Originally Posted by 1399
sex is a commandment.
the wife is created for the husband.
LOVE is a commandment!
Husbands, love you wives even as Christ loved the church and
gave himself for it.
Could it be that if there was more of the LOVE that this is speaking
of, there might be more of what accompanies it!
Love begets intimacy.
Not just not the bedroom. It needs to be consistant, day in, day out!
Not just on the day you feel a need to have sex. It cannot be one-
sided. Takes the love, words. and actions, day by day, from both hus-
band and wife.
Husbands, the way the day starts in the morning in the kitchen or else-
where, is most likely to follow you in the bedroom that evening. If there
is fighting in the morning, you most likely will need to take care of that
before the day is gone.
The Bible gives instructions for every need in the Word of God. Evidently
too many in our world today are not reading the Bible before they enter
their bedroom. There could be a lot of dialogue on this subject.
No offense intended! Ever!