Tiger is a sinner. What do we expect? It's a part of celebrity status to get lots of women.
My sentiments exactly. Before I met Jesus I would have done the same thing in that circumstance and reveled in it. Nobody knows like I know what Jesus did for me. That would be because nobody knows like I know what an absolute dirtbag I was.
Last edited by John Atkinson; 12-18-2009 at 12:10 PM.
No, it is NOT official. It's official that an "insider" said it.
Do you know, for sure, that she really loved him? And while his actions have been incredibly selfish and careless, can you say, for a certainty, that he didn't love her?
And yes, it's incredibly sad.
I think the 14+ women are saying he didn't, for certainty.
He neither loved nor respected his wife. Anyone who believes that a married man would still love and respect his wife while carrying on 14+ affairs is sadly delusional.
I think the 14+ women are saying he didn't, for certainty.
He neither loved nor respected his wife. Anyone who believes that a married man would still love and respect his wife while carrying on 14+ affairs is sadly delusional.
I certainly would agree, as would Tiger, that he didn't respect her. As for his love for her....I suppose only Tiger and God could really know.
I think the 14+ women are saying he didn't, for certainty.
He neither loved nor respected his wife. Anyone who believes that a married man would still love and respect his wife while carrying on 14+ affairs is sadly delusional.
Tiger obviously didn't "respect" his wife. However, this doesn't mean that he doesn't love her. Men and women are very different. A man can have a number of physical encounters with women they don't love and still "love" their wives. Tiger's fallen nature doesn't prevent him from loving. It does complicate and endanger that love relationship. I pray that Tiger and his wife still love each other, because if they do they can work through this and be a stronger couple for it.
I don't judge Tiger; I believe he needs prayer, support, and encouragement along with the space to repent. Tiger is a sinner in the hands of a loving God.
It may very well be that God gave Tiger space to repent and keep his sin between him and the Lord. However, God knows what lies in a man. This may be the grace of God in operation. Maybe God knows that if left alone Tiger would continue on in this double life to the detriment of his own soul. It may be that God revealed this to bring Tiger to his knees so that God might draw Tiger closer. Oh the love of our God! I pray that Tiger Woods finds a broken heart and tears of repentance. I also pray that Tiger finds the strength and peace in Jesus that he needs to survive this trial.
Let’s remember that King David was a man much like Tiger Woods. King David sinned, yet God forgave him and David is still the greatest King to ever rule over Israel. For generations God moved for “my servant David’s sake”. Tiger’s repentance and humility could make him great again. We need to pray for him.
Let’s also pray for Tiger’s entire family. His wife will also need the grace of God. We don’t know the private battles the two of them face as a couple. Perhaps their relationship has become cold, mechanical, and clouded with worldliness. They all need prayer and SUPPORT. Tiger doesn’t need a judge… Tiger needs a friend.
Location: In two of the most beautiful states in the U.S.A
Posts: 1,676
Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread
Originally Posted by Aquila
I wonder what would be found if God lifted the viel covering our lives?
That's why I have never become famous. I don't want the National Enquirer and AFF finding out about that note book I stole from the little girl in the next row at school when I was in the first grade. OOPS, think I just let the cat out of the bag.
Tiger obviously didn't "respect" his wife. However, this doesn't mean that he doesn't love her. Men and women are very different. A man can have a number of physical encounters with women they don't love and still "love" their wives. Tiger's fallen nature doesn't prevent him from loving. It does complicate and endanger that love relationship. I pray that Tiger and his wife still love each other, because if they do they can work through this and be a stronger couple for it.
I don't judge Tiger; I believe he needs prayer, support, and encouragement along with the space to repent. Tiger is a sinner in the hands of a loving God.
It may very well be that God gave Tiger space to repent and keep his sin between him and the Lord. However, God knows what lies in a man. This may be the grace of God in operation. Maybe God knows that if left alone Tiger would continue on in this double life to the detriment of his own soul. It may be that God revealed this to bring Tiger to his knees so that God might draw Tiger closer. Oh the love of our God! I pray that Tiger Woods finds a broken heart and tears of repentance. I also pray that Tiger finds the strength and peace in Jesus that he needs to survive this trial.
Let’s remember that King David was a man much like Tiger Woods. King David sinned, yet God forgave him and David is still the greatest King to ever rule over Israel. For generations God moved for “my servant David’s sake”. Tiger’s repentance and humility could make him great again. We need to pray for him.
Let’s also pray for Tiger’s entire family. His wife will also need the grace of God. We don’t know the private battles the two of them face as a couple. Perhaps their relationship has become cold, mechanical, and clouded with worldliness. They all need prayer and SUPPORT. Tiger doesn’t need a judge… Tiger needs a friend.
You brought tears to my eyes, especially the bolded. I read today that a couple of friends or Tiger's are concerned for him. Right now he's spending his days eating cereal, watching cartoons, and at night, goes to a range and hits golf balls. When I read that, I imagined a young kid spending days doing just that, and I thought, wow, he really needs a friend.
I know it's been very easy for people to shred him to pieces. But your last sentence, wow. "Tiger doesn't need a judge...Tiger needs a friend". Thanks Aquila.