Originally Posted by Coonskinner
You know, I never think about WH except when I read about him on here.
I know how I and the men I fellowship teach salvation.
And you don't have to hire a private investigator with the gift of discernment to figure out what we believe it takes to be saved.
Even though I visit a lot and try to keep up my many years away from the UPC is really glaring now and then such as about a year ago when I first heard about WH and the Church of Breakfast Champions.
Here is a guy who had one of the most successful UPC churches in Houston and I had never heard about him. The big guys back in my day for Houston were Kilgore, Dees, Fauss, and Mitchell.
Grace Church was then a church of around 200-300 in Humble and I didn't even know about Bro. Green's church. Now those two churches along with the Breakfast church are all exUPC and probably have more members than all of the UPC churches left in the area combined.