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Old 01-04-2011, 10:39 AM
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Re: Whatever happened to the "ground zero mosque"?

Originally Posted by sandie View Post
Frenzied up in fear.

What else would you call it, lol? It was clearly a non-story, and yet they pushed it like Al Qaeda was trying to move into NYC. If the response on this site is indicative of the rest of the conservative base, then yes, you were frenzied in fear, misplaced fear that is.
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Old 01-04-2011, 10:42 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: Whatever happened to the "ground zero mosque"?

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
What else would you call it, lol? It was clearly a non-story, and yet they pushed it like Al Qaeda was trying to move into NYC. If the response on this site is indicative of the rest of the conservative base, then yes, you were frenzied in fear, misplaced fear that is.
Nah....I don't frenzy easily, unless you're talking about my family.

I believe 70% of Americans don't want the mosque built there. My, but Fox has nearly supernatural powers. lol!

I think it should be left up to the people in New York, btw.
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Old 01-04-2011, 10:52 AM
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Re: Whatever happened to the "ground zero mosque"?

Originally Posted by sandie View Post
Nah....I don't frenzy easily, unless you're talking about my family.

I believe 70% of Americans don't want the mosque built there. My, but Fox has nearly supernatural powers. lol!

I think it should be left up to the people in New York, btw.
Obviously, when I said you, I was talking in general terms, not specific terms.

Not sure what you mean about Fox having supernatural powers.

This wasn't an issue about how many people wanted it or didn't want it. It was about a simple, legal construction project getting taken for a political whirlwind ride in order to get the republican base afraid. There were never any terrorists behind it, there was never any terrorist money behind it, it was merely a cultural center.

As far as who it should be left up to, it should be left up to the people that have a legal right to build there, namely, Imam Rauf.
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Old 01-04-2011, 10:55 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: Whatever happened to the "ground zero mosque"?

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
Obviously, when I said you, I was talking in general terms, not specific terms.

Not sure what you mean about Fox having supernatural powers.

This wasn't an issue about how many people wanted it or didn't want it. It was about a simple, legal construction project getting taken for a political whirlwind ride in order to get the republican base afraid. There were never any terrorists behind it, there was never any terrorist money behind it, it was merely a cultural center.

As far as who it should be left up to, it should be left up to the people that have a legal right to build there, namely, Imam Rauf.

Well, if 70% of the people are against the building of the mosque, and Fox did all that crazy stirring up of the base, then they must have some supernatural powers to get that many people on board. sheesh....
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Old 01-05-2011, 08:42 AM
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Re: Whatever happened to the "ground zero mosque"?

I remember some news about it, of course I do not listen the the Fox News or Rush's radio. There is a Mosque already there close by, and it has been there for years, and no one ever said anything about IT being there. ....What I understood about it was that it was their property, owned by them, and it was NOT where the World Trade Center was. I really didn't see what the whole uproar was about. The property belonged to them, and it was not in the area of the Twin Towers. If I owned property and wanted to build something on it after paying property taxes, and if it was within the codes of a permit to build, I would build whatever I wanted to.

Twisp, I wonder whatever happened to all the hoop-la also.
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