Originally Posted by seguidordejesus
That's amazing. What happened to stop it?
One Sunday night we were talking after church and a few were struggling. So we joined hands and prayed. As was pretty typical, those who needed the most, got the most. The youth pastor of the church walked back into the sanctuary while we were praying and didn't like what she saw.
The next service, the pastor talked to me. Told me we couldn't be doing *that* anymore. I told him it's what happens when we pray, we can't just pick and choose what God does. (there were some on the floor, I think it may have been the mixed gender thing that bothered her? no one ever explained really) He then told me that we wouldn't be praying on church property anymore then. He couldn't stop us from praying off, but he hoped we'd quit what we were doing because it wasn't of God. (these words haunt me to this day...I really struggle with accepting a move of God in my life because of them)
I hate thinking these words..typing them is very difficult. I do not want to speak badly of this man, I don't fully understand his reason for what he said. I'm sure he felt his reason was valid.
I tried to keep things together, find everyone who wanted to leave (and was allowed to by their parents..lol) a church to attend and keep the Bible studies and prayer meetings going. But those words had already done their damage. I have never gotten my feet under myself again. I wandered from there on, essentially I left that church at that time. I still had to go because I was living at home, but I didn't participate anymore and I went to other churches instead whenever my mom would allow. I moved out of her house less than a year later and tried to find a church home in that city. I did eventually find a church where I was deeply involved in the ministry again (oh somewhere during this wandering I met a UPC pastor and got baptized in Jesus' name..my testimony gives *me* goosebumps..heh). I didn't stay there that long, I found out some things after I got involved in the ministry aspect that didn't work for me (mishandling finances, some huge control issues).
About 5, 6 years after those words were spoken, I left the church all together. That was 8 years ago and I'm just now finding my way back. As I said, the story isn't written yet. I know my experiences in the past are both helpful, and not so helpful, as I try to get on my feet again.