Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Could you give some examples?
Sure. On end times for starters. My Pastor back in the 80's said the Apostolic Pastor down the road was teaching false doctrine of pre trib rapture. But yet he said he was "a fine brother".
And my same post trib Pastor would be invited to preach at pre trib Churches and they said he's a "fine Apostolic man".
So even tho each group thought the other was teaching major false doctrine they still believed they all were going to Heaven. Why? Because they were Oneness and baptized in Jesus name.
Lets take a test for you Dom. You are a full fledged Preterist. You think its a great truth that Jesus came in 70ad. You think people are not in truth that believe something different.
Michael Blume is a partial pret. He does not believe Jesus came in 70ad. Is he a fine Apostolic brother to you? Even tho he thinks you are teaching error? Is Michael going to inherit eternal life even tho he is teaching (what you think) is false doctrine?
If so do you not believe in the light doctrine? That hes a good brother he just cant see what you are seeing. Or pre tribs on the forum here. Do you believe they are good godly brothers who will have eternal life? Or will they be lost for teaching falsely?
If you think they are going to be in the kingdom then you are a "light" believer, amen?