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Old 02-20-2012, 06:44 PM
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Re: Thank you LORD !!!

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
What exactly is an apostolic believer in your opinion? How are they different from Jesus believers?
Austin, why should be there any difference between Apostolic believers, and Jesus believers ? Jesus taught the Apostles, and the Apostles is teaching what Jesus taught.
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:05 PM
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Re: Thank you LORD !!!

Originally Posted by Bro. Vince View Post
Austin, why should be there any difference between Apostolic believers, and Jesus believers ? Jesus taught the Apostles, and the Apostles is teaching what Jesus taught.
Just wondering why people more over claim to be apostolic then to be witnesses of Jesus.
Example, a man tells another man," I go to an apostolic church." Now I know what he means but why don't he say what he should>
I go to an assembly where we believe in the teachings of Jesus the Christ and hold to the truths contained within the doctrines taught by the apostles.

Sometimes it sounds like a cop out from witnessing to people and telling them that they are pentecostal and believe in the pentecostal experiences.

And I do agree with what you said, but apostolic seems to get in the way of Jesus in our witness to others.

Very seldom in life have I heard a believer say," I'm a follower of Jesus" most of the time they say we're apostolic, or we're assmebly of God, and so on.

It's almost like the baptist, telling everyone, We're Baptist.

I'm reflecting back to what Paul described, some say I'm of Paul, and others say they are of this person and that..

It's really strange. Back in the day, they use to call us, holy rollers.
The other day this Saturday I was talking with a pentecostal minister, or one who claims to be, and I mentioned to him something to the effect, " that was back when they called us holy rollers." he and his wife just looked at me and had no idea what I had just said or why.
So I said to him, the church you are going to! when I attended it was in a time when people fell in the floor and rolled. His wife with her thick eyeliner looking up with a little smirk on her face said; ' Not anymore!"
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:17 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Thank you LORD !!!

Funny, I was just wondering back to the time when "UPC" was surely viewed as fringe by some hard-shell bunch of Baptists, or whoever...I never focused on it much, but I remember being unable to mention the name of even another Baptist church without hearing some condemnation, lol.
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:23 PM
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Bro. Vince Bro. Vince is offline
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Re: Thank you LORD !!!

I agree with you Austin. Classification of doctrines and ideologies can become confusing to many. I think that identifying what or which teachng we cling to helps others to know where we stand in the WORD of GOD. For exanple, me. I like to capitalized letters to indicate I am speaking about GOD, and not some other god. I need to identify to anyone that my main topic is GOD, and not just any other god, but the TRUE Living GOD. The One that answered by FIRE on Mt. Carmel. I was taught to identify GOD with upper case letters when I was in Catholic school. It is unfortunate that copycats of our worship has given it a bad reputation. That is why my Pastor teaches, which I firmly believe, "Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith"... If I get distracted, or allow distraction to my focus, I find myself, "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." =)
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