Please don't make excuses not to accept that you can fellowship and have a living pastor.
When did you hear me make excuses not to fellowship? Didn't you see my post that my husband is also baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and of the sister with tapes of most of the sermons Bishop Johnson preached and which we all share. In addition to that, my natural sister, and brother in law are also members of Bishop Johnsons's church and have been for many years. Didn't Jesus say where two or more are gathered in my name I will be in the midst of them? Didn't Jesus say he who worships me must worship me in spirit AND IN TRUTH. Worship without truth is in vain as you well know.
There are those who are preaching the exact same thing that Bishop Johnson is preaching.
Martha: How do you know that? Have you been to any of those churches and heard more than one sermon in them?
Believe me, you have to get to know a church before you can make that determination. I don't know what this man is preaching because I've never heard of this man. Let me tell you something, just because you have spin offs from Bishop Johnson's church does not mean that they're preaching "everything" that Bishop Johnson preached or have the knowledge that he had. If you learn something from a person that does not mean that you know "everything" that person knows or have the spiritual judgement and gift of interpretation that person has. For instance, I spoke with a bishop who came out of bishop Johnson's church regarding a person who had been baptized for the second time in the name of Jesus Christ because that person wanted to have "a good conscience". I asked this bishop about it and he told me it was okay, in this man's case. Now I know better than that. NO ONE is baptized twice in the name of Jesus Christ. In fact, it's sin to be baptized twice in the name of Jesus Christ. The ONLY reason for a person to be baptized more than once is because they were not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ the first time. I'm not at all convinced that this bishop you're speaking of is preaching the same thing that Bishop Johnson preached because I don't know that bishop but just because he appears to be a spin off that came out of Bishop Johnson's church does not mean he's preaching truth. You don't get it. Just as apostasy came in after the death of the first apostles, the same thing happened with the death of Bishop Johnson. A live pastor is no big deal to me when I have all I need right where I am. There's nothing NEW to be preached and if anyon has anything new, it's in error.
Maybe one doesn't call themselves an apostle, why is that mandatory for you to have a living pastor.
Martha: I wasn't making the point that he had to be an apostle. I was making the point that I know of no other apostle since Bishop Johnson died. Again a living pastor has no different word than what's written and most likely he does not have that.
If he is preaching the same thing that you believe, what is the problem? There should be no problem if the teaching aligns with your teaching.
Martha: He has the principles, according to the web site, but there's more to hearing truth than the principles as my example above with the man being baptized twice in the name of Jesus Christ. That's rank error. There's a lot that comes in between the priciples. In fact, Apostle Paul tells us to leave the principles of the doctrine and go on to perfection. Bishop Johnson preached the gospel in its fullness. Why should I search out someone that I know nothing about who most likely is not preaching THE WHOLE TRUTH. I don't know what his position is on divorce and remarriage because I didn't see that on the web site. This is one of the main errors in the churches today. Man just has to make allowance for second, thrid, fourth and so on companions while their first husband/wife lives and think they can justify it with the scriptures. There's much more to preaching truth than you SEEM TO know.
You have no one to anoint you will oil to pray for you when you are sick.
Martha: Yes, I do
You have no one ordaining elders as scriptures as told us to do.
Martha: But are your elders preaching truth?
You have no one counseling you.
Martha: You don't know what I have. But the answer to that would also be, "yes I do."
You have no one establishing the truth as you claim it is. You aren't erecting churches to bring in the lost.
Martha: The truth has already been established. There is no more truth to be established. You seem to think that the word changes. How many churches has your establishment erected? And the church is not the building; it's the people. And if you know anything about Bishop Johnson's congregations, you would know they they were small congregations, even when he was living. He just had more churches. You don't find masses of people running to hear the truth; they run AWAY FROM THE TRUTH.
You have no one who has a vision therefore the people perish.
Martha: Perhaps you don't have that. There will always be those who will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears and will turn away their ears from the truth and be turned unto fables.
Is it that you want an excuse not to have accountability to a living pastor to watch for your soul? Honey, you have no one to watch for your soul as the scripture tells us to.
Martha: Your false prophets can't watch for their own souls, let alone yours. You'd best be watching for yourself. Didn't the scripture TELL YOU TO WATCH!
Their teaching on marriage is the same as Bishop Johnson's I promise. Why don't you call the church and speak to Bishop Green. He will be more than happy to to speak with you. Or better yet, why don't you go to the church hear the message and talk with him afterwards.
At this point you have no excuse not to have a living pastor. You have seen people who teach the exact same thing as Bishop Johnson. Now, what are you going to do?
Martha: I'm going to do exactly as I've been doing although I might check him out. How do you come to know of this church? And since you speak against Bishop Johnson, how can you recommend this church if it's exactly the same?
there are preachers all over the country who preach the unadulterated word of God! martha take your deadguy glasses off and use the word alone as the filter.
Martha: Would you even know the unadulterated word of God?
Please don't make excuses not to accept that you can fellowship and have a living pastor. There are those who are preaching the exact same thing that Bishop Johnson is preaching. Maybe one doesn't call themselves an apostle, why is that mandatory for you to have a living pastor. If he is preaching the same thing that you believe, what is the problem? There should be no problem if the teaching aligns with your teaching.
You have no one to anoint you will oil to pray for you when you are sick.
You have no one ordaining elders as scriptures as told us to do.
You have no one counseling you.
You have no one establishing the truth as you claim it is. You aren't erecting churches to bring in the lost.
You have no one who has a vision therefore the people perish.
Is it that you want an excuse not to have accountability to a living pastor to watch for your soul? Honey, you have no one to watch for your soul as the scripture tells us to.
Their teaching on marriage is the same as Bishop Johnson's I promise. Why don't you call the church and speak to Bishop Green. He will be more than happy to to speak with you. Or better yet, why don't you go to the church hear the message and talk with him afterwards.
At this point you have no excuse not to have a living pastor. You have seen people who teach the exact same thing as Bishop Johnson. Now, what are you going to do?
Martha: Okay, I took a closer look at this web site. Bishop Belton Green does indeed claim to be an apostle but yet, he uses Bishop Johnson's publications as "His" literature. An apostle does not use another man's revelations. I could do that myself but does that make me an apostle? No, it makes me one who has learned from another. I listened to the three sermons posted on the site. What can I say? Pitiful! I can "read" the scripture for myself. Bishop Green essentially "reads" the scripture. I could have preached (READ) those sermons myself, God forbid! Anyone who can read could have preached those sermons. There was no elucidation or enlarging on them, just plain "reading the scripture." And this man calls himself AN APOSTLE! Well, I'll say one thing, you can't possibly go wrong by just "reading the scripture." It's when you begin to interpret the scripture that error comes in. It appears that this man was taking no chances on that, as well he should have done.
It's one thing to have LEARNED THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DOCTRINE FROM THE REAL APOSTLE and quite another to KNOW EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN that would enable you to do more than just 'READ'. If this is the stock and store of Bishop Belton Green, I'm far better off to listen to my tapes of Bishop Johnson and READ FOR MYSELF. I already know THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DOCTRINE. That this man calls himself an apostle is bogus. If he's an apostle, I'm an apostle based on what I heard on his web site.
Matrha, all of your excuses have been nailed to the cross. Go find a living pastor.
Martha: The only thing that's been nailed to the cross is the bogus claim of apostleship by Bishop Belton Green. He and all like him who have learned the principles of the doctrine from Bishop Johnso, knowing little or nothing else, and then gone out and started THEIR OWN CHURCHES, calling themselves apostles, and ordaining others just like themselves are in violation of the scripture. Rev. 2:2 Don't you know what an apostle is?
That is the mistake that Martha is making. She thinks she and her fellow worshippers are the only ones who have truth. Hence, the reason it is thought that there is no living preacher who can preach truth to them. So SAD!
That is the mistake that Martha is making. She thinks she and her fellow worshippers are the only ones who have truth. Hence, the reason it is thought that there is no living preacher who can preach truth to them. So SAD!
dead men are blind and we all know what happens to the people when the leader has no vision.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Martha: The only thing that's been nailed to the cross is the bogus claim of apostleship by Bishop Belton Green. He and all like him who have learned the principles of the doctrine from Bishop Johnso, knowing little or nothing else, and then gone out and started THEIR OWN CHURCHES, calling themselves apostles, and ordaining others just like themselves are in violation of the scripture. Rev. 2:2 Don't you know what an apostle is?
Could you go to churches that have Bishop Johnson's teachings if they dont proclaim to be apostles?
I think some of these men were ordained by Bishop Johnson to preach while he was alive. Would they be wrong in continuing to preach Bishop Johnson's teachings to a congregation?