Originally Posted by Praxeas
Nobody said righteousness was done away. But the Law never made anyone righteous, You can't just pick and choose what parts of the Law of Moses you can disobey
?? who said anything about made one righteous? Define "made one." That can be seen many different ways. I can apply principle teaching of scripture as instruction in righteousness.
Show us where in the NT this part about clothing was referenced then
Why are you limiting teaching/doctrine/truth on what is sin and righteousness to the NT? Then don't ever teach ever from the OT or even reference anything. Scripture and understanding of God was always referenced in the churches which was OT writings for understanding of God.
Show me one person that denies there should be a distinction in clothing here. You are arguing a strawman.
I am discussing the meaning of what
Deut 22:5 is about. You just put words in what I am discussing to what you want to say I am discussing.
The argument here is not distinction but whether or not women can wear pants
seiously catch up on what I am talking about.
Then simply show where this is fulfilled in the NT. Make your arguments from the NT
uh why again are we limiting everything to the NT? You say everyone believes in distinction yet you argue to prove it? Rather back and forth are you not?
Again nobody denies there should be a distinction.The disagreement is with someone's idea that women can't wear pants
I am talking about
Deut 22:5 and interpretation of geber etc... Quit making my comments about what you want them about.