How far fetched is it to think that TG wanted to make a political statement about how he envisions the future of the fellowship at this ... his last Youth Congress?
Let's recap just some of the controversy:
1. An Apostolic TV star is showcased as a role model for other young people.
2. Choreographed Step Dancing debuts at an endorsed event.
3. Gaddy pleads to his listeners in his last message that they too "step out of the box".
Everyone's minds are made up on the TV resolution ... as is Gaddy's ... who is stepping away ...
I don't doubt his passion is youth or that he sought to inspire and impact their lives in a memorable way when he made the executive decisions in organizing this event.
Yet, anyone can tell you ... including as Sherri stated above. This is not your Mama's UPCI. There are some mixed messages that are new to some in the fellowship. We would be remissed to think that TG did not know that controversy would rear its head after this YC.
He has played a role in organizing these events before... Dozens of ideas are tossed about in brainstorming sessions ... but often are decided against due to perceived notions of impropriety or fear of political fallout.
Gaddy has an agenda here. It's clear. As part of his legacy he has set precedent in the policy decision making process of at least the department he is involved in ... His vision for the future of the fellowship does not match those who will be voting no in September. This was Gaddy's exclamation point.
Dan, I'm getting a mixed message from you.
Are you wanting to applaud this or promote reigning it in.
You do not fellowship the UPC or promote many of the core doctrines associated with its members, yet you are wanting to examine the motives at work at NAYC.
What do you think about the appropriateness and wisdom in these mixed-mode approaches to the under 36 (conqueror) demographic.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
The other pictures that I saw were of her in a formal dress-up presentation. I doubt very seriously that she dresses like that in her every day attire and for church! I would imagine that she dresses more like the pics taken at the Youth Convention.
Probaly but why change for Formality..there are pleny of Formal dresses that are modest aren't there?
His word burns in my heart like a fire...Fire Fall Down
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 1,853
Originally Posted by revrandy
The point is the way she was dressed at the other places in the photos provided did not represent what the UPC deems as appropriate.. your suit comment doesn't fit here because your are suggesting that her attire according to the pictures posted seem to be okay in your view...
If you are calling a spade a spade than the hyprocrisy of your own life would be evident by the fact you are defending immodesty... or accepting/ embracing it as something a christian should accept... Which some here posting have expressed their opposition too..
If your Liberal View is the base for modesty.. than Bikini's and Mini-Skirts should be accepted too... It's everybody else who has the problem...
I don't dress in 3 pc Suits... I spoke Sunday at a church camp in Jeans and Shirt (Long Sleeved)... If I'm out of the pulpit I still wear modest attire... and so does my wife...
You must have missed it, but I already posted that I was not offended by her and I obviously define immodest differently.
Originally Posted by ChTatum
as much as we do not wish to admit it, modesty is to some degree, anyways, cultural.
Those who have not grown up with our perceptions of modesty would not see her attire as offensive or immodest.
Is it?
Perception, people.
For those of those who never saw a girl's knees until we married her. she is immodest.
For those of a differing perception, she looks fine. (Fine as in OK, not FINE as in HOT.)
You must have missed it, but I already posted that I was not offended by her and I obviously define immodest differently.
I am not offended either.. she can dress anyway she would like too.. My point is that her pictures at other conventions did fit the UPC mode for promotion...
I define immodest dress from the biblical view... being that modesty in dress is the best policy...
Modesty from the world view is the more immodest the better..
Seems like some Liberal Christian folk embrace that too..(which I do not understand) some relish it... because it causes others to squirm.. ..