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Old 07-24-2007, 02:24 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. What is in our hearts is coming

out our mouths, or being written. The words we speak, whether it is

spoken or written, is telling those who hear or read, exactly what is on

the inside. Where is the man/woman crying out to God, "LORD, create

in me a clean heart, O God, and renew in me a right spirit", or the desire

of " Let the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be

acceptable unto THEE, O God".

LORD, who am I desiring to please. God or man (myself).


You got it. The way people write things here can tell others much about them. They can build credibility for themselves as mature Christians and responsible adults, or they can diminish the respect others might have had for them by acting adolescent.

Doesn't this board have an 'ignore user' function?
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:30 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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10 Commandments for posting

1) Be nice!

2) Ask HONEST questions -doesn't matter the question as long as it is honest and age appropriate for the board.

3) Don't take offense at others' "honest" questions

4) Be prepared to BACK UP what you say

5) Be nice!

6) If someone is disrespecting YOU or your positions continuesly, then just ignore them for a while. Don't fire back....

7) ....but then be prepared to give them a 2nd chance after a short break! And a third and a forth.....

8) Be nice!

9) Be willing to "test all things" and keep an open mind! (Perhaps one of the hardest commandments to follow)

10) Be nice!
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
10 Commandments for posting

1) Be nice!

2) Ask HONEST questions -doesn't matter the question as long as it is honest and age appropriate for the board.

3) Don't take offense at others' "honest" questions

4) Be prepared to BACK UP what you say

5) Be nice!

6) If someone is disrespecting YOU or your positions continuesly, then just ignore them for a while. Don't fire back....

7) ....but then be prepared to give them a 2nd chance after a short break! And a third and a forth.....

8) Be nice!

9) Be willing to "test all things" and keep an open mind! (Perhaps one of the hardest commandments to follow)

10) Be nice!
It simply cannot be that easy, can it?
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:54 PM

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i don't feel like the church needs to follow the world in lowering the bar. Just because the world has lowered its standard so far down that they don't have any standard anymore doesn't mean that the church need to follow suit. It is a great opportunity as the world grows darker for the church to shine brighter but some choose to blend in with the darkness.

Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms. View Post
I agree with everything you all have said, and I see this thread moving right down to the bottom of the page. So many on here are completely unconcerned concerning how they appear to the lost.
I too have wondered how men, who are, Apostolic, Holy Ghost Filled, call by God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, could in good conscience be a regular participant on such a forum as this, that calls itself Apostolic.

I too have seen very many sexual innuendo’s joked about and discussed between those of the opposite sex. Just recently Brother William Price and I have been made the butt of just such crude sexual innuendos.

There’s been many crude and rude comments made concerning things that shouldn’t be joked about on an open forum where many, many come and read and never post. And we call ourselves Apostolic Holy Ghost Filled
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Old 07-25-2007, 02:49 PM
Glenda B Glenda B is offline

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Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve View Post
I guess I've missed seeing the "very many sexual innuendo's." I do remember the comment made about WP and you, though it wasn't a "crude sexual innuendo." In fact, if what I remember of it is correct, there wasn't anything sexual about it at all. I could be wrong, but all I remember being posted was that both WP and yourself had been absent from posting for a while and someone commented that perhaps you two ran off together. I don't remember anything "sexual" or "crude" being said though.

So refresh my memory here . . . "There’s been many crude and rude comments made concerning things that shouldn’t be joked about on an open forum where many, many come and read and never post."

Care to give examples? Again, I must have missed it all because I haven't seen what you have.
You did miss them because they were edited by Admn. And the others would be to difficult for me to pull up. But I'm not making it up, and I'm not dramatizing either.
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Old 07-25-2007, 02:51 PM
Glenda B Glenda B is offline

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Originally Posted by tbpew View Post
could you share your understanding of the application the scripture you cited with the post from Hot Coffee?
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Old 07-25-2007, 03:00 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. What is in our hearts is coming

out our mouths, or being written. The words we speak, whether it is

spoken or written, is telling those who hear or read, exactly what is on

the inside. Where is the man/woman crying out to God, "LORD, create

in me a clean heart, O God, and renew in me a right spirit", or the desire

of " Let the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be

acceptable unto THEE, O God".

LORD, who am I desiring to please. God or man (myself).


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Old 07-25-2007, 04:11 PM
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A Sad Trend

Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
You got it. The way people write things here can tell others much about them. They can build credibility for themselves as mature Christians and responsible adults, or they can diminish the respect others might have had for them by acting adolescent.

Doesn't this board have an 'ignore user' function?

Bro. OP Carl,

Sorry, just saw this! I think it does, but I don't know where it is.

I have never used it nor do I plan to. I just take it all, eat the meat

and throw away the bones!


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Old 07-25-2007, 04:16 PM

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Back in the day, we gained and improved character by lying in the bed we made for ourselves and taking ownership of our actions.

More than the so called trend of folks hammering the ministry, I think the real problematic trend is that people just can't stand up and say they made a mistake and move on. There is waaaay too much pride flowing out there and I think the mentality that if we apologize to people that somehow our authority or reputation is being compromised, is all too alive and well.

Instead we/minstry are content to simply be satisfied with the perspective that, "I don't remember doing/saying that, you are wrong!"

This is exactly why people don't trust the people and the ministry anymore.
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Old 07-25-2007, 04:44 PM
Tina Tina is offline

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Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms. View Post
I agree with everything you all have said, and I see this thread moving right down to the bottom of the page. So many on here are completely unconcerned concerning how they appear to the lost.

I too have wondered how men, who are, Apostolic, Holy Ghost Filled, call by God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, could in good conscience be a regular participant on such a forum as this, that calls itself Apostolic.

I too have seen very many sexual innuendo’s joked about and discussed between those of the opposite sex. Just recently Brother William Price and I have been made the butt of just such crude sexual innuendos.

There’s been many crude and rude comments made concerning things that shouldn’t be joked about on an open forum where many, many come and read and never post. And we call ourselves Apostolic Holy Ghost Filled Christians?

I'm not going to bother logging out and back onto the ADMIN ID. I'll just make this an official post from the admin team. In reference to the bolded part of your post. Posts regarding this matter were previously deleted by Admin from the other thread. I do not understand why you chose to mention this again after we had previously handled the situation. Please refrain from continuing this in this thread, or from carrying it over to any other threads. Thank you.
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