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Branhamism Discussion of distinctive doctrines of William M. Branham.

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Old 05-31-2008, 10:58 AM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
I understand that many were not healed by Jesus because he passed them by, but Never, Nada, No not one person that Jesus prayed for ever left him without healing. He NEVER MISSED ONE TIME!
That's the truth!!!

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
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Old 05-31-2008, 11:07 AM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

"Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone". The Bible is very clear that He did not heal everyone. The question is: "Why couldn't Jesus heal everyone?"

It's not about the "will of the Father", because the Father's will is to heal everybody. He sent Jesus to do just that. However, God had already given dominion of the earth to mankind, (Gen 1:28) therefore if God had forced healing onto everyone, sovereignly against their will, God would have broken His Own Word and made Himself a liar. That's why it is necessary to receive by faith, anything that God is offering. God cannot go against a person's will, for that would be going against His Own Word.

God cannot lie, therefore He cannot heal those who will not receive by faith. You may argue that God could have, but He chose not to. "It is impossible for God to lie". "God's Word is immutable". "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away" than for one puntuation mark to pass from His Word. God's Word "liveth and abideth forever". God's Word "cannot be broken". (even by God Himself). The above referred to scriptures place the issue of God being able to heal someone against their will, into the realm of impossibilities. God's Word is so strong that even God cannot break it.

UNBELIEF is the only reason, on earth that God cannot or will not ever heal anybody.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Jesus bore away my sins, my sickness, and my poverty. That covers it all. Everything else is just legalism.
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Old 05-31-2008, 11:21 AM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by Bro-Larry View Post
"Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone". The Bible is very clear that He did not heal everyone. The question is: "Why couldn't Jesus heal everyone?"

It's not about the "will of the Father", because the Father's will is to heal everybody. He sent Jesus to do just that. However, God had already given dominion of the earth to mankind, (Gen 1:28) therefore if God had forced healing onto everyone, sovereignly against their will, God would have broken His Own Word and made Himself a liar. That's why it is necessary to receive by faith, anything that God is offering. God cannot go against a person's will, for that would be going against His Own Word.

God cannot lie, therefore He cannot heal those who will not receive by faith. You may argue that God could have, but He chose not to. "It is impossible for God to lie". "God's Word is immutable". "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away" than for one puntuation mark to pass from His Word. God's Word "liveth and abideth forever". God's Word "cannot be broken". (even by God Himself). The above referred to scriptures place the issue of God being able to heal someone against their will, into the realm of impossibilities. God's Word is so strong that even God cannot break it.

UNBELIEF is the only reason, on earth that God cannot or will not ever heal anybody.
Very balanced.. and very much what I have been trying to say from the beginning
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Old 05-31-2008, 08:11 PM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by staysharp View Post
Matt, this begs to ask the question, "can a man prophesy falsely and be of God?" Why do we make excuses for this behavior?

Scripturally, we never see a prophet of God speak falsely. Either he is of God or not. This whole notion that he is human and therefore subject to error in my opinion is ridiculous!

Men should not open their mouths unless divinely directed of the Holy Spirit. IMO, these men want to "make" God move.

The notion of humans commanding angels and healing is false. Name it and claim it is an erroneous gospel. The power the disciples had was given to them by Jesus himself.

I believe pride is the root of most of these ministries who claim direct access to God himself.

Are there gifts? Yes, of course. Do we have the power of the original Apostles? No. God gave them a specific anointing to establish the church.
Do we have any biblical proof of any prophets that were "hit and miss"? This would actually make a good thread of its own.
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Old 06-01-2008, 01:55 AM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

The more that I read the title of this thread "Even Jesus Couldn't Heal Everyone" the more it bugs me. I take it personal when I hear someone attempt to do away with the deity and power of my Lord and Savior.

The word "EVEN" is used as a comparative word to compare Jesus with Mr. Branham. There is absolutely NOTHING, read that clearly, "NOTHING" that Jesus Christ CANNOT DO! I am not here to destroy the character of William Branham. My very limited knowledge of the man does not qualify me to say too much about him, other than I believe he taught many untruths which are still being followed by some today. But I'm not here to debate that. However, you are in total error to compare William Branham to Christ Jesus in the way that you have. It's obvious that you can't bring Branham up to the flawless level of Jesus, so you decide to bring Jesus down to the imperfect level of Branham. Your wrong Sir and you should admit that what you said was wrong.

Again, there is NOTHING that Jesus Christ couldn't or can't do. Matthew 28:18, "Then Jesus came up and said to them, 'ALL power has been given to Me in Heaven and in Earth.'" Now, I'm not certain as to where you're from, but in my part of the world, we take words like "ALL" and define them as "ALL". ALL POWER!

Anyway, not wanting to argue, but this is just plain wrong and it's an insult!
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:06 AM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
The more that I read the title of this thread "Even Jesus Couldn't Heal Everyone" the more it bugs me. I take it personal when I hear someone attempt to do away with the deity and power of my Lord and Savior.

The word "EVEN" is used as a comparative word to compare Jesus with Mr. Branham. There is absolutely NOTHING, read that clearly, "NOTHING" that Jesus Christ CANNOT DO! I am not here to destroy the character of William Branham. My very limited knowledge of the man does not qualify me to say too much about him, other than I believe he taught many untruths which are still being followed by some today. But I'm not here to debate that. However, you are in total error to compare William Branham to Christ Jesus in the way that you have. It's obvious that you can't bring Branham up to the flawless level of Jesus, so you decide to bring Jesus down to the imperfect level of Branham. Your wrong Sir and you should admit that what you said was wrong.

Again, there is NOTHING that Jesus Christ couldn't or can't do. Matthew 28:18, "Then Jesus came up and said to them, 'ALL power has been given to Me in Heaven and in Earth.'" Now, I'm not certain as to where you're from, but in my part of the world, we take words like "ALL" and define them as "ALL". ALL POWER!

Anyway, not wanting to argue, but this is just plain wrong and it's an insult!
Thank you kindly for totally wasting your time with trying to prove something to me that I already know... you absolutely missed the entire point of the thread.. it was never to elevate Branham to the status of Jesus.. it was to make the point that even people whom Jesus encountered if they had no faith even HE COULDNT HEAL THEM....... trying to show that just because people were unhealed in branhams meetings while so many others were... was not a slam on bro. Branham... if they had no faith of if it wasn't Gods timing for their healing.. they would leave unhealed... that was the point.. so sorry you missed it
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:11 AM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Thank you kindly for totally wasting your time with trying to prove something to me that I already know... you absolutely missed the entire point of the thread.. it was never to elevate Branham to the status of Jesus.. it was to make the point that even people whom Jesus encountered if they had no faith even HE COULDNT HEAL THEM....... trying to show that just because people were unhealed in branhams meetings while so many others were... was not a slam on bro. Branham... if they had no faith of if it wasn't Gods timing for their healing.. they would leave unhealed... that was the point.. so sorry you missed it
I didn't see anyone decry that Branham could not heal everyone...I saw it said that Branham claimed someone was healed and they went and died anyways...
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Old 06-01-2008, 03:45 AM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I didn't see anyone decry that Branham could not heal everyone...I saw it said that Branham claimed someone was healed and they went and died anyways...
Exactly! How can anyone try to compare the record of Jesus Christ to that?! What a joke!
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:34 PM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
Exactly! How can anyone try to compare the record of Jesus Christ to that?! What a joke!
This happens a lot and rather than Dr V taking responsibility for his wayward posts he tries to make it our fault.

The problem is he has started so many new threads is such a short time and then gotten involved in the discussions that he can't keep track of what he was arguing and who said what. I made a comment once about Jonah and he responded as though I was speaking of Jeremiah....it was someone ELSE that was speaking of Jeremiah and when I corrected him I never saw him respond.

Several other times he has put words in my mouth and committed several logical fallacies.....never to be acknowledged. He has made assertion after assertion as to his own doctrine but also as to Pentecostals and when I take his statements and refute them he ignores me post after post after post until after I keep persuing it he accuses me of being antagonistic and that this is the reason he is avoiding me. I asked some questions I think need answering in consideration of his doctrine and his misuse of the scriptures and criticism of Pentecostals....he ignored them too.

I want to know, since he says he speaks in tongues, when and where? Are his tongues always interpreted?

And has he been in a Pentecostal service when a tongue went forth and was interpreted. And if so was that different than the other times when Pentecostals were just speaking in tongues all at once during worship?

But he refuses to answer. He also refuses to acknowledge he said things that we do or say happen in Pentecostal services ONLY happens in a voodoo ritual. He wants to blame me and us for his own mistakes, but the sooner he realizes he is guilty as much as anyone else for convoluting a discussion the sooner we can have a real discussion.

But he has to stop blowing off people when they make counter arguments.
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  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 06-01-2008, 03:47 PM
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Re: Even Jesus couldn't heal everyone

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Thank you kindly for totally wasting your time with trying to prove something to me that I already know... you absolutely missed the entire point of the thread.. it was never to elevate Branham to the status of Jesus.. it was to make the point that even people whom Jesus encountered if they had no faith even HE COULDNT HEAL THEM....... trying to show that just because people were unhealed in branhams meetings while so many others were... was not a slam on bro. Branham... if they had no faith of if it wasn't Gods timing for their healing.. they would leave unhealed... that was the point.. so sorry you missed it
That may not have been your intent, but that was most certainly the result of you making the comparison between Jesus and Branham.
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