Originally Posted by Truthseeker
Where people before the law pay tithes?
Matt 23 doesn't even remotely hint tithes is for the church.
It is just more of the same paper mache doctrines.
He is speaking of Abraham giving to Melchisidek before the law.
But... as well all know.
Abraham gave once that we know of.
Abraham gave of the spoils of war and not of his income or agricultural produce.
Also... they act as though someone doing something before the law and then having it implemented in the law means that it should continue after the law.
Animal sacrifice was performed per God's command before the law.
Should we continue to sacrifice animals? Of course not.
But when it fits their agenda they call on it like it is an understood law of the Bible.
Flimsy paper mache doctrines perpetuated mostly by repeating favored scriptural manipulations passed on from ministerial generation to ministerial generation.