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Old 03-28-2007, 09:56 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Most of us will agree that the Pharisees were Godly men, at least from observation of their strict adherence to the Law. Even in their times the Jews were able to recognize the hypocrisy that often times accompanies the Pahrisee's pious attempts at religious perfection. I find it interesting the Talmud's distinction of the seven different types of Pharisees and wonder if we can recognize oursleves in any one of the types or bits and pieces of several of the types it lists:

I find myself in almost all categories at on time or another in my life. Jesus was not so kind as he denounced the Pharisees and their pious attempts at self-induced holiness. Jesus ripped of the facade of the Pharisees religiosity, and called the Pharisees "whitewashed tombs...full of dead men's bones" [Matthew 23-27].

Whitewashed tombs were common in Jesus' day, especially during the Passover or other religious festivals. Graves were painted white so nobody would trip over them and become unclean and unfit to worship. These tombs looked beautiful on the outside but inside were filled with dead, rotting things and everything unclean. Jesus himself advise us to ignore the outside because what is on the inside is what really counts.

The Whitewashed Tomb Syndrome -is defined as the dangerous belief that we can somehow make ourselves presentable to God through our own human effort. Not only are such efforts pointless, and fruitless...but they are not necessary...

How many times are we caught up in the outer manifestations of what we consider holiness to be only to have the outward appearnace of a tomb and inside everything is dead or dying in us.

Sincerely, Rhoni
I want to address this portion of your post:

How many times are we caught up in the outer manifestations of what we consider holiness to be only to have the outward appearnace of a tomb and inside everything is dead or dying in us.
This is a strawman.

I don't know anybody who believes that only outward issues are relevant to holiness. I certainly don't believe, teach, or example that.

The idea, however, that we can be holy on the inside without it ever manifesting outwardly is bogus and unScriptural.
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Old 03-28-2007, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
I want to address this portion of your post:

This is a strawman.

I don't know anybody who believes that only outward issues are relevant to holiness. I certainly don't believe, teach, or example that.

The idea, however, that we can be holy on the inside without it ever manifesting outwardly is bogus and unScriptural.
CS... This is probaly true for your church and others.. but there are some really dead dry wood out there that needs a fire lit under them... for sure...

the term "disdain" comes to mind... at times.. I think that there are some churches in a rut... that when it comes to "Holiness" if they look the part... act the part... but they don't live the part... They have pride for what they look like but have disdain for others....

That is why Shepherds are important... the Shepherd leads the sheep.. if he is withered on the inside whether from burnout..exaustion... or just plain unhappy the flock will follow suit... that being said... You can't judge the whole by just a few... and I for one would hope the Dry Bones Church is the Few!!

Shepherds who are withered usually become blind to these things.. thereby setting off a chain of events that wind up destroying the church....

Something had withered in Eli so much that he didn't see his sons destroying the church....He looked the part....acted the part...but lost sight of what it meant to be in the position he was... and the people followed suit...

just some thoughts...
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Old 03-28-2007, 10:17 AM
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Once again "balance" is key. Yes, the outside should manifest what is inside. You can't neglect the outside of the cup. How many would want to drink from a cup that is clean inside but outside, sticky and greasy and dirty?

Not me.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 03-28-2007, 10:20 AM
SDG SDG is offline

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How many times are we caught up in the outer manifestations of what we consider holiness to be only to have the outward appearnace of a tomb and inside everything is dead or dying in us.
This is a strawman.

I don't know anybody who believes that only outward issues are relevant to holiness. I certainly don't believe, teach, or example that.

The idea, however, that we can be holy on the inside without it ever manifesting outwardly is bogus and unScriptural.
I don't think Rhoni said this is done exclusively ... she said ... all of us [we] ... can be caught up with outward issues .... which could be standards or visible behaviors we use to impress others ... without also focusing on the inward ... our heart ...

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Old 03-28-2007, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Sis. STS,

I think you have reached the point I have...these threads about dress standards are all distractions from what the real problem is...a lack of Holiness; the nature and character of God.

Let's talk about the real issue.

Blessings, Rhoni
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