I responded to a thread posted by what I assume to be an agent provocateur and deleted by the powers that be, someone wanting to kick off a fight, but I meant what I said.
I Love the United Pentecostal Church International.
That organization has done a whole lot more to better peoples lives than some of its members have to wreck them.
And to be forthright, alot of these so-called "wrecked" wrecked themselves and the UPC is an easy blame agent.
I am not a member, my only association with the UPCI is that I found God at Bro Condrey's church in Cedar Park in 1987 and attended the UPCI church in Euless TX pastored by Gerald McGaha from 1988-89.
Niether of those two men "abused" me. They did tell me I needed to straighten up, change my life to line up with God's word. That they did. Bro Condrey got downright blunt with it.
I am not a member of the UPC, they probably wouldn't take me if I applied. And I probably wouldn't accept if they offered. There are a few doctrinal areas where we just aren't on the same page.
I just think bashing them is wrong, because when you bash the losers worthy of it withing the group, you bash the good people who are doing exploits for God in that group... and there are many
And again, the one-liner thread had nothing to do with bashing the UPC! *pulling hair out of head* Amazes me....
It wasn't even a fancy psychological ploy. It was me jabbing at Prax pretty explicitly in good humor and in jest. I'm sure the people who fellowship with the UPCI appreciate your praise though.
And again, the one-liner thread had nothing to do with bashing the UPC! *pulling hair out of head* Amazes me....
It wasn't even a fancy psychological ploy. It was me jabbing at Prax pretty explicitly in good humor and in jest. I'm sure the people who fellowship with the UPCI appreciate your praise though.
Yet those that just lurk here see the title of the thread and don't read your intentions.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
And again, the one-liner thread had nothing to do with bashing the UPC! *pulling hair out of head* Amazes me....
It wasn't even a fancy psychological ploy. It was me jabbing at Prax pretty explicitly in good humor and in jest. I'm sure the people who fellowship with the UPCI appreciate your praise though.
Like Renda said, I am not a newbie, but time prevents me interacting much. what I posted stands. There are a wealth of UPCI mockers around these parts. I am not the least bit ashamed to post using my real name and say that I love the UPCI and that people who hold that card have done awesome things for the Lord.
Like Renda said, I am not a newbie, but time prevents me interacting much. what I posted stands. There are a wealth of UPCI mockers around these parts. I am not the least bit ashamed to post using my real name and say that I love the UPCI and that people who hold that card have done awesome things for the Lord.
LIke Renda said, what? I don't follow.
It was one sentence. You took the time to type a book in response, you surely read the one sentence inside the thread? Including the first two characters "JK"
It was one sentence. You took the time to type a book in response, you surely read the one sentence inside the thread? Including the first two characters "JK"
OK. Lets boil this down to "Dick and Jane"
Max said "I hate the UPCI" but it a joke LOL JK
John Said " I love the UPCI... here is why" and this isn't a joke.
What are you having trouble following? and why are you following it?
John Said " I love the UPCI... here is why" and this isn't a joke.
What are you having trouble following? and why are you following it?
My issue is why you never acknowledged it was a joke and why you even feel necessary to go on and on about how much you love the UPCI (if you knew it was a joke).
John Said " I love the UPCI... here is why" and this isn't a joke.
What are you having trouble following? and why are you following it?
So many people on this forum that are exceedingly quick to pull out a sword in defense of the UPCI, even when it's not necessary... and I've seen it on posts when the UPCI wasn't even the subject at hand.
I have no problem with your love fest. As you were. I'll even help write you a song if you'd like.