If you let them do it as a child, they will do it as an adult.
Actually, give us a little more credit than that. We, as adults, understand that there are things we no longer do as adults just because we did them as children.
My kids were allowed snacks and drinks in church as toddlers. There came a time when that was considered wrong and not once did they whine about it being ok one day and not the next.
They are now teens and still don't eat or drink in church......
There are lots of things I did as a child that I don't do as an adult.
Even the Bible says 'when I was a child, I spake as a child, I thought as a child......but when I became a man (adult), I put away childish things'.
I used to wear cute underpants (not underwear, but kinda like bloomers) under my dresses when I was a little girl. There came a time when those were no longer appropriate for me to wear and my mother stopped putting them on me.
While I understand why you said what you said, I have never agreed with anyone who says that. I've heard people tell me that about my own children and they've been proven wrong everytime.
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I just see so many parents who would never be caught dead wearing a pair of shorts because of a supposed standard who allow their kids to do the exact opposite.
I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a short dress with bloomers either, but I allowed my daughter to wear them as an infant and toddler.
I wouldn't be caught dead in pajamas with feet, but my kids wore them for years.
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Why would she say she would get your car?...Gonna use the cigarette lighter to burn her hair???
That ole gal thought she get anything from me.See her folks would hop around from Apostolic church to Apostolic church trying get things from the people .The old Elder over the church she was going to when I met her was caused alot of grief by these people.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Actually, give us a little more credit than that. We, as adults, understand that there are things we no longer do as adults just because we did them as children.
My kids were allowed snacks and drinks in church as toddlers. There came a time when that was considered wrong and not once did they whine about it being ok one day and not the next.
They are now teens and still don't eat or drink in church......
There are lots of things I did as a child that I don't do as an adult.
Even the Bible says 'when I was a child, I spake as a child, I thought as a child......but when I became a man (adult), I put away childish things'.
I used to wear cute underpants (not underwear, but kinda like bloomers) under my dresses when I was a little girl. There came a time when those were no longer appropriate for me to wear and my mother stopped putting them on me.
While I understand why you said what you said, I have never agreed with anyone who says that. I've heard people tell me that about my own children and they've been proven wrong everytime.
What's consistent about that? Sounds like the double standard - why was it okay to let the boys until secondary school and expect them not to be confused when they couldn't. But, you disallowed your daughter from the beginning?
I understand her reasoning, and I believe (I know I'm behind, but you all are busy on this thread!) that it had to do more with HER being consistent in her teaching than of the teaching itself, if that makes any sense.
People have told me that I'm raising confused children by allowing my daughter to wear pants everywhere but church, but I've been consistent in my teaching her that she wears skirts to church, regardless what she wears elsewhere.
She's almost 14 and I have never had to tell her to change her clothes before church for dressing inappropriately. She knows why I have raised her this way, and she's not confused.
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We are not talking about childish things. Either dressing in shorts is immodest, or it is ok. If an adult has a conviction that it is immodest, then they should train their children toward that stand.
This is about like telling your kids R rates movies are not appropriate for them, but watching them after hours behind closed doors. But that is another story.
You have a daughter. When she was an infant and toddler, did her dresses always to go her knee or lower?
Probably not.....yet I bet they do today!
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So please do excuse me, I was just making an attempt to clearify what Truthseeker did not understand.
And this is an open forum and anyone can read the posts. So if we would bring it before who know's who may read, how did I know it had not been discussed at home. We should never discuss things about out church in the presence of our children. Lots of times they are listening when we have no idea. It amazes me the personal and private things people will reveal about themselves and their families into an open Forum before who knows how many strangers to read.
Isn't the internet wonderful??
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