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Old 12-24-2017, 10:23 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
For someone who has made it abundantly clear that it isn't worth your time to engage in the discussion, any headaches resulting from banging your head on the floor would be likely self-inflicted.

*Which is my entire point .

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
Which leaves you in the no man's land of multiversionism.

What a lousy trade off.
*And which revision of the KJV do you use again (& do you use the Oxford or Cambridge KJV?)? I assume ye' useth the "original" 1611 KJV (I have a copy if you need me to send ya' one ) ?

*Better watch all of those "multiversions" of the KJV .
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Old 12-24-2017, 10:35 PM
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
*Which is my entire point .

*And which revision of the KJV do you use again (& do you use the Oxford or Cambridge KJV?)? I assume ye' useth the "original" 1611 KJV (I have a copy if you need me to send ya' one ) ?

*Better watch all of those "multiversions" of the KJV .
I use a KJV and an old dictionary(only).

No commentary or fake Greek definitions for this guy.

I have no problem with revisions in the KJV from the 1611 version.

They are not adding, subtracting or redefining meanings and verses as the modern versions do.
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Old 12-25-2017, 11:57 AM
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
I use a KJV and an old dictionary(only).

No commentary or fake Greek definitions for this guy.

I have no problem with revisions in the KJV from the 1611 version.

They are not adding, subtracting or redefining meanings and verses as the modern versions do.
An old dictionary? Try reading the Bible in a language you can understand.
They have them in Sunday school room. Filled with pictures. Sean, 17th century English is lost on you.
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Old 12-25-2017, 12:13 PM
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
*Which is my entire point .

*And which revision of the KJV do you use again (& do you use the Oxford or Cambridge KJV?)? I assume ye' useth the "original" 1611 KJV (I have a copy if you need me to send ya' one ) ?

*Better watch all of those "multiversions" of the KJV .
Hey I didn’t read this whole thread, but did Sean pull out Gail Riplinger the homec teacher?

She will prove that demonic lesbians rewrote the Bible. From the godly English to nasty modern English. It is like Elder LeDeayism of God’s language is Hebrew. How the Bible must be retranslated into Hebrew to get its true meanings. Gail Riplinger believes (as does Kent Hovine) that 17th century English is the only way to preserve scripture. But to be totally fair, this happened a few times before. Latin Vulgate translated from the Original GREEK Bible. That didn’t go over to well, with the purists of the time. Listen, no one over in China or Italy are studying KJV Only baloneyism. The Bible is translated almost into every language. Missionaries preach, teach, and reach the people in the people’s language of birth. They don’t go out and teach everyone to speak 17th century English first.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 12-25-2017, 12:28 PM
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

With regard to the NT, one lesbian was consulted on one passage.

Riplinger has not academic training in biblical languages. Textual criticism is best left to professional textual critics.
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Old 12-25-2017, 02:21 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

She was the pick of the litter......

Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Adam and Eve" by Albrecht Dürer (1504)Part of a series on
and gender
1 Timothy 2:12
Biblical womanhood
Christian views on marriage
Female disciples of Jesus
Jesus' interactions with women
List of women in the Bible
Ordination of women
Deaconess; (Catholic, Protestant, Anglican)
Paul the Apostle and women
Rape in the Hebrew Bible
Stay-at-home daughter
Women as theological figures
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Women in Christianity
Four major positions
Christian egalitarianism
Christian feminism
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Christians for Biblical Equality
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Vision Forum (defunct)
Theologians and authors
Anne Eggebroten Grace Jantzen Virginia Ramey Mollenkott Letha Dawson Scanzoni
Gilbert Bilezikian Greg Boyd Gordon Fee Kevin Giles Stanley Grenz Kenneth E. Hagin Paul Jewett Roger Nicole Frank Stagg William J. Webb
Don Carson John MacArthur Susan Foh John Frame Wayne Grudem George W. Knight III Albert Mohler Douglas Moo Dorothy Patterson Paige Patterson John Piper Vern Poythress
Roman Catholic
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Frederica Mathewes-Green
v t e
Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, best known for her "God of the Breasts" interpretation of El Shaddai, spent her 44-year professional career teaching college level English literature and language, but developed specializations in feminist theology and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender theology during the second half of that career.[1]

Contents [hide]
1 Personal life
2 Education
3 Career
4 Writing
4.1 Editting
5 Awards
6 See also
7 References
8 External links
Personal life[edit]
She was born in Philadelphia's Temple University Hospital on January 28, 1932; married Frederick H. Mollenkott on June 17, 1954; had a son, Paul F. Mollenkott, on July 3, 1958; and was divorced in July 1973.[1] A Democrat and trans-religious Christian, Mollenkott lives with her domestic partner Judith Suzannah Tilton at Cedar Crest Retirement Village; together they co-grandmother Virginia's three granddaughters.[2][3]

She earned her B.A. from fundamentalist Bob Jones University in 1953; her M.A. at Temple University in 1955; her Ph.D. at New York University in 1964; and received an honorary Doctorate in Ministries from Samaritan College in 1989.[1][2][3]

She chaired the English Department at Shelton College, Ringwood, New Jersey, from 1955–1963 and at Nyack College, from 1963-1967. She then taught at William Paterson University from 1967 to 1997, chairing the English Department from 1972–1976 and since 1997 holding the position of Professor of Englih Emeritus.[1][2][3]

Mollenkott served as an assistant editor of Seventeenth Century News from 1965–1975; as a stylistic consultant for the New International Version of the Bible for the American Bible Society from 1970–1978. Mollenkott became an associate of the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press (WIFP) in 1977.[4] WIFP is an American nonprofit publishing organization. The organization works to increase communication between women and connect the public with forms of women-based media. She also was a member of the translation committee for An Inclusive Language Lectionary for the National Council of Churches from 1980–1988. 1980-1990, she was on the Board of Pacem in Terris, Warwick, New York. Starting in 1989 through 1994, Mollenkott served on the Board of the Upper Room AIDS Ministry, Harlem, New York. For over a decade she was on the Board of Kirkridge Retreat and Conference Center, Bangor, PA starting in 1980. She held a seat on the Advisory Board of the Program on Gender and Society at the Rochester (New York) Divinity School from 1993–1996. She started as a manuscript evaluator for the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion in 1994 and has continued into the present. She worked as a contributing editor to The Witness from 1994 to 2000. Since 1997 she has served on the editorial board of Studies in Theology and Sexuality, based in the United Kingdom. She was also a contributing editor to The Other Side from 2003-2007. She has delivered hundreds of guest lectures on feminist and LGBT theologies at churches, conferences, universities and seminaries throughout the United States.[5]
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Old 12-25-2017, 02:23 PM
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

...one passage?

My eye.
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Old 12-25-2017, 04:37 PM
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

There were, if I recall, 2 lesbians on the committee. One in the NT and one in the OT. The one you referred to covered OT literature.

The other one covered a passage in the pauline corpus.
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Old 12-25-2017, 05:53 PM
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

Scott, Sean isn’t good at details. Nor does he understand anything outside of his cookie cutter religiousity. KJV Onlyism is an English speakers issue. Ecclesiastical dimwits who have never ventured past the hallowed halls of King James’ English, have a narrow view of Bible history. These same people who bang the table top confessing a need to uphold the original KJV, fall down the rabbit hole when questioned on the lack of the KJV deuterocanonical books. Books which were later removed. One thing that Sean never fails to do is show that he is inconsistent. He and his kind, remind people why they should steer clear of self proclaimed religious hero’s of the faith.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 12-25-2017, 07:00 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: Trinitarian Commentaries vs. Discourse Analysi

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Hey I didn’t read this whole thread, but did Sean pull out Gail Riplinger the homec teacher?

She will prove that demonic lesbians rewrote the Bible. From the godly English to nasty modern English. It is like Elder LeDeayism of God’s language is Hebrew. How the Bible must be retranslated into Hebrew to get its true meanings. Gail Riplinger believes (as does Kent Hovine) that 17th century English is the only way to preserve scripture. But to be totally fair, this happened a few times before. Latin Vulgate translated from the Original GREEK Bible. That didn’t go over to well, with the purists of the time. Listen, no one over in China or Italy are studying KJV Only baloneyism. The Bible is translated almost into every language. Missionaries preach, teach, and reach the people in the people’s language of birth. They don’t go out and teach everyone to speak 17th century English first.
*Good point(s) - and oh-so true.

*Apparently Sean doesn't realize that he is defending a gay king whose name appears on the very front cover ! Though KJVO's desperately attempt to deny this historical fact - it is an exercise in futility since we have his very own quotes (& he is buried next to his lover: http://www.ministers-best-friend.com...omosexual.html).



*Of course, it is more rationale to believe in Bigfoot than it is to attempt logic & facts w. KJVO's .
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