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Old 11-17-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I don't agree with you, Bratti. I thought the interview went very well. I thought Oprah was not as warm as she is with most guests. At least the ones I have seen. I rarely watch her show. She really perked up when she told Palin that she heard rumors of having a talk show. Palin said that Oprah was the "Queen" and couldn't be replaced. That was the only really warm scene that I witnessed from Oprah.

I just picked up her book on the way home this morning and will decide if I still feel the same after I read it. I paid full price because she deserves to have her turn at bat!

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Surprise Surprise

Seriously, if the GOP runs her out as their candidate in 2012, it may be the death of the party....and I am not overstating my opinion.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Surprise Surprise
Stop it!!

Seriously, if the GOP runs her out as their candidate in 2012, it may be the death of the party....and I am not overstating my opinion.
I am not ready for her to run for any office and I am not sure of what she is going to do. At this point my only thinking is - Its your turn, Sarah! Go out and speak without being shackled.

There is no way, just logically, that people can say she is ignorant when she started out in the PTA and ended up Governor of Alaska. This is all I want her to show. I've read countless newspaper articles with quotes by her and I KNOW the women is NOT stupid.

If she worked herself and did well, I could see 2016. But, no, I agree - not 2012. I just don't think she could pull it off, but who knows. Who really thought Obama had a chance? Without the help of Acorn and the Media - He didn't!
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

IMO, Sarah Palin will NEVER win the GOP nomination! It's over for SP as far as national office hopes. She might run for Alaskan senator or congresswoman, but that's it!

She might find possibilities as a political TV talk show host. I don't know if even that will work, because I can't stand her whinny voice!

I think she's an embarrassment to the GOP!
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Last edited by StillStanding; 11-17-2009 at 02:07 PM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:06 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Mr. Steinway View Post
IMO, Sarah Palin will NEVER win the GOP nomination! It's over for SP as far as natioanal office hopes. She might run for Alaskan senator or congresswoman, but that's it!

She might find possibilities as a political TV talk show host. I don't know if even that will work, because I can't stand her whinny voice!

I think she's an embarrassment to the GOP!
I don't think she is an embarrassment to the GOP at all! Hopefully, she will be a help and not run for any type of office until or unless she has centered and balanced herself to some degree. And by that I mean to show what she really is made of without being chained to a desk (Governorship) to endure more frivilous lawsuits that cost the state enough money.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:51 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

It's funny that you posted this just now.... I just hung up the phone from talking to my husband, he called to rave about the Sarah Palin interview he had just heard.

It was on the radio, not sure which show. But he loved her and what she had to say. He's hoping she's on the ticket in 2012.

(I really haven't been paying any attention since the election, I'm pretty burned out on politics right now)
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:53 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
It's funny that you posted this just now.... I just hung up the phone from talking to my husband, he called to rave about the Sarah Palin interview he had just heard.

It was on the radio, not sure which show. But he loved her and what she had to say. He's hoping she's on the ticket in 2012.

(I really haven't been paying any attention since the election, I'm pretty burned out on politics right now)
You know, it's possible that if you hear clips without seeing her facial expressions and mannerisms, it may sound better.

I LIKE Sarah Palin--but I was and am disappointed with her answers about child care, and I'm disappointed with the way she comes across on live TV.

Now, she had a couple of speeches during the campaign that were really GOOD--but it seems like when she's put on the spot, she fumbles, to put it mildly.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
It's funny that you posted this just now.... I just hung up the phone from talking to my husband, he called to rave about the Sarah Palin interview he had just heard.

It was on the radio, not sure which show. But he loved her and what she had to say. He's hoping she's on the ticket in 2012.

(I really haven't been paying any attention since the election, I'm pretty burned out on politics right now)
It was probably Rush Limbaugh. I knew she was going to be on today, but I failed to turn on the radio. I'll read the transcript later.

Last edited by Pressing-On; 11-17-2009 at 02:10 PM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:56 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

I was a bit disappointed in the interview. I watched it last night. I'm not sure there is a "let it all down" side to Palin. I think what you see is what she is.

I thought her true feelings showed through when Oprah asked her if Levi was welcomed at the Thanksgiving table. She struggled with that one and you could feel the pure "I can't stand him" oozing from her, but she's quick on her feet and gave a semi-answer. She was quick to point out his Ricky Hollywood status now and there was no question how she felt about him.
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I was a bit disappointed in the interview. I watched it last night. I'm not sure there is a "let it all down" side to Palin. I think what you see is what she is.
Who in public office is going to "let it down" any more than Palin has done? She is wise to be careful. They pick that poor women apart more than a buzzard on a carcass!
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Who in public office is going to "let it down" any more than Palin has done? She is wise to be careful. They pick that poor women apart more than a buzzard on a carcass!
It probably is because she is guarded.
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