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Old 06-10-2009, 04:40 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

I copied this from an earlier thread I had posted and thought it might be
be good to post again.

In the early 1930's, it was two mothers who obeyed God in repenting, being baptized
in Jesus Name, for the remission of their sins, and God filled them with the Holy Ghost,
evidenced by speaking in tongues.
It was not the fathers, but the mothers that said YES to Jesus! Obeying the gospel
that has now been passed on from generation to generation. Five and ready to go
into the sixth.

No, it wasn't the men but the women who answered the call to be a child of GOD!
ONE was my paternal grandmother and the other was my maternal grandmother!
One from each of their families, a man and a woman, who had also received the Holy
Ghost experience, was my late parents.

Our son in law, married to our middle daughter, pastors the church our late father and
mother founded in 1958. His late Great-grandmother, his late grandmother and her sister,
all came out of the Assemblies of God over 60 yrs ago and obeyed this Apostolic truth.
He is the first of his family to have a "man" obey the gospel. It wasn't his grandfather,
but his grandmother, who obeyed and lived an example to this boy and now a full time
preacher (pastor) of the gospel, a husband and dedicated father of four. His eldest son
is a 15 1/2 yr. old, anointed of God, and being called to be faithful also. Another genera-
tion of TRUTH! TRUTH that sets men FREE, who will believe it!!

Teamwork WILL make the DREAM work! BUT IF he won't do his part, SHE WILL, and CAN
DO IT with GOD"S HELP!! It has been proven to be true! Wise women still seek HIM!

The apostle Paul knew that young Timothy had faith in God because he first saw it in
his grandmother Lois and in his mother, Eunice! He believed it to be in young Timothy
too! Paul wasn't nobody's dummy! And neither are we women! In Christ there is
.....! There are many faithful men who have also obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ
since those early beginnings.



Last edited by Falla39; 06-10-2009 at 04:43 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:14 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

Originally Posted by missourimary View Post
hehe this scripture references specifically men who are not "won" or "saved" yet...

Yep, and the husband should love his wife as himself, and he sure 'nough would respect his own opinions and ideas!!

Hmmm... doesn't say how many children; that could mean just one or a whole quiver full...

Oh huh....!

You know MM that you are at a disadvantage! No matter how many points you throw at us MEN, all we have to do in the end is say...

"It doesn't matter, you're a woman. I don't have to listen to you"!


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Old 06-10-2009, 08:16 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
I copied this from an earlier thread I had posted and thought it might be
be good to post again.

In the early 1930's, it was two mothers who obeyed God in repenting, being baptized
in Jesus Name, for the remission of their sins, and God filled them with the Holy Ghost,
evidenced by speaking in tongues.
It was not the fathers, but the mothers that said YES to Jesus! Obeying the gospel
that has now been passed on from generation to generation. Five and ready to go
into the sixth.

No, it wasn't the men but the women who answered the call to be a child of GOD!
ONE was my paternal grandmother and the other was my maternal grandmother!
One from each of their families, a man and a woman, who had also received the Holy
Ghost experience, was my late parents.

Our son in law, married to our middle daughter, pastors the church our late father and
mother founded in 1958. His late Great-grandmother, his late grandmother and her sister,
all came out of the Assemblies of God over 60 yrs ago and obeyed this Apostolic truth.
He is the first of his family to have a "man" obey the gospel. It wasn't his grandfather,
but his grandmother, who obeyed and lived an example to this boy and now a full time
preacher (pastor) of the gospel, a husband and dedicated father of four. His eldest son
is a 15 1/2 yr. old, anointed of God, and being called to be faithful also. Another genera-
tion of TRUTH! TRUTH that sets men FREE, who will believe it!!

Teamwork WILL make the DREAM work! BUT IF he won't do his part, SHE WILL, and CAN
DO IT with GOD"S HELP!! It has been proven to be true! Wise women still seek HIM!

The apostle Paul knew that young Timothy had faith in God because he first saw it in
his grandmother Lois and in his mother, Eunice! He believed it to be in young Timothy
too! Paul wasn't nobody's dummy! And neither are we women! In Christ there is
.....! There are many faithful men who have also obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ
since those early beginnings.



Did your husband give you permission to write this?


Good to see you!

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Old 06-10-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

There are many instances of Paul praising women who teach the truth such as Priscilla, see Acts 18:2,18,26; 1 Cor. 16:19; and Romans 16:3; Phoebe, a "diakonon" servant/minister in Romans 16:1, Junia in Romans 16:7, "outstanding among the apostles" Nympha, and "her house church"-- the only leader mentioned by name in Laodicea, Col. 4:15. Also Euodia and Syntyche who "contended at my side in the cause of the gospel" verbally wrestling with unbelievers, Phil. 4:1-3. He hails many other women as co-workers in Christ Jesus. If Paul had issued a blanket edict against all women teaching everywhere Paul would have reprimanded these women instead of praising them!
(Dianne D. McDonnell)

It stands to reason there were many women that preached according to Acts 8...

I just wish we all had the same burden as those early christians...men and women alike died for preaching the gospel...according to the bible and many early history works...
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Old 06-10-2009, 09:23 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

Many women who labored with Paul in the Gospel and since one can hardly labor in the Gospel without preaching or teaching the Gospel it is understandable that they ministered. Peter on the day of Pentecost let it be known that women were just as imporant as men in the gospel, when he explained the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy that "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy." A study of the ministry of Biblical prophets shows that prophecy was not limited to telling future events, but also included expounding God's Word and exhorting His people to turn to God and repent. So, for women to prophesy necessarily means that they preach and teach God's Word under His authority.
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Last edited by Sister Alvear; 06-10-2009 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 09:28 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

A women ministering the gospel can fulfill her duties as wife, mother and a woman...I know...I have just done that all my life...
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:09 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Oh huh....!

You know MM that you are at a disadvantage! No matter how many points you throw at us MEN, all we have to do in the end is say...

"It doesn't matter, you're a woman. I don't have to listen to you"!


Funny, but there is also a grain of truth to it. The "Quiet! You are 'woman'." IS a catch-all clause used by those who believe they (women) have no rights to do anything other then be pregnant and raise their (the mans) kids.
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:11 AM
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Falla39 Falla39 is offline
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post

Did your husband give you permission to write this?


Good to see you!

Hello, Bro. J,

No, but if he had been here, he would have approved! We're a team.
Takes teamwork to make the dream work.

Good to hear from you! Pray all is going well!

Sometimes I think, "What if I had been one to keep silent. Just listen to
my husband and never think for myself. Or learn to go to God for myself
and my family. Never seek God for myself. Just be the silent little bashful
girl I once was.
But when you have "Fire" shut up in your bones, you know it has to come out sometimes. I "listened and learned" for many years from my late father (my pastor)and mother. I've passed my "listening and learning on to my children and now their children are listening and learning from their parents (our children). Every man is not equipped to do everything that needs to be done and say everything that needs to be said. My father was equipped from a young age as his mother "fed" him the Word of God and when he was old and mature enough, he fed himself and loved to eat the Word.

He began to feed his eleven children the Word even before some could even
read. It was a nightly thing in our home! Called FAMILY ALTER!! Thank God
for the family Alter. What ever happened to the family alter! The MAN of the
FAMILY led it when we were young.


My husband did not receive this training as I did. And when he received the Holy Ghost in July of 1958, I had just received it a few weeks before. SO we started out together when we married in July 1959 as man and wife, sitting under my late father as he "FED" us both the WORD of GOD. My husband tells people, "her daddy raised me". He really raised us both, as he and Mom, and Bill and I, all raised our children (my young siblings. and our children up together, as our pastor (Dad) taught us all the Precious Word of God.

Our parents have gone on ahead, out of sight, but we know the WAY and
are following in their footsteps, but SOMEONE must feed these children that
are coming behind. Dad did his part, We have endeavored to do our part.
Our children and their original spouses, and the 20 grands are all in church.
If we all do our part in preparing for the Great Family Reunion, we'll all be
there. The older you get, the more precious family reunions seem to be.

This is long post is not addressed personally to Bro. J, but to anyone that has
as ear to hear.


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Old 06-10-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Oh huh....!

You know MM that you are at a disadvantage! No matter how many points you throw at us MEN, all we have to do in the end is say...

"It doesn't matter, you're a woman. I don't have to listen to you"!


Sure, you can opt to ignore us if you want to, but it is an awfully lonely world out there without us... and you have a Biblical obligation to support all the children you believe we should have with the sweat of your brow -not sure I'd laugh too hard there!!

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Old 06-10-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: Paul And Women Teachers.

If someone that says they are saved was saved under a woman and they do not believe in women then I would venture to say they must have recieved a false Holy Ghost...I read somewhere someone was wanting to re baptize because a woman baptized them..I would suggest a rebaptism at the alter speaking in tongues under a man's ministry...and starting all over in the faith...lol...such foolishness...
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