Amazing how many opinions are out there.
Tiger has sinned. If he were a man in my church, I'd pray that everything worked itself out, that the situation would have room for healing. It's true that the cost of fame involves privacy, but there's a point of that being reasonable. He is still a human. Rich people and poor people are both human. As a Christian community, we should be expected to spearhead giving this family privacy. That doesn't mean we have to pick sides. The wife is hurt. The family is hurt and Tiger is swallowing guilt at a time when most families are decorating for Christmas. Let them be. The press will go on with this as much as they can. I hope he goes on Oprah and has a chat, because that will really let the wind out of some of the media's sails.
All of this points to the fact that CHARACTER means something. And the lack of it or the loss of it is tragic in anyone's life. Repercussions are inevitable. The more familiar and known a person is, the worse they are. Someone has said that when the mighty cedars of Lebanon fall, all the saplings get crushed underneath. I have never rejoiced in the fall of anyone. (joked, yes, rejoiced, no) However, if you don't want your "private" failures known, do not become a public person...because the truth of the matter is that when you become a public person, there is no such thing as privacy. Like it or not, that's the way it is!
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
All of this points to the fact that CHARACTER means something. And the lack of it or the loss of it is tragic in anyone's life. Repercussions are inevitable. The more familiar and known a person is, the worse they are. Someone has said that when the mighty cedars of Lebanon fall, all the saplings get crushed underneath. I have never rejoiced in the fall of anyone. (joked, yes, rejoiced, no) However, if you don't want your "private" failures known, do not become a public person...because the truth of the matter is that when you become a public person, there is no such thing as privacy. Like it or not, that's the way it is!
well said mow, i would be glad to forget about tiger and his behavior, but i dont think the females will allow that, lol
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
All of this points to the fact that CHARACTER means something. And the lack of it or the loss of it is tragic in anyone's life. Repercussions are inevitable. The more familiar and known a person is, the worse they are. Someone has said that when the mighty cedars of Lebanon fall, all the saplings get crushed underneath. I have never rejoiced in the fall of anyone. (joked, yes, rejoiced, no) However, if you don't want your "private" failures known, do not become a public person...because the truth of the matter is that when you become a public person, there is no such thing as privacy. Like it or not, that's the way it is!
We can say "that's the way it is" or we can say "that's the way it should be." The fact is, Americans are nosey and curious about their celebrities. Yes, this is part of the glitz and glamour life, but we still have a duty to behave as human beings, and realize that the non-celebrity children, the the human heart of his wife, as well as the non-golfer, Tiger Woods (the man) are just like you and I.
We can say abortion is "just the way it is" but you will find no agreement (hopefully) on AFF for abortion. It's not what the condition of things are, it's what things should be that push us forward as a society.
The cat is out of the bag. That's expected. But now it's time to let the Woods Family deal with this pain, without putting our judgemental, pointing fingers on the surface of their glass house.