Let's try this:
Ultra Con: no tv, no movies, uncut hair for ladies and usually worn piled up on the head so as to look short, dresses only for women and they must be well below the knee, always hose on the women, no open toed shoes, long sleeves on everyone, no jewelry except watches (and sometimes not even that), no make-up for women, no worldly sporting events, Christian music only
Con: no tv, no movies, uncut hair for ladies, dresses only for women, no need for hose, open toed shoes are ok and any color, sleeves need to be at or below the elbow, no jewelry except watches, wedding rings and an occasion pin/broach on a woman's dress, no make-up for women, no sporting events, Christian music and worldly music as long as it is not rock or country.
Mods: tv is ok, G, PG and occasionally PG-13 rated movies are ok, long hair but trimming it is ok as are bangs, shorts on men are ok as long as they are long, women are ok in culottes when working at the church and occasionally wear slacks as long as they are not going to be inside the church or with church people whom they might offend, jewelry is ok except for earrings, light make-up is acceptable, sporting events are fine, any music
Libs: tv is fine, movies are fine altho you still need to guard your heart and mind against filth, cutting hair is ok, shorts are fine on men and on women, slacks for women are fine, jewelry is not a problem, make-up is acceptable, sporting events are fine and any music is ok.
Ok, is that a little better? Feel free to edit if you see things you'd like to change.
Based on this, I would easily know how I'd vote. In fact, my vote is going to be based entirely upon this.