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Old 06-30-2009, 11:03 AM
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Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
Posts: 27,040
looking back over my life..

Celebrating 41 years of mission work…

"I have but one passion - it is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ." - Count Zinzendorf
This month we celebrated 41 years that I have been on the mission field. In some ways it seems like yesterday that I came yet it has been a lifetime!
I have never felt it a sacrifice to be a missionary From high lofty spiritual mountain peaks to dark valleys from great triumphs to bitter defeats…The ups and downs have never changed the call it has always been there. I know about being tired, anxious, discouraged, isolated, angry, and homesick and all the feelings that missionaries feel at some time or the other yet to balance it out I too know about the witch doctors that become pastors, idols worshippers that fall at the feet of the one true God. I know about those hopeless cases of diseases and sickness that have been healed by the touch of His Hand.
Just this month an older sister hugged me a long time and wept…remembering 38 years ago I told her the story of Jesus…Missionary, if it had not been for you I would have been just another number in the millions that die unreached … I so well remember many years ago the first seeds I planted…today they are still giving fruit. I have seen 3 generations come into this marvelous truth and seen an army formed that is marching through this vast land telling the story of Jesus.
Today I look back down the trail that I have traveled and feel the wonder that of all people He called me a little country girl from Arkansas to carry his word to foreign shores…I have never lost the wonder that I have played a part in His eternal plan. God said it, I believed it, He did it. It was and is His spirit that draws the lost to Him. We are only earthly channels.
To me His calling is irrevocable. As Paul of old I too can join his voice saying "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:11-13).
Sometimes as we pause to look back over our lives there are those who have regrets however my only regret is that I do not have another life to give on some mission field.
If anyone questions the unmistakable hand of God the answers lies in the fact that He has taken care of us for all these years. He has raised up churches all over this vast country. From north to south east to west there are people that are saved because of our obeying His call.
Although there were certainly difficult times we have seen incredible fruit.
Life is a reminder that God has proven Himself sufficient in every need. I have stood by the grave of my mother and and buried her on the field, watched my grandson have two heart surgeries, faced robbers and dangerous bandits. Our cars have been stolen, our money taken from us …Today I know something about the cost however I do not dwell on those things.
If He is directing you toward missions, BE GLAD! He will show you His way in His own time.
Surely there can be no deeper joy than that of saving souls. I once read about the Moravians. The article said, “Upon arriving at the shores of their destinations, the Moravians would unload their few belongings and then burn the ships. It was a refusal to look back to that country from which they went out. The Moravian's passion for missions was great, because their passion for God was great.”
That is my feeling also! All bridges have been burned for over 41 years and we press on forward reaching out to souls. I can testify to God’s faithfulness along the journey. Friends may fail but He who called will never fail! He is faithful. His promises are sure and His grace is sufficient for the journey
With humbleness I know this great work would have been impossible without our precious homeland supporters. You will never know how much you mean to us until we reach that shore where we all rest from our labor.
I know these are difficult economic times and are impacting families and churches, but the Great Commission always demanded sacrifice. There are vast pockets of lostness where multitudes have yet to even hear the name of Jesus.
Today we have 3 carloads traveling in the state of Mato Grosso and 2 will go on over to the little work in Paraguay. We are supporting several national missionaries and ever reaching out. One of our sons is in the jungles two others are in big cities preaching this gospel. Brother Alvear is our anchor
Some of the most precious people to me is my pastor and his wife Brother and sister Bryan Taylor. Without their support and help I am sure we would not even be here to tell you the story of my life.

Ending my little missive I want to pen a poem I once read:

I heard Him call, "Come follow."
That was all.
My gold grew dim.
My soul went after Him.
I rose and followed. That was all.
Who would not follow if they heard Him call?

author unknown

Until I hear the upward call I remain your Missionary to Brazil

Sister Janice Alvear
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.

If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
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