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Old 02-15-2007, 08:49 AM
Pastor Baird Pastor Baird is offline
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---HELP ME... If you can!---

I am doing a pastors installation service this weekend. ( Pastor is my "son in the gospel" )

I have been looking for some info in regards to real life shepherds, the use of the shepherds staff, etc. etc.

I have not had much success.

Anyone have anything you would be willing to share????

Please help if you can...
Thanks much!
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Old 02-15-2007, 08:50 AM
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well you could round up some stinky live sheep..lol..
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Old 02-15-2007, 08:52 AM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Pastor Baird View Post
I am doing a pastors installation service this weekend. ( Pastor is my "son in the gospel" )

I have been looking for some info in regards to real life shepherds, the use of the shepherds staff, etc. etc.

I have not had much success.

Anyone have anything you would be willing to share????

Please help if you can...
Thanks much!

My grandpa was a shepherd when he was young. He had some pretty cool stories. Not sure you want to include anything having to do with having a .22cal long rifle within reach at all times.

He said it was just like camping, it got lonely, and he told me with all that time looking and considering God's creation and landscape, it is no wonder David was able to write the Psalms.

Not sure that helped much. He didn't really mention anything about a staff, maybe that was what the rifle was for in modern times relative to the bible.
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Old 02-15-2007, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Baird View Post
I am doing a pastors installation service this weekend. ( Pastor is my "son in the gospel" )

I have been looking for some info in regards to real life shepherds, the use of the shepherds staff, etc. etc.

I have not had much success.

Anyone have anything you would be willing to share????

Please help if you can...
Thanks much!
I read in a story that a sheperd would break a sheep's leg if it persistantly wondered from the fold, and the it wouldn't wander anymore... lol Just joking ! Actually, the story of Amos by Francine Rivers spoke alot of the ways of a sheperd.....pretty good story....I enjoyed the book...

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Old 02-15-2007, 11:02 AM
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"A Shepherd's Look at the 23 Psalm"

Great book.
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

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Old 02-15-2007, 11:11 AM
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I grew up in a family that owned sheep. My grandpa and his brothers had 10,000 head on open range before people started putting up fences.

sheep are funny creatures. they will be standing in a field of rye grass and get their heads stuck in a fence eating the wild stuff that is growing on the other side. Ive seen it a thousand times.

on the subject of the sheppard. When I was a kid, every evening my Papa would walk out of his house and yell "here lamb" and all the sheep would start walking to the barn. Now when he would go on vacation, I would have to bring them in. I would have to walk out to the field and gather them up, always tracking down those one or two that wanted to stay behind in the field.....but Papa just had to calll them once and they all came running.

Another thing. If I were there with him, I would try to count the sheep as they came into the barn. we had to make sure they were all there. now when I was a kid, Papa still had a couple hundred head. That aint easy to count when they are coming thru the gate 5 or 6 deep. but Papa would just look at the heard, and say "2 or missing" he knew them all individually. Generally by knowing which one was missing, he would know where to look....
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Old 02-15-2007, 11:21 AM

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Pastor Baird,

(For all you that don't know, Bro. Baird is my 'Brother from another Mother'. He and I share something most precious - a phenominal Pastor - but we were from different Churches. Glad to have you here, Bro. Baird!)

Shepherds? A few things come to mind at this point:

1. "A Shepherd's Heart" ... message by Bro. O. R. Fauss at Texas Bible College years ago. It's a classic and one that every Pastor / Minister should listen to.

2. I have a message I preach called "The Instruments of a Foolish Shepherd". God tells the people, "I'm weary of dealing with your weakness." and then tells the Prophet "It's up to you to make a difference, but know you can't do it with the instruments of a foolish shepherd!" I did some pretty in depth research and was quite amazed at what the shepherds found to be 'instruments of a foolish shepherd'.

3. On my installation service the former Pastor brought a 'staff' (cut out of plywood, sanded and varnished) down the aisle. At the front he pulled out a permanent marker and signed his name, his wife signed her name and immediately the entire Church filed out to sign the staff (signifying their desire for me to be their Shepherd) and hug our necks.

Quite touching, actually. I still have it (it made it through the hurricane) and look at it often... especially in times of intricate 'decision making'. I want to perpetually keep foremost in my mind the responsibility I have to these precious people.

Interestingly enough, when I look at it I often find myself sad by seeing the names of those that signed it... and didn't mean what they said... and happy about those that signed it and have cherished my family ever since.

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Old 02-15-2007, 11:21 AM

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Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
"A Shepherd's Look at the 23 Psalm"

Great book.
A GREAT book in my opinion, too.
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Old 02-15-2007, 11:36 AM
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google "Shepherds Staff"

I use COKESBURY for this type of supplies -

During The Ordination Service
After The Anointing {pouring the oil over his head}
I Place A Ministerial Stole Over His Shoulders
and A Braided Sash Cord In His Hands -
A three way cord is not easily broken -
1- Prayer / 2 - Devotion / 3 - Dedication
Next I Quote Pauls Charge To Timothy -


{were you ever near Graham,NC?}

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Old 02-15-2007, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
.....Another thing. If I were there with him, I would try to count the sheep as they came into the barn. we had to make sure they were all there
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