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Old 11-06-2008, 10:35 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

What a pathetic bunch.

They ran a failed campaign, and now they're bitter.... so now it's convenient to put the blame elsewhere and throw her under the bus, instead of admitting that they did a bad job of managing McCain's campaign.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 11-06-2008, 10:38 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent

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Old 11-06-2008, 10:46 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
You really need to take those remarks within the total context of the whole thread and understand my original question as well as the vicious attacks one of the posters was making on me personally.

And approval ratings don't mean squat. Clinton had GREAT approval ratings, was he a GREAT President? Good approval numbers primarily mean you are a good poltician and/or you're fortuitous and things went well during your term even though you may have had little to do with it. Or visa versa. Some would argue that Bush is a great President even though his approval ratings are consistently in the toilet.

You're right, personally I don't give a rip about a towel or a bathing. The towel I think it was inappropriate and I'm sure made those guys feel uncomfortable, but it's not a huge deal in itself. If you think I'm saying otherwise you've missed my point by a mile. My original question was how ultra-cons who were orgasmic over Palin would react to this news.

I don't know about how she acted in Alaska (other than some stuff I heard about some funny stuff about travel expenses and such) but I do know what three separate news orgs reported yesterday about what she did in the last two months or so. Maybe the whole national exposure thing went to her head and the worst came out of here. Perhaps I'm projecting a little because I've seen the same sort of behavior from preachers, their wives, and their children when they achieve a modicum of 'success'. Perhaps it's human nature.

Whatever. It happened. Claim sour grapes or whatever. It makes no difference why people have revealed it now, that's an ad hominem arguement. It happened, it's reality. And, to me, it's revealing (and not just in a towel sense ).

Let's put it this way, if I had been inclined to vote for McCain (and I wasn't for two reasons; Iraq and her) and I heard this stuff I would have changed my vote because for me this is revealing of character and capability. These are the two most important requirements, for me, of a candidate. I don't think she could have handled the pressure or the complexity of WH situations. If she can't handle an interview with Katie Courac, where she's given the questions ahead of time how can she handle economic policy? Maybe in four years she'll be more ready. I certainly don't doubt her intellectual capacity to get up to speed, nor do I really doubt too much her ability to campaign or to lead. It just seems to me, that based on these reports that she's not ready right now and I wouldn't want her as a VP.

Feel free to disagree.
Well, I didn't go back and read the whole thread. I usually don't have time for that, but since this is only a 4 page thread, I suppose I could have.

As for some bad behavior...I really doubt it, at least on the "diva" level, but you know, there could also be some stress involved in the last two months that contributed if that is the case. If a man shows stress (speaks sharply or angrily, or stalks out of a room, or refuses to speak to the press, etc.) it's barely noticed, but if a woman gets stressed it's characterized as "hormonal", "diva", "spoiled brat" or worse.

Personally, I think the McCain camp is going to shred her NOW, because he might try to run again in 2012, and might not want her as his competition.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:35 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Well, I didn't go back and read the whole thread. I usually don't have time for that, but since this is only a 4 page thread, I suppose I could have.

As for some bad behavior...I really doubt it, at least on the "diva" level, but you know, there could also be some stress involved in the last two months that contributed if that is the case. If a man shows stress (speaks sharply or angrily, or stalks out of a room, or refuses to speak to the press, etc.) it's barely noticed, but if a woman gets stressed it's characterized as "hormonal", "diva", "spoiled brat" or worse.

Personally, I think the McCain camp is going to shred her NOW, because he might try to run again in 2012, and might not want her as his competition.
I think his age may go against him for one and second if he couldn't win this time why would anyone think he could pull it off the second time around?

I hope Sarah does run for President and not VP.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:42 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Personally, I think the McCain camp is going to shred her NOW, because he might try to run again in 2012, and might not want her as his competition.
I think there's zero chance of that happening.

If McCain's age worked against him now at 72, how is he going to overcome that 4 years from now, at age 76?

And Obama will almost certainly be re-nominated by the Dems in 2012. If McCain couldnt take advantage of Obama's lack of experience now, it'll be even harder after Obama has 4 years of Presidential experience under his belt.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:00 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover View Post
So here is the quote...

One night, Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter went to her hotel room to brief her. After a minute, Palin sailed into the room wearing nothing but a towel, with another on her wet hair. She told them to chat with her laconic husband, Todd. "I'll be just a minute," she said.

Seriously, am I the only one who sees no problem with this? Obviously, "nothing but a towel" is a figure of speech - unless she revealed a naked body beneath... of course not. There is nothing to suggest she was nude beneath the towel. She likely added that to whatever else she had on underneath. Nice hotels have huge towels and she is petite so was likely better covered than any of the females on "The View".
Yeah, I'm struggling to see the issue as well. I'm not just defending Palin, it wouldn't matter to me who it is. It could be Nancy Pelosi, it just doesn't even register for me.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:03 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I think his age may go against him for one and second if he couldn't win this time why would anyone think he could pull it off the second time around?

I hope Sarah does run for President and not VP.
Yeah, Mac is done. This was his last shot.

You are not alone in hoping that Palin is the Red nominee in 2012. The libs and Dems are praying she's the one too. In fact, Keith Obermann says he'll contribute to her campaign to encourage her to run he's so excited about the prospect of a Palin vs. Obama campaign.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
I think there's zero chance of that happening.

If McCain's age worked against him now at 72, how is he going to overcome that 4 years from now, at age 76?

And Obama will almost certainly be re-nominated by the Dems in 2012. If McCain couldnt take advantage of Obama's lack of experience now, it'll be even harder after Obama has 4 years of Presidential experience under his belt.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:12 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Well, I didn't go back and read the whole thread. I usually don't have time for that, but since this is only a 4 page thread, I suppose I could have.

As for some bad behavior...I really doubt it, at least on the "diva" level, but you know, there could also be some stress involved in the last two months that contributed if that is the case. If a man shows stress (speaks sharply or angrily, or stalks out of a room, or refuses to speak to the press, etc.) it's barely noticed, but if a woman gets stressed it's characterized as "hormonal", "diva", "spoiled brat" or worse.

Personally, I think the McCain camp is going to shred her NOW, because he might try to run again in 2012, and might not want her as his competition.
What they are reporting goes way beyond mere hormonal issues. I am not playing the gender card here and I resent the implication that I am some sort of chauvenist. I am not. These revelations point to a basic incompetence and to an arrogance that refuses advice from the very people that are trying to help you and to a selfish focus on your own agenda to the disregard of the team. These are character issues, not hormonal issues.

BTW: Fox News tracking shows that McCain's numbers began to track toward the negative immediately after the Couric interview where Palin dropped the ball. This is one of the interviews where she refused advice and prep help from her advisors and didn't take the time even to review the questions even though they were available to her. That's very poor judgement and contributed to McCain's disaster. Was it the deciding factor in the election? Was she the deciding factor? I don't think so. I think McCain was doomed from the beginning and he ran and absolutely horrible campaign. McCain's biggest problem was the guy he saw in the mirror. But, Palin didn't help much after the first month. And these reports seem to indicate that she's not compentent to second in line to the Oval Office.

Again, all of this is merely my opinion. I could be wrong. If it comes out that these reports are all fabrications then I'll change my view. But it's been reported and verified by independent news organizations so I formulate conclusions based on what I know to be true today. But, I frequently am wrong and am more than willing to admit my error. I don't take myself so seriously as to believe that I am infallible. Feel free to disagree. Unlike some ostriches around here, I welcome dissenting opinions. And unlike partisans around here I didn't have a horse in this race. I didn't vote for either one of these turkeys. So this isn't sour grapes from me that's for sure.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
What a pathetic bunch.

They ran a failed campaign, and now they're bitter.... so now it's convenient to put the blame elsewhere and throw her under the bus, instead of admitting that they did a bad job of managing McCain's campaign.

The only thing Palin is guilty of is infusing hope into McCain's campaign. McCain's days of running for President are finished. I'd like to see Hillary and Palin run against in 4 years because I predict Obama will land on his backside with egg on his face.

Blessings, Rhoni
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