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Old 12-22-2011, 10:22 AM
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Michael Phelps Michael Phelps is offline
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Re: Perry major endorsements online conservatives

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I was trying to show you the ignorant gaffes that Obama has made and continues to make, but the media does not make a big deal out of it. You are not even noticing the unfairness of it, it doesn't look like. The great debater in chief, but it's okay if he makes mistakes.

Small gaffe on the voting age, IMO. The voting date, and you missed my joke above, wasn't a big deal to me. His policies and governing style are a huge deal to me. Montemayor is a common Mexican name here, not a biggy. I'd like to forget Sotomayor. I see your point and your concern. It's just not a big deal in the overall scheme of things.

You will find that his supporters that know his "consistent" conservative record and his personable personality are not as bothered by it as others. Sure, we wished he never made a mistake, but it never changes our opinion on how he will govern. That is way more important to us. Yes, we cringe at debate time, but the last two debates, he was declared the winner. The campaign trail is grueling. They have had more debates this go round than ever. It takes 2 1/2 days to prepare and takes time off the campaign trail. It's just ridiculous. Perry does excellent with retail politics. He is a very personable guy and shines in that department. He is excellent in interviews, excellent in a one on one. That is why we are not afraid of his debating Obama.

That's fine Michael. It doesn't bother me. I will take real over plastic any day. It would be nice to have a human being in the White House and not a politician. Make some human gaffes, but govern well!

Insider Advantage has him in the #3 slot in Iowa. You are right, most Americans don't base their votes on studied facts, they base them on television sound bites. Pitiful and embarrassing, IMO.

I thought it was a strong and calculated move, drawing the large distinction between the rights of one group over another. Considering the facts below, it was a strong and bold move. Someone needs to make it! We can't keep going down this avenue.


Gov. Perry discusses his ad in this interview with Wolf Blitzer:

Perry Hits Obama for War on Faith


Great dialogue, and you make a good case.

However, I'd really like to know what he's basing his opinion on concerning Obama's alleged "War on Faith"????

In our country, gays have always been allowed to serve in the military, under the DADT policy. Unfortunately, there are even church denominations which allow openly homosexual pastors, officials, etc. So, the issue of gays in the military is really an issue of gays in American life, even religion, per se.

Now, the issue of not being able to celebrate Christmas in schools - that's been an issue since long before Obama took office.

So, I guess I really can't see the correlation. When I saw Perry's ad, it seemed to me that he was trying to convince Americans that he would ban gays in the military, and allow prayer and the celebration of Christmas back into the public school system.

Big disparity, and impossible for one president to do.

I really don't see anywhere in Obama's administration where he has declared a "War on Faith", so in my opinion, that's a pretty big leap.
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