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Old 05-22-2024, 08:10 AM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by coksiw View Post
Lol, you EB and loran are getting on me, like I'm banned from calling them jews. Are you the thought and language police or something? Did I begin to argue against your ideas? I was just sharing some interesting information, that they have appointed priests and levites, and began to practice the animal sacrifices at Passover, in order to re-instantiate OT practices. Whether that has any meaning to God or not is not my point. Whether they are real jews or not is not my point either. I just call them jews.

Your unsolicited wrath for me calling them "jews" is actually comical, .
I think it’s you who has the issue. We have no problem in calling “them” Jews. It’s like calling you a Christian. It’s the religion or culture you would be known as practicing. I believe I’ve made myself clear in my thoughts. No need to reiterate them again. Unless I need to clarify. But since you haven’t clarified your thoughts on this subject, maybe you should? Just to clarify, what in anything in the first post YOU made which I originally quoted has to do with Bible prophecy?
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Old 05-22-2024, 08:19 AM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by loran adkins View Post
Bottom line, they can call themselves what ever they want, does not make a world of difference they can build all the temples they want but that does not make them recognized by God, anymore than the Morman's that build their temples.

When Jesus laid down his life it was once for all never to go back to sacrifices again. Children of Abraham are now and always will be by faith in Christ no other way.
Thank you Brother Loren for answering my post. Also coksiw may not be understanding what we are asking him. Seeing how he assumes a lot concerning what we are saying about the title “Jew.”

Hope all is well with you and your family in Jesus name.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-22-2024, 12:38 PM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Could Neuralink, AI and subdetmal chips be involved?
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Old 05-22-2024, 04:21 PM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Could Neuralink, AI and subdetmal chips be involved?
Have you checked settings?
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Old 05-23-2024, 01:07 AM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by loran adkins View Post
As for the death spoken of in Hebrews does not deal with natural death, but spiritual death.
So it is appointed unto men once to die "spiritually" and after that spiritual death is judgment?

Can you explain what you mean? How is spiritual death "appointed unto men"? And how does judgment come after that spiritual death?
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Old 05-23-2024, 01:16 AM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Could Neuralink, AI and subdetmal chips be involved?
Be involved in what?
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Old 05-23-2024, 04:55 AM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
So it is appointed unto men once to die "spiritually" and after that spiritual death is judgment?

Can you explain what you mean? How is spiritual death "appointed unto men"? And how does judgment come after that spiritual death?
When you put it the way you are putting it, it does not sound like it came out of my mind.

But the death I believe Paul is talking about the death of our carnal man. When we become saved we are forgiven so what is there to judge? We are now under the blood, our sins have been judged and forgiven. Our name has been written in the lambs book of life. This does not negate the natural death but too many times I think we put too much on the natural death, for those that are saved the natural death is just a crossing over point from time on earth to forever with the Lord.
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Old 05-23-2024, 11:22 AM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by loran adkins View Post
When you put it the way you are putting it, it does not sound like it came out of my mind.

But the death I believe Paul is talking about the death of our carnal man. When we become saved we are forgiven so what is there to judge? We are now under the blood, our sins have been judged and forgiven. Our name has been written in the lambs book of life. This does not negate the natural death but too many times I think we put too much on the natural death, for those that are saved the natural death is just a crossing over point from time on earth to forever with the Lord.
But you said the death being spoken of in Hebrews is a spiritual death. So that would mean you understand Hebrews to be saying "for as it is appointed unto men once to die (spiritually) and after that the judgment..."

So I was asking if you could explain what that means? What is the spiritual death Paul is speaking of? How is it "appointed unto men"? What does that mean?
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Old 05-23-2024, 09:21 PM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
But you said the death being spoken of in Hebrews is a spiritual death. So that would mean you understand Hebrews to be saying "for as it is appointed unto men once to die (spiritually) and after that the judgment..."

So I was asking if you could explain what that means? What is the spiritual death Paul is speaking of? How is it "appointed unto men"? What does that mean?
Moreover I notice it says "it is appointed unto men to die once". If there is a spiritual death as well as a physical death, then wouldn't that mean it is appointed unto men to die twice? Either that, or one of them is not death. But the fact we use the terms spiritual death and physical death, denoting a distinction between them, proves they are both considered death. So therefore...?

I guess the question really is, "How did the author of Hebrews intend his words to be understood, and how would the readers have understood his words?" Did the author and the audience both have an understanding that death means spiritual death unless somehow specified to be physical death? Or would it be vice versa? That is, the usual sense of "death" or "to die" would mean physical death unless otherwise specified?

Or maybe "to die" is simply that, to die (includes physical death) and other uses of the term are simply metaphors or similes or analogies borrowing from the basic meaning? Which would imply that the context would indicate that a metaphorical or analogous usage is being employed to prevent the reader from being confused about what is being meant?

Since the comparison in Hebrews is between men being appointed to die once, and Christ suffering once (in which he actually died), it seems everything indicates the author is meaning simple death (physical or "natural" death). Especially since the main contrast is between the animal sacrifices and Christ's death, and between the repeated (more than once) offering of the Day of Atonement (involving animals dying) compared to the one and only offering of Christ as the ultimate Atonement (during which He died).

It seems to me that Paul is not at all speaking about some "spiritual death" or "spiritual dying", but real actual death and dying. That this is appointed unto men is simply the general reality of the Divine decree that mankind is not allowed to live forever, but that all must die (because, as Paul points out in Romans, all have sinned). So humans have a Divine decree established by God they they shall die and then after that they are to be judged.

Note: That it is appointed unto men to "die once" does not rule out the reality of the "second death" (why is it called the SECOND death? In what way is it the SECOND?) because the second death is not appointed unto anyone, it depends upon how they are judged. Before you were born you were appointed to die once, but you were NOT appointed to the lake of fire. (This appears to be a solid refutation of Calvinism by the way. The only death to which men are appointed is the one which everybody experiences, and even Christ experienced this as part of His identification with us. But the final judgment is NOT a priori determined or appointed for anybody. They must be judged first.)

On the other hand, if we take Paul to be speaking about "spiritual death" or some other death than the one everybody faces, then quite honestly I can't make heads or tails out of how this is "appointed" to men and then "after that" the judgment. In fact, the whole thing just seems to fall apart.

But maybe I don't understand what is being claimed. That's why I was asking Loren to clarify.
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Old 05-23-2024, 09:25 PM
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Re: Mark of the Beast may be only 2 1/2 years away

Originally Posted by loran adkins View Post

But the death I believe Paul is talking about the death of our carnal man.
Wait, what? The "carnal man" is the unregenerate lifestyle and character of a sinner. So Paul is saying it is appointed unto men to have their carnal man (old pre-Christian lifestyle) die once and after that the judgment?

I am now totally confused about what you are saying.
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