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Old 04-20-2009, 05:10 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
I will politely say that this post does not warrant a reply. Points for idle entertainment though. I nominate this as the "Alan Greenspan post of the day". Lots of words, nothing specific, nothing of value, nothing that would sway the markets.
Are you chicken Allah king? By the way, I'll take Alan Greenspan over the idiot who's running things now: Geitner.
You may not like the posts, but I suspect you understand aggression better than love.
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Old 04-20-2009, 05:22 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
I will politely say that this post does not warrant a reply. Points for idle entertainment though. I nominate this as the "Alan Greenspan post of the day". Lots of words, nothing specific, nothing of value, nothing that would sway the markets.
Then I'll do it piece by piece. In Islam, why is handling ham and other pork products "unclean," but wiping your rear with your bare hands is OK, and not unclean?
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Old 04-20-2009, 05:24 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by oletime View Post
tt your killing me, i dont think ive laughed any harder after reading your posts # 82,83,84 wii cant be reached right now, he is out doing some more charity work , like using smaller rocks for stonings.
I wasn't trying to be funny. But thanks.
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Old 04-21-2009, 09:11 AM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
It is said that the Quran was delivered to Mohammed by an angel. Sounds like what Joseph Smith Said about angels comming to him with the book of morman.God is the same today and always he does not change why would he give differant books that sdays differant things to differant people?
My only comment is that when I am confused about something I thoroughly research it for discrepencies from the text and requirements of God's law handed down since the beginning of time to Abraham, Moses, and the prophets after them. Research generally works for me and I am cynical as it is. My advice then would be, if you are truly curious, and not speaking idle words, to search for the answer to your questions. You are certainly able to search for what you are supposed to do with your life in your own Bible. It is there. Even the Quran says it is there.

So the apostle Paul was God-inspired, yes? Follow his words and your churches will look like mosques anyway.

"Let your women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak. They are commanded to be under obedience. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church"The holyghost was given to all souls,and he is niether male or female!! ----------------------------------------------------------
"If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off, and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved, she should cover her head"My hair is my covering because it is a shame to have my hair cut! ---
God-Inspired? Why don't christians follow it then? "re-interpreted?"
You cant speak for everybody!!!!!!! ---------------------
Love covers a multitude of sin!
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Old 04-21-2009, 01:07 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by shawndell View Post
You cant speak for everybody!!!!!!! ---------------------
I think "Walks in Islam" is so used to living under a specific set of laws, and nothing else (Friday worship at a Mosque, no pork, prayer 5 times a day, go to Mecca at least once in his life, etc., etc.) that he can never understand Christianity. To him, God keeps a record of all of his rights and wrongs. Yet as Isaiah said, "his righteousness is as filthy rags." I think his cynical attitude only applies to us examining Christianity, and not the reverse. I don't think he ever dares to ask if Muhammed was illiterate or anything else like that, or the contradictions within Islam. He'd be beheaded if he did.
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Old 04-22-2009, 12:43 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

NEWS: When you bring your unwelcome arrogant attitudes and message to other countries, and get them addressed with prejudice, do not whine about it: Stop and consider that if you were offering something good, something people actually see as good and something they wanted, they would welcome you. You offer nothing of value, so you are not welcomed. Do you get it? People want something good, something of value, something that will change their lives. Instead, they get you and your kind. No wonder they react so forcefully.

You then twitter among yourselves inventing outside "enemies" (of your own making, usually raggedy villagers) to pound senseless while your neighborhoods, cities, states, and nation decay around you. If anything you had to offer was life-changing or valuable the change would certainly be expected to start in your own neighborhoods.

The thought of beheadings, executions, or otherwise bothers me very little. I will die someday anyway, and I will face God and state that I did what was in front of me to do, did not shirk on what I was supposed to do, and He may then do as he wishes with me. Your shallow, foolish words on this do not matter now nor will they matter then. I fully intend to ask Him why He sprinkled smelly little piles of you on His otherwise beautiful earth. It is a question I have. Many around the world have that same question.

Chicken??? I and my family live in a place where any day, any time I could be mistaken for one of you and killed outright - just to send a message to you to show how little value you offer to the world and unwelcome you are to the rest of the world. It however appears that I walk these streets daily anyway - and this does not bother me. You will probably need to qualify that chicken thing a bit. The chicken is leaving piles that resemble your message of "love" and "hope" to the world.
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Old 04-22-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Walks I will have to agree with ya we do interfear in other countries business to much when we got our own stuff to work out..LOL
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Old 04-22-2009, 01:56 PM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Thomas Trini View Post
Then why are Muslims coming here if it's so bad? Incidentally, I know about the 3 Muslim houses: The house of peace (until Muslims are a majority), the house of War (when Muslims are a majority) and the House of neutrality (I believe) is the third one.
After they make war they neutralize us?
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:15 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
NEWS: When you bring your unwelcome arrogant attitudes and message to other countries, and get them addressed with prejudice, do not whine about it: Stop and consider that if you were offering something good, something people actually see as good and something they wanted, they would welcome you. You offer nothing of value, so you are not welcomed. Do you get it? People want something good, something of value, something that will change their lives. Instead, they get you and your kind. No wonder they react so forcefully.

You then twitter among yourselves inventing outside "enemies" (of your own making, usually raggedy villagers) to pound senseless while your neighborhoods, cities, states, and nation decay around you. If anything you had to offer was life-changing or valuable the change would certainly be expected to start in your own neighborhoods.

The thought of beheadings, executions, or otherwise bothers me very little. I will die someday anyway, and I will face God and state that I did what was in front of me to do, did not shirk on what I was supposed to do, and He may then do as he wishes with me. Your shallow, foolish words on this do not matter now nor will they matter then. I fully intend to ask Him why He sprinkled smelly little piles of you on His otherwise beautiful earth. It is a question I have. Many around the world have that same question.

Chicken??? I and my family live in a place where any day, any time I could be mistaken for one of you and killed outright - just to send a message to you to show how little value you offer to the world and unwelcome you are to the rest of the world. It however appears that I walk these streets daily anyway - and this does not bother me. You will probably need to qualify that chicken thing a bit. The chicken is leaving piles that resemble your message of "love" and "hope" to the world.
I'm guess I'm realizing why you can't accept Christianity at all. You live in a world of no gratitude whatsoever. You said you lived in the United States. Really? You don't act like it. You serve a God (Allah) who has no love, and is not a loving God. Just a tyrant.
What has the U.S. given the Arab countries? We found oil in your countries (Exxon, Mobil and others) and then, instead of keeping it (as we should have), we allowed your leaders to take it over and use its profits to build up your countries(and many of these countries have gasoline at 99 cents a gallon). We overthrew your dictators (not just Hussein), but you want others who are worse. When the Shah of Iran was taken out of office by Jimmy Carter, you chose a far more evil leader: Khomeni. Still, we fed your people when your own leaders were unwilling to, and kept much of it for themselves. Still we sent more. And more. We flew your people with cleft palates into our countries at no charge, or came there and did it at no cost to you. We sent thousands of vaccines for you at no cost. We flew people with crippling diseases to the U.S. and fixed them up, and sent them home. We built many of your cities. After the tsunami several years ago, we sent hundreds of ships and planes when acts of God (perhaps your God?) killed and injured your own people in Indonesia. When earthquakes devastate your cities, we're the first ones to show up. Not even your own Muslim brothers and sisters raise money for their own citizens (unless it's to kill Israelis, then the fundraising money pours in by the boatload). We send Christian missionaries to care for the sick and the lame that you reject. And what do we get in return? Usually a knife to the throat. Unlike Muslims, we don't ask what your religion is, and then kill any non-believers who don't act the way you do.
When we send aid to the Hamas (a terrorist organiztion), we expect them to live up to their word. But we know deep inside that they are liars, and it would be used for bullets and bombs rather than butter, eggs, meat, grains and milk. But we hope maybe their citizens will see that hypocrisy, and overthrow such bullies, who use lies to stay in power. Yet we're the ones who are viewed so wrong? Your brothers and sisters are so brainwashed as to think that Jews actually are fed drops of the blood of Muslims mixed with their baby milk. What nonsense you must use in order to believe that. How ungrateful you must be in order to accept this.
Something of value? Try over a billion dollars that your own, oil rich despots won't give to anyone. When food aid arrives in your Middle Eastern countries, much of it is stolen by your leaders. When Saddam Hussein was captured, remember all that money he had? He could have fed hundreds for over a year on that money alone. His own people. Yet he chose to keep it, and let your people starve, and live without running water. What about all of those who die by sand spiders? The next time one of your brothers or sisters in the faith has malaria, TB, syphillus or any other disease, guess who'll be there for you? It won't be a fellow Muslim.
You want love?
It doesn't originate from Islam. It originates from the hospitals which were founded on Christian principles, and the very first ones were formed by Christian missionaries.
Mistaken for one of us? I worked with bombs in the military. They're so accurate we could pick out which window pane in your house to put them through. Yet because your military leaders are cowards, and hide in schools and hospitals behind innocent civilians, you cry when they die. You never force them out to fight like a man, and go somewhere where there are no innocent people. Like I said, Muslims can never say, even once, that they're ever, ever, ever wrong. To do so must be some crazy beilef that is related to your unforgiving attitude and belief system.
In World War One, when General Pershing found one of your Muslim brothers fighting in the war, he interrogated them by tying them up in a chair, and sticking a bucket of pig's blood above their head. If they refused to talk, he pulled a rope, and the pig's blood dumped on the Muslim fighter. He then shot them in the head. While others may not know what this means, you do. Anyone who dies as a result of this after being "showered" with the blood of (an "unclean") pig goes straight to Hell in your belief system. Oh, if only we did that today, or dipped our bullets in pigs blood fighting against Islamo-Nazis. Instead, we try and fight more "civilized" and "honorable" ways with people that have no honor, and know no such things. Instead, you come to our country and don't even bother lifting up the toilet seat when you pee. Like a little boy, you don't. Evidently, it's "unclean," and you let the janitors wipe it up.
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:16 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
After they make war they neutralize us?
I didn't do that in order. But I think the third house is neutral. I know the first 2 are right.
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