyone is free to follow the Spirit as It leads. We all are free to exercise our gifts. Some gifts are more easily identifiable, but they all have their place.

There is much openness and honesty. Tears of joy flow frequently. There is a bank bag if anyone wants to give a free-will offering. There are no titles or un-Biblical ministries. Jesus is the only One in charge.

To share a specific experience:

Our second meeting, which was last fall, was on a Sunday morning. We were all sitting in a circle, and we were all praising God in song, as a particularly anointed sister exhorted us to worship the Lord.

The move of God was powerful. Whether to call it a vision or not I know not, but it was if I could tell and "see" Jesus standing in the middle of the circle we had made, completely enthroned as Head of our assembly, silently absorbing our worship.

It was beautiful!

And it's like this all the time. Granted, there are some starts and stops, when someone begins a song but can't sing well or suddenly realizes they don't know all the words and we hope someone else can take over to continue the song. But these are minor and don't have any impact on anything.

I sure wish more people could come and experience what we have. Although maybe some of you already have such awesome times in the Lord.
Yes the home group offers opportunities for real body ministry. As for the link to the Glorious Church I am a member of that Forum. When you see "Mike Gibson" that is me.

The Forum there is usually quite slow but now and then picks up some steam. It could use you so please sign up.
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Old 03-11-2015, 02:46 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: The House of Mourning

an awesome reflection VS
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Old 03-11-2015, 04:30 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: The House of Mourning

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
The Lord's understanding is infinite (Psalm 147:5). He KNOWS what's going on everywhere and with you personally. Are you near Wisconsin?
No not near Wisconsin. Trying to relocate to Florida.


Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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